At their level, they need to know many secrets that others don't know.

Among them, there are some secrets of the celestial continent.

In fact, from the last time ye Yun arrived, they saw that ye Yun was probably that character.

That character, whether success or failure, will become a hero of the whole continent.

Since ye Yun came down from the unparalleled holy land, it already indicated that he was going to draw his sword.

Once the hero pulls out his sword, it is another ten-year disaster for the common people!

Ye Yun, a hero, will be an unprecedented hero.

The sword slowly coming out of its sheath in Ye Yun's hand will become an unprecedented supreme sword.

Correspondingly, for ordinary people, it will no longer be a ten-year robbery, but a hundred year robbery, a thousand year robbery, or even a robbery that will never die again!

"Since some things can't be stopped, it's better to go with the tide. Moreover, in my opinion, the order of the firmament should have moved for a long time!"

The bald old dog doesn't care.

The old man in grey sighed and said, "I'll leave the next thing to you. Remember, don't let water out!"

After seeing the bald old dog nodding solemnly, the figure of the old man in gray disappeared directly, as if he had never appeared.

At this time, ye Yun and Dao sky have come under wanjian peak.

Wanjian mountain is the second highest mountain after wanjian mountain.

This time, before ye Yun tried to climb the mountain, a leaf boat had floated down.

It can be clearly seen that there is a bald old dog lying obliquely on the boat.

Of course, ye Yun recognized it at a glance. It was the tower master who threatened to have a lot of fate with Ye Yun.

The landing speed of the boat is very slow, but strangely, it has landed safely after more than a dozen breaths.

The bald old dog jumped down from the boat and looked at Ye Yun with surprise: "as soon as I sensed your breath, I came out to meet you in person!"

Between the words, the bald old dog's face was full of excitement.

In this regard, ye Yun also made a very excited look and said, "it's like three years since I last said goodbye to brother dog! Now I'm still bothering to let brother dog meet me in person. I'm really sorry, brother!"

Although the bald old dog's image is an old dog, he is powerful and has an extraordinary status. In particular, ye Yun can't detect the slightest bit of information about him.

So I'm very polite to this bald old dog.

When he was able to come out, the bald old dog was not young and took the initiative to call him brother, so ye Yun called him brother dog at will.

Most importantly, when the bald old dog appeared, sister Hua whispered to Ye Yun that the bald old dog was not a dog at all, but a person.

And he is a very handsome and beautiful man.

This makes Ye Yun wonder what kind of stimulation this guy has received. He wants to give up his original human beautiful man form and turn into a humble and ugly bald old dog image

But now ye Yun is not easy to ask.

"You are so polite, brother. After all, we are very destined!"

The bald old dog grinned.

Between the words, ye Yun and Dao were invited to go up to the boat.

The boat is very small. Ye Yun, Dao Cang and bald old dog fill it up.

The boat began to rise.

At this time, ye Yun was able to carefully observe the boat.

This is made of the most common mahogany, but to Ye Yun's great surprise, the boat is completely made of mahogany.

Inside, there is no power to push.

As for the bald old dog, he didn't move at all, so he pushed the boat a little.

The boat was still rising, and the bald old dog didn't know where to touch a broken wine pot.

Then he touched out three tea cups.

There is wine flowing out of the wine pot, but the wine is very turbid and dark yellow, which makes people look very ambiguous.

The most important thing is that this wine doesn't even have a little wine smell. At first glance, it's not up to grade.

"It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. I don't have anything to entertain. Please don't dislike these glasses of muddy wine!"

The bald old dog blew a breath gently between his words, and two wine glasses filled with turbid wine roared towards the position of Ye Yun and Dao Cang respectively.

And gather in front of them to float.

The Dao sky really doesn't care about this turbid wine, which is yellow and has no wine smell.

Daocang's life is also full of legend. What kind of good wine have you never drunk.

But I haven't really drunk such rubbish looking drinks.

But ye Yun, facing the wine, had a little excitement on his face.

Then even some can't wait to pick up the wine glass suspended in front of them and drink it all at once.

After that, enjoy your face.

"Lao Dao, drink this medicinal wine quickly. It's of great benefit!"

After enjoying it, ye Yun couldn't help urging the knife sky nearby.

Dao Cang was stunned. I really didn't expect that Huang Bulaji's wine was so highly praised by Ye Yun.

However, since it was medicinal wine, Dao Cang was not polite. He directly took it up and drank it.

As ye Yun said, this is really a good medicinal wine!

When he entered his belly, daocang felt that he was immersed in great enjoyment.

It seems that there is the purest energy flowing in your body.

Then I will get younger with my aging body and various skills.

When the Dao sky finally recovered from the enjoyment, the whole person was radiant, as if he was twenty years younger all at once.

I can't help sighing in my heart. It's really wine that can't be judged by appearance!

"Thank you for your good wine, brother Gou. In addition, the purpose of our coming here is"

Ye Yun went straight to the theme, but his words were interrupted by the bald old dog.

"I know the purpose of your coming. Don't say it first!"

The bald old dog said calmly.

Soon up to the top of the mountain.

What makes Ye Yun frown is that it has only been a few days. The appearance of Tianyan headquarters on the top of the whole mountain has changed greatly.

All the buildings are covered with a gray fog.

When the spirit is released, ye Yun finds that this is a kind of poison gas.

"Hold your breath!"

Ye Yun subconsciously opened his mouth. This poisonous gas is so toxic that it is difficult to eradicate after breathing into the body.

Dao Cang was obedient and held his breath.

On one side, the bald old dog didn't listen, and even took a big breath of this gray poisonous gas.