These materials do not belong to the celestial continent, but belong to the upper boundary.

The people of the demon clan just cut out a long sword. As a Dao repairman, he was still dissatisfied. Now, after hearing the words of the man in blood, he immediately laughed excitedly.

He even thought that when he had a chance in the future, he must find a top weapon refining master to change this long sword into a long knife.

One after another, they cut stones casually, but they cut out incomparably rebellious treasures.

This makes people almost believe that every stone contains amazing treasures.

Finally, just now, the man in blood couldn't help fighting.

He took out a dagger and chose a huge stone with a height of ten feet.

The whole body of this stone is bloody, as if it had been soaked in blood for many years.

Next, he held the dagger and began to cut.

Heaven can learn. He just cut a small trace.

There was a blood light that suddenly burst out of it.

The blood light was extremely sharp. It didn't give the man in blood a chance to react, that is, it was a sharp shot on his right arm.


Almost in an instant, the right arm of the man in blood was completely corroded.

The intense pain made him cry and howl.

The blood light is still breaking out. It's really terrible. Fortunately, it just hit the right arm of the man in blood. If it hit his head, he must have become a headless corpse now.

Next to it, the unparalleled female emperor shot in time and sealed this area with powerful energy to stop the splashing of blood light.

It's not the kindness of the unparalleled female emperor, but the blood burst out so wantonly, which is a potential threat to everyone.

Suddenly, the people who were originally full of excitement and excitement calmed down a lot.

They have understood that there may be not only a baby against the sky, but also a risk against the sky.

"That's right. This is the style of the phantom. The welfare he said is the existence of dangerous welfare!"

Ye Yun suddenly.

This episode did not prompt people to give up cutting.

It's right to take some risks in order to go against the sky, baby.

The cutting continues. Many of them are very good treasures. Of course, some are very dangerous.

Injury and even death exist!

Finally, the unparalleled empress began to fight.

She chose a humanoid stone.

Even she didn't know why she chose this stone. Maybe it gave her a special summoning power.

She took out a white dagger and opened her whole body defense before cutting in case of sudden danger.

Cutting has begun, and the unparalleled empress is slow.

As for others, they are subconsciously far away from the unparalleled female emperor.

At the moment, although the unparalleled female emperor's body is still borrowed, it is still almost impeccable when opening defense.

Among the others, except ye Yun, they are all tens of feet away from the unparalleled female emperor.

After all, ye Yun's strength is almost no less than that of the unparalleled female emperor, the demon God and the man in blood who temporarily rely on other people's bodies.

The reason why Ye Yun is so forward is that the unparalleled female emperor chose the stone in the form of human sculpture, which also gives Ye Yun a familiar feeling.

Ye Yun guessed that there might be Li Xianxian, sister Hua or one of the blood drinking demons.

Therefore, if this is the case, ye Yun will rob one of them from the unparalleled female emperor at all costs.

The first knife has been successfully cut by the unparalleled female emperor.

Suddenly, a sacred white light burst out.

Everyone was surprised, subconsciously retreating a lot of steps.

But fortunately, this kind of white light just gives people a feeling of incomparably sacred, and there is no substantive harm.

From the small gap cut, what is revealed is a white shining object, which is somewhat similar to white jade.

"It may be a good jade. It seems that she has good luck!"

It was the ethereal master who made a sound with emotion.

In fact, when cutting stones, as long as you don't encounter danger, you are lucky.

Now the mysterious white object has just revealed a corner, and such a sacred breath erupts. Once it is completely cut out, the object suspected of white jade is doomed to be incomparable against the sky.

But ye Yun has some doubts: you can feel the breath of living creatures from this white. Is it really just white jade?

The unparalleled female emperor's cutting is really slow and extremely careful, and her expression is unprecedented dignified.

She seemed to know what was in the stone. She took out almost all her patience and care, and was too cautious in the cutting process.

Others also shot one after another, and were not ready to continue to waste their time on seeing the unparalleled female emperor cutting stones.

Although when the unparalleled female emperor kept cutting, the white objects became larger and larger, and the sacred smell was stronger and stronger.

These are doomed to the unparalleled female emperor's choice of this stone, which is very contrary to the sky and very expected.

But what they want more is that they also choose the stones that are against the sky and look forward to.

Among them, the demon God and the man in blood were the first to do it.

Both, like the unparalleled female emperor, are temporarily occupied by other people's bodies.

Now there is an urgent need to find a better body.

So next, both of them chose the stone in the shape of human sculpture.

Of course, as the unparalleled female emperor chose, the two stones in the shape of human sculpture also gave them a familiar feeling.

After the selection, they start cutting.

Before that, they also released all their defenses, and the cutting of the first knife was more careful.

After the first knife, there was also a strong breath, but it was also harmless.

I have to say, their luck is also good.

They didn't cut the dangerous stone.

After determining these, their cutting was much faster than that of the unparalleled female emperor.

Among them, the devil cut out is a black object, and the man in blood cut out is a blood object.

However, through the following cutting, they soon found that what they cut was not black jade and blood jade.

But black clothes and blood clothes.

Can it be said that among these two stones, only two clothes exude a strong smell?

Many people have some doubts in their hearts.

Among them, the man in blood tried to cut the bloody clothes down a little, and suddenly the skin and flesh were exposed. There was red to dazzling blood flowing out of the cut just now, giving people a feeling of shivering.

"My God, what exists in this stone is not blood colored clothes, but people wearing blood colored clothes!"

The sound of exclamation suddenly sounded.