Then soon, the aroma reached the extreme.

It's a little crocodile monster coming out of the cave.

The crocodile monster is only about seven or eight meters high. Compared with the crocodile monster that led Ye Yun to come, the gap is too big. To be accurate, there is no comparability at all.

But the little crocodile monster, or the little beautiful fish, is not as ugly as a normal beautiful fish.

The most shocking thing is that the aroma erupted from this beautiful fish.

Other beautiful fish may have been soaking in the ugly mud all year round, so their bodies have smelled.

But now the little beautiful fish in front of him has more fragrance than the most fragrant flowers in the world.

Ye Yun also tried to use mental power to explore the little beautiful fish, but he was directly rejected by the mysterious energy in his body.

"Lao Mei, why did you bring a human to the forbidden area of our Meiyu family? What's the matter?"

After xiaomeiyu came out, he saw Ye Yun at a glance.

For xiaomeiyu's question, Lao Mei certainly didn't dare to neglect it at all. She quickly said, "Wang, look at the armor on this human body?"

Xiaomei fish, I noticed the armor on Ye Yun.

Because ye Yun's coat was completely rotten by the poisonous gas when he passed through the swamp just now, so now the armor is completely exposed.

Even if it is completely exposed, the armor is too thin and no different from clothes.

Therefore, now the little beautiful fish also saw that the layer on Ye Yun was not a coat, but armor after teby paid attention to it.

"It's a suit of light and convenient armor, even no different from clothes, but what does it have to do with bringing him to this forbidden area?"

The little fish then asked.

This forbidden area is of great importance.

Even those ordinary beautiful fish are not eligible to enter.

Now Lao Mei has come with a human, which makes xiaomeiyu very unhappy.

"This human suit of armor is very rebellious, especially in terms of hell poison gas. With this armor, he can even walk freely through our swamp!"

Lao meidang even said that her words were full of excitement.

This word also stunned xiaomeiyu completely.

The armor that can resist the poison gas in the swamp is definitely great news for Xiaomei fish.

Even for the whole American fish family, this is an unimaginable joy

Next, ye Yun was greeted by a boring refining process.

Of course, ye Yun also understands why Lao Mei has to refine five times the size of her own armor.

It's for this little beautiful fish.

Ye Yun was speechless. Unexpectedly, when he entered the cold land of the moon, he would make coolies for a beautiful fish.

Of course, in exchange, these beautiful fish promised to help Ye Yun solve the white crisis from the outside world after ye Yun refined his armor.

In addition, in the process of refining, ye Yun also knows a lot of information from the mouth of the beautiful fish.

It turned out that these days on the night of the cold moon, from the outside, were the most explosive time of the evil Qi. In fact, they were the days when the internal evil Qi disappeared.

In these days, there is almost no evil spirit, and whether it is the grass mustard and mole ants against the sky, or the more terrible ghost people, they will not know where they are going.

These days are the safest days in the cold land of the moon.

Even many flowers and grass will spring up like bamboo shoots.

As for the moon sword soul Ye Yun needs.

Almost the American fish people who have never left this area do not know.

They just know that the place with the strongest light of the moon cold is in the easternmost area of the moon cold land.

Ye Yun thought that it was probably the place where the moon sword soul was located.

Because with Ye Yun entering the cold place of this month, the six sword souls that have been obtained in his body are also agitated.

The restless directions of the six sword souls are surprisingly consistent, all in the East.

Ye Yun also learned that although this little beautiful fish is the king of the beautiful fish family, it has energy that other beautiful fish can't match at all.

But now this energy has been sealed in the body of Xiaomei fish.

To open, there is only one way, that is, to enter the center of the swamp.

There is a source of swamp.

Only after Xiaomei fish absorbs the source of Zhao Ze can it open the mysterious energy in Xiaomei fish.

But what God wants is that the small beautiful fish is not as thick as other beautiful fish, and can resist the scales of poisonous gas in the swamp.

As long as a little beauty dares to leave this forbidden area without poison gas and enter the swamp, her body will soon be corroded by poison gas.

If you can't reach the center of the swamp at all, your body will be corroded and there will be no residue left.

The source of the swamp is in the center of the swamp. For a hundred years, the American fish family have tried their best, but they can't move a penny.

So this seemingly unsolvable problem has plagued the American fish family for hundreds of years.

But today, it is likely that ye Yun will untie the armor that can defend against swamp poison gas refined for Xiaomei fish.

Only by absorbing the small beautiful fish from the source of the swamp can we unseal the energy in the body and be called the real king of the beautiful fish family!

This also relieved Ye Yun.

Originally, five times their own size of armor was refined, and this armor can resist poison gas in the swamp for half an hour, which is impossible.

But now it's only a quarter of an hour from the center of the swamp.

Ye Yun can expand the size of armor by diluting armor attributes.

In that case, the material is just enough.

A few hours are fleeting.

When ye Yun put down the action on his hand, the armor tailored for the little beautiful fish has been completed.

Xiaomeiyu, can't wait to put on this armor.

Having been a loser in this forbidden area for hundreds of years, Xiaomei fish has had enough.

Now go straight outside.

Behind them, ye Yun and Lao Mei, of course, followed closely.

The barrier surrounding the forbidden area was opened again.

Looking at the swamp outside, xiaomeiyu was so excited that she burst into tears.

Since he was born more than 100 years ago, he is finally going to step into the swamp for the first time.

Now he is even a little cautious.

Although pure land is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time.

In the swamp, those green poisonous gases began to spread wantonly towards the little beautiful fish.