To Ye Yun's surprise, the corpse of the blood ghost was excavated from the imperial stone here.

"The blood ghost has not breathed, but his heart is still beating. It is different from the three eyed corpse found by the demon God, so strictly speaking, the blood ghost is not a corpse, but out of a strange state of semi death!"

Ye Yun quickly judged.

Also a sigh of relief.

The blood ghost is Ye Yun's life and death brother anyway. Ye Yun certainly doesn't want the blood ghost to die.

And after cutting out the blood ghost, ye Yun will spare no effort to try to wake up the blood ghost. Maybe the truth of that year can only be known from the mouth of the blood ghost.

"My body is finally coming back!"

The unparalleled female emperor was also cut, and her face was full of excitement.

Her soul can't wait to come out of the body she originally occupied and begin to enter the newly cut body.

This is a body that fits her soul very well, but when her soul enters, there is still a trace of rejection from the body.

Ye Yun also felt the repulsive force, and his doubts became even greater.

The blood ghost was quickly cut out by Ye Yun. Such a blood giant with a height of more than 100 meters is still very shocking.

"Give me this bloody giant. In return, I can give you a skill script from the upper world!"

The man in blood suddenly came to Ye Yun and spoke solemnly.

Just now when the blood ghost's head came out, he noticed that the attributes in the blood ghost's body were very similar to his own blood attributes.

Now the blood ghost is completely cut out, and he can almost determine that he has a very high degree of fit with the attributes in the blood ghost, even no less than the fit with the present body.

Ye Yun, of course, simply refused.

"You are a person from the lower world. Even the best ones in the lower world, but the sky of the lower world has limited your cognition. You don't know how rebellious the skill scripts I promised you from the upper world are. In this way, as long as you practice the skill scripts I gave you, you are destined to be able to"

The man in blood spoke again, but his words were interrupted by Ye Yun.

"Don't talk nonsense. I won't exchange with you!"

Ye Yun's tone was extremely cold.

The blood coated man's face was gloomy for a moment, but he couldn't help but think of his current state.

He looked at another stone in the shape of a human sculpture and thought he had nine more chances to cut a stronger body.

After the blood ghost was cut out, ye Yun released his mental power for investigation. There was no clue to wake up the blood ghost.

Ye Yun simply put the blood ghost into the demon tower for the time being.

Then ye Yun began to search.

However, the two stones selected by Ye Yun did not cut out any danger, but neither did they cut out any of Li Xianxian, sister Hua and blood drinking demons.

As for the cut baby, for ye Yun, it is only general and not worth surprises.


Suddenly, a strong light burst out, illuminating the whole sixth floor more brightly.

It even stirred the visions of heaven and earth, and auspicious clouds floated in the sky.

And all this is because the goddess cut a stone.

"This is a holy light with a rich degree of 30%!"

The goddess exclaimed in surprise. You know, even in the upper world, the holy light with a rich degree of 30% is very rare.

Several people in blood looked at the goddess and were full of envy. They came from the upper blood family and of course knew the divine light.

As for others, although they don't know what the divine light is, it must be a good thing from the current battle.

"Congratulations on the first divine stone being cut!"

At this moment, the voice belonging to the phantom sounded, ringing through everyone's ears.

At this time, the people looked at the goddess and envied more.

You know, among these millions of stones, only ten are divine stones, and all the rest are imperial stones.

So far, many people have chosen stone and cut it.

Some have cut seven or eight pieces, but no one has been lucky to choose divine stone!

The goddess cut carefully. In her opinion, something that can release such a strong degree of divine light must be extraordinary.

The fact did not disappoint her. She cut out a black bead.

"Divine pattern Pearl! It's a divine pattern Pearl!"

The man in blood exclaimed, and his expression was exaggerated to the extreme.

After a pause, he then said, "and the number of divine patterns has reached a full eight. This is really a priceless treasure!"

The man in blood has gone to the goddess and put forward the idea of buying the divine pattern pearl.

But she was simply ignored by the goddess.

"This is a good thing, but compared with people in the upper world like me, because you don't know how to absorb the energy of the divine stripe pearl, and you are not qualified to absorb the energy of the divine stripe pearl. It's just chicken ribs in your hand. As long as you sell it to me, I can give you an advanced weapon from the upper world!"

The man in blood was still unwilling, and then said.

Between words, he has taken out a long sword with a really high level.

However, the goddess ignored him again.

And in front of him, he gently stretched out his right hand to the divine pattern pearl.

"Energy comes!"

The goddess opened her mouth gently.

In the eyes of people in blood, I just feel very ridiculous.

You know, it's very difficult to absorb the energy from the divine pattern pearl.

In particular, this is a divine pattern pearl with eight divine patterns. It is even more difficult to absorb the energy.

Even if he does it himself, it takes a lot of time and energy to absorb it.

And it may not be able to absorb success.

In her opinion, if the goddess moves so casually, she can absorb the energy from the divine pattern pearl. That's when the sun jumps out of the belly of the moon



There was a strong sound of breaking wind.

Looking at it, the eyes of the people in blood are really going to jump from the eyes to the open mouth.

In the eye, the energy was jumping out of the divine pattern pearl and into the palm of the goddess's right hand.

And through the lines in the palm of the goddess's hand, into her body.

"This... This..."

People in blood clothes are directly surprised that they can't say a complete word. The subversion of their world outlook is too complete.