Click, click!

A voice that was many times clearer than thunder came.

When you look at it, there is a crack in the original unbreakable mountain.

The crack is very huge, and like a fast crawling snake, it continues to spread wantonly from bottom to top.

This situation shocked everyone.

With the passage of time, the crack is not only growing, but also expanding in width.

"It seems that this is not just a crack, but the mountain has been torn apart. If there is no accident, there may be a line of sky next!"

The red world clan leader sighed and his eyes lit up.

If there is a real day, at least people can enter the interior through this day.

In this regard, others nodded again and again.

Ye Yun once again thought of the peaks before each level in the bloody land.

With this mountain, it is absolutely similar.

However, in terms of size and other aspects, the mountain appears more against the sky.

The mountain is still being torn apart.

It didn't stop until a day appeared that could accommodate two people in parallel.

There was a bang.

It was the jade plate that automatically fell from the groove when the mountain stopped tearing.

However, the jade plate at the moment has lost any luster.

It was smashed after falling to the ground.

When the breeze blows, the fragments of the jade plaque are everywhere.

Even ye Yun was speechless in this scene.

Because with the smashing of this trump card, it seems impossible for others to go out of Tianya valley.

But now is not the time to consider these. The road is ahead.

Ye Yun was the first to enter the sky, and then moved forward.

The front is unknown and may be very dangerous.

But there is no way back.

Behind Ye Yun, Li Xianxian, the fairy queen, and the fifteen members of the red world family followed closely.

There is no end to this line of sky at a glance.

Not surprisingly, in this line of days, mental power also fails.

Therefore, it is impossible to find out the specific length of this line of days.

The people walked all the way.

It seems to be walking on an endless road.

A quarter of an hour, half an hour, an hour

Finally, after two hours of walking, everyone saw the dawn.

This line of days, after all, still has an end.

Next, what came into sight was an endless real canyon.

The canyon is really wonderful.

Flowers in full bloom, green grass, all kinds of butterflies and dragonflies flying.

This is definitely a paradise!

The breeze was warm and the sun was bright. Everything in front of me seemed like a dream.

Who could have thought that there was such a wonderful place in the Tianya valley with powerful poisonous gas and surrounded by 100000 Zhang high mountains.

But against the background of this wonderful environment, countless castles in the air are still suspended in the air.

These castles in the air are not very domineering, but they are colorful.

And the architectural style, appearance and image of each castle in the air are different.

This situation, this scene, even gives people a feeling that this is not earth at all, but heaven!

In addition, there are many rivers and waterfalls in the valley.

The river water in these rivers can clearly feel that it contains vast and incomparable energy and aura.

As for the waterfall, it flew straight down from the air.

There is no load around the waterfall.

This scene is amazing.

It seems that the water in the waterfall appears out of thin air.

"Who are you looking for?"

At this time, a person comes and asks questions.

The tone was not very blunt, because he knew that as long as people who could enter here, except the Gu people themselves, only those who held the Gu people's pass order.

There are not many people of Gu nationality. They almost know each other. Therefore, it can be determined that ye Yun and others do not come from Gu nationality.

Then there is only one possibility. Ye Yun and his party are the people who hold the valley pass.

According to the rules of the valley family, only those who are very rebellious or have great kindness to the valley family can be given this valley family pass order.

Of course, there is also a prerequisite, that is, only the seed people of the Gu nationality can have the Gu nationality pass order and give it to others.

"It's a very small girl, about four or five years old!"

Ye Yun did not neglect and replied directly.

Ye Yun said, of course, that she met the little girl in Haiti, and the little girl gave the token to herself when she left.

"To tell the truth, our valley people have 50 seed clans, including 23 seed female clans, and these seed female clans look like they are four or five years old."

The tall, decent looking middle-aged man said.

Among their valley people, some people have excellent talents. They were born with heaven and earth visions, and are destined to have unlimited future.

But they never grow up, and they remain at the age of four or five.

These people are the seed people of their valley people and the hope of their valley people in the future.

"Well, I'll take you to our valley hall. It happens that most of the seed clansmen are doing early work. After they finish, you can find out which seed clansman gave you the pass order. It's said that no outsiders have come to our headquarters for a long time!"

The middle-aged man said, leading the way.

The so-called Valley hall is the largest palace, which is higher than the suspended buildings of all the people around it.

It covers an area of tens of thousands of square meters.

The valley hall is full of colorful colors. Under the light, it is extremely gorgeous.

"By the way, why are you here this time?"

When he was about to enter the valley hall, the middle-aged man seemed to ask casually.

In this regard, ye Yun also said frankly: "I heard that there is a thing called Bodhi Heart in Tianya valley. I want to get it!"


Ye Yun just finished his words. The middle-aged man leading the way burst out suddenly.

His accomplishments are somewhat different from human beings. The gas filled in his body does not seem to be Xuanqi, but it is somewhat similar to Xuanqi.

Judging from his explosive momentum, his cultivation is at least equivalent to the second-level peak of Human Empire.

In addition, his face was gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye.