And now ye Yun's face is not red and his ears are not impatient. It seems that ten stones are an appetizer for him.

This situation shocked the whole audience again.

Only the wind calm his face.

More stones began to pile up automatically on Ye Yun's hands.

These stones look extremely heavy to the genius of Feng family. Now on Ye Yun's hands, they are like some tofu or even some white paper. They are very relaxed.

Twenty five, thirty-one, thirty-eight.

Black stones are piling up very fast, even faster than the wind.

And just now when the wind lifted 38 stones, I was already tired and panting.

Now, ye Yun is not even breathing in the atmosphere.

At this moment, even in the windy day, they can't keep calm again, and the light of shock begins to flash in their eyes.

He knew Ye Yun was against the sky, but he didn't expect to be so against the sky.

This is what he was far from imagining

The number of stones on Ye Yun's hands is still soaring.

Forty one, fifty-three, sixty-seven

Ye Yun said he would go all out.

Soon, the number of stones raised by Ye Yun's hands reached 88.

This number is more than twice that in windy days.

Many people look at Ye Yun with incredible words.

It's so powerful!

Who is it?

People began to wonder again.

In my impression, there should be no such amazing young talents in the area of hundreds of millions of kilometers under the jurisdiction of the small holy land.

Soon, someone thought of Ye Miao.

The man who has worked miracles many times in the small holy land.

But immediately he shook his head again. In their view, even ye Miao could not reach such an adverse situation.

Moreover, ye Miao is a great enemy of the wind family. Now he has been ordered to kill by Xiao Sheng. He must be hiding in that dark corner and dare not come out.

It's impossible to swagger here with the wind.

When the number of black stones raised by Ye Yun's hands reached 100, he finally stopped.

It's not that ye Yun has no spare power at the end of the mountain, but there are only 100 stones here.

In contrast, ye Yun looks like he still has more meaning.

"You are much more powerful than I thought. I lost this round of competition, and I still lost completely!"

When ye Yun put down a hundred black stones, the whole genius palace trembled more violently, and the windy sky at this time finally recovered from the shock.

He said subconsciously, but there was no jealousy on his face, and some were even excited.

Next, start the second round of competition.

Mental competition.

In terms of mental strength, Fengtian is very confident.

He easily broke the record set by wind hegemony, and still far exceeded the record.

However, when ye Yun came out, he repeated the mistakes of wind hegemony.

The record he just set was broken by Ye Yun.

And it is also easily broken, far broken.

Ye Yun's image is not only in the eyes of Fengtian, but also in the eyes of everyone present.

The third round of competition began.

The competition is about comprehension.

To be exact, it means that you can write a secret script of this skill at random. See who can cultivate this secret script to 50% in the shortest time.

This round is the most confident one in Fengtian.

Because of his own constitution and blood, he has a strong ability to understand Kung Fu.

At least in the windy weather, there is no enemy.

In particular, this random skill script is also a secret script for flying.

For windy days, it is very suitable.

This is a high-level secret script of Kung Fu. Even the genius of imperial cultivation needs at least one day to understand 60%.

But the wind is sure that within half an hour, you will understand it 60%.

Then he began to look through the secret script of the skill.

His reading speed was so fast that the onlookers were stunned.

However, when they saw Ye Yun's flipping speed, they collapsed directly.

The speed is at least ten times higher than that in windy days.

Even ye Yun is simply turning the book.

"Don't say it's a heaven level advanced skill. Even a prefecture level elementary skill can't understand it so quickly. Therefore, in my opinion, this boy is not understanding it at all. Just look through it first and get a general understanding of it. It's a miracle that he can understand it by 5%

The one who opened his mouth was the wind bully who was beaten in the face.

His words, as always, vowed.

It also caused bursts of coincidence.

Even in a windy day, I couldn't help nodding. Obviously, I deeply thought that the wind was domineering.

Soon, ye Yun finished reading this skill script.

"Well, I've learned this skill script!"

Ye Yun said positively.

Words startled almost everyone's chin off.

At this time, even one tenth of the whole newly issued secret script has not been read.

Ye Yun has finished his cultivation?

In people's view, this is simply a fantasy.

But next, ye Yun slapped them in the face with facts.

Ye Yun went up to a nearby stone platform.

As long as you stand on the stone platform and display the learned skills, the stone platform can automatically calculate the person's understanding of this set of skills.

Ye Yun began to show his movements continuously. His movements were as crisp as flowing clouds and water, without any hesitation.

Facts have proved that ye Yun has understood this set of skill very well.

With the completion of Ye Yun's action, a string of numbers appeared on the stone platform: 100.

In other words, ye Yun's understanding of the secret script of this skill has reached 100%. There is no error or error in the just cast, which can be called perfect.

The scene, dead silence!

This time, ye Yun's surprise was even greater than the sum of the previous two rounds.

As for the windy sky, I have no more heart to read the secret script of the skill.

In the field where he is best at and most confident, he was completely abused by Ye Yun.

Fengtian just felt blushing. He didn't expect that the gap between himself and ye Yun was so huge.

Just now, I had the good intention to take the initiative to challenge Ye Yun

"The three levels have passed. Can you tell me what I want to know now?"

Ye Yun asked the wind.