You know, ye Yun's attainments in the Dharma array are the highest.

Even the ultimate version of Tai Chi array can be untied, not to mention some defensive arrays inside the jar.

Of course, ye Yun did not untie these defensive arrays, but changed them into attack arrays.

Next, when ye Yun attacks the inner wall of the jar, these arrays will not continue to block their attacks, but also add bonus to their attacks.

"No, the crack on the jar has widened. Does it mean that ye Yun is not dead and still attacks the inner wall of the jar?"

The unparalleled female emperor exclaimed.

Almost at the same time, the demon God also found that the crack on the jar was increasing.

But he shook his head firmly: "it's impossible. It's reasonable to say that there are countless internal defense arrays in the jar. It's impossible to crack the jar from inside out!"

Although he said so, he increased the input of energy towards the jar.

The unparalleled female emperor also spared no effort.

But it is very helpless that the crack on the jar is still increasing.

"In any case, we must keep this jar. We may need to sacrifice some original blood!"

The unparalleled female emperor is a simple person. She sacrificed several drops of original blood between her words, and then roared towards the jar.

Suddenly, there was a more intense blood glow on the jar.

Of course, the demon God did not neglect it. He also sacrificed several drops of original blood, and then quickly ingested it into the jar.

The crack on the jar was finally restrained and continued to expand.

This also gave unparalleled empress and demon God time to wipe the sweat on their forehead.


However, before the unparalleled female emperor and the demon God could really breathe a sigh of relief, the jar exploded directly.

The fragments belonging to the jar roared fiercely in all directions.

The first to bear the brunt is, of course, the demon God and the unparalleled female emperor closest to the jar.

The unparalleled female emperor was better. At the critical moment, she subconsciously blocked her umbrella in front of her.

Her face and upper body were completely defended, but her legs were still hit by many fragments.

These fragments were too fierce and extremely hard. They left many scars and blood on their legs. Soon, their snow-white trousers were dyed red.

The demon God was completely sad. These fragments not only hit his whole body, but also turned his clothes into blood clothes.

Moreover, many fragments hit his cheek, causing him to directly destroy his face. The blood on his face was as miserable as it really was.

As for the position that originally belonged to the jar, ye YunAng stood upright.

But there was no leisure in his hand. Under the continuous waving of the huge black sword, many sword lights roared towards the demon God and the unparalleled female emperor.

Both were caught off guard and suffered a lot of damage.

"Damn it, I'll see you later!"

"Next time, I will kill you myself!"

The demon God and the unparalleled female emperor put cruel words one after another. After all, they didn't hesitate to break the border set by Ye Yun with their heads, so as to escape.

They are both smart people. When ye Yun can break the jar and come out, he knows how powerful Ye Yun is now.

And at the moment, both of them are seriously injured. If they fight rashly, they may fall into the disadvantage, and the result of falling into the disadvantage is failure and death.

It's better for them to conserve their energy and wait until the fit between soul and body is higher. They are looking for ye Yun. At that time, they are obviously more confident of defeating and killing Ye Yun.

Ye Yun did not catch up.

First, the jar was broken just now, using a desperate blow.

After that, he tried his best to attack the unparalleled female emperor and the demon God respectively. Although he successfully hit them hard, ye Yun himself was almost at the end of the mountain and water. At the moment, even standing was barely supported.

There was no strength to chase them, let alone kill them.

Second, after the unparalleled female emperor and the demon God escape, they will conserve energy and taxes, improve the fit between soul and body, so as to improve their combat effectiveness. Why doesn't Ye Yun need a period of time to improve herself?

Besides, ye Yun has a map in his mind that records the location of five hundred divine fires in the sky.

Even though some of them have been acquired, at least half of them must not have been acquired at the location marked on the map.

Ye Yun only needs to acquire these divine fires one by one in the next period of time. It's best to accept them, then his accomplishments will rise.

In particular, the nameless divine fire ranking first has always existed in legends. Once it is obtained, its own promotion will reach unimaginable levels.

And ye Yun can be sure that the nameless fire ranked first has certainly not been obtained.

Once you get it, you may also be able to urge the spirit in your body, the source of divine fire, to continue to release energy. At that time, it is possible to directly reach the ten Heaven peak of the imperial level, and even reach the divine level

At that time, ye Yun was eager for the unparalleled female emperor and the demon God to make a comeback.

Even if their souls have fully fit with their bodies, they can't be the enemy of unity in front of themselves.

At that time, even God can't save them!

At the moment, the unparalleled female emperor and the demon God have fled, but the boundary that trapped the goddess and others is still there.

But between Ye Yun's waving, the boundary was shattered.

At the moment, everyone looks at Ye Yun with envy.

It's not because ye Yun is already the most powerful person among them, or even ye Yun is the existence standing at the top of the continent.

But because of Ye Yun's growth rate.

There are a lot of heaven's favourites present, and their growth rate is abnormal for others.

But compared with Ye Yun, it's a candle compared with the bright moon.

However, ye Yun's growth rate not only makes them envy, but also makes them excited and excited.

Because ye Yun or their relatives, or their friends, or their leaders!

"The trip to the underground world has ended successfully. Let's return to the headquarters first!"

Ye Yun opens his mouth.

The most profitable person on this trip is Ye Yun.

Although the ghost can only be obtained by Ye Yun due to the inexplicable disappearance of the hidden emperor.

But as long as the spirit is not obtained by the unparalleled female emperor and the demon God, it is a great joy.

At least the life and death crisis that can sweep the whole continent has been eliminated!

Today, the immortal killing alliance really replaces the demon clan and the unparalleled holy land, becoming the largest force in the continent.

In the next three days, under the leadership of the black king of hell and the cold emperor of heaven, the immortal killing alliance swept 50 small holy places.