Ye Xue's words brightened Ye Yun's eyes.

You know, ye Xue's constitution is also very rebellious.

Especially recently, it has almost completely opened the physique, and the degree of adverse weather is unimaginable.

The crowd stopped, and ye Xue didn't neglect it and offered a drop of blood directly.

This blood is not so shocking, even ordinary.

If there is any difference between blood and normal people's blood, it is probably that a faint white light is faintly wrapped around this drop of blood.

The white light is not strong at all, but it gives people a very comfortable feeling at a glance.

When blood was taken into the array, no light appeared.

"It seems that there is no hope at all!"

Fifteen openings.

Clay and others also agree.

In their view, this drop of blood didn't even trigger a light at all. It was obviously very general, not to mention opening the big array.

Ye Yun's eyes were always fixed on that drop of blood.

In Ye Yun's impression, when people, including himself, drip their blood into the array, although they all cause light of different intensity and colors, at the same time, the blood is also spreading rapidly.

But this time it was different. With Ye Xue dripping blood on it, it didn't spread at all.

It seems that this drop of blood offered by Ye Xue is incompatible with the whole array.

"Wait a minute. I think this big array makes me feel familiar, and with the passage of time, this familiar feeling becomes stronger and stronger."

Ye Xue suddenly opens her mouth. She is rarely as unwilling as she is now.

Ye Yun nodded.

After about a dozen breaths, a faint white light began to emerge on the array.

But over time, the white light became more and more intense.

Naturally, ye Xue's blood, which fell on the array, also began to dissipate.

"Look, this array seems to be changing with the bath of white light!"

Fifteen stared at the array and couldn't help saying.

In this regard, the goddess also opened her eyes and said in some surprise: "yes, this big array has changed. It doesn't look like the real God array of our Protoss at all."

"At the same time, it is no longer like the real dragon array of our dragon family!"

The black and white CHILDES almost screamed at the same time.

This array was originally like a combination of the true God array and the true dragon array, but now with the passage of time and the bath of white light, it has separated from the two arrays, and even soon has no similar effect with the true God array or the true dragon array.

"Although this array has nothing in common with the real God array and the real dragon array, I feel that this array has become more exquisite. It is no exaggeration to say that this array is one of the most exquisite arrays I have ever seen so far!"

Ye Yun's mental power was completely released. After perceiving the array in an all-round way, he couldn't help exclaiming.

"If we say that there is a much more sophisticated array than the true God array of our Protoss, even if it is only the true fairy array of the fairy family in the legend?"

Hearing Ye Yun's generous praise, the goddess couldn't help opening her mouth.

Next to them, the black and white CHILDES nodded again and again, because in their impression, there is only the legendary real immortal array, which is much more exquisite than the real dragon array.

Xianzu was once the most powerful race in the five elements world. There was no one.

When the Xianzu dominated the whole five element world, it was also the most prosperous and powerful period in the history of the five element world.

But I don't know why, the fairy family suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. It seems to be just a flash in the pan in the history of the five elements world.

For many years, the five elements world was in constant dispute.

Until the Protoss and Tianmo were born, the two males stood side by side.

At that time, although the five elements world was prosperous and powerful, its brilliance could not be compared with the period when the Xians unified the five elements world.

The fairy family's real immortal array, the goddess and the two CHILDES of black and white naturally had no chance to see it.

But they both know that if there is a large array that is much more exquisite than the real God array and the real dragon array, it can only be the real immortal array.

This wonderful array began to open continuously.

The reason for opening is only a drop of blood from leaf snow.

Suddenly, people looked at Ye Xue's eyes, which was different.

Even the goddess and ye Yun, who knew Ye Xue was extremely rebellious, could not hide their shock at the moment.

You know, ye Xue's cultivation is far from them, but the blood is so rebellious.

And a bold guess emerged in everyone's mind:

If this exquisite array is really the immortal array, then a drop of blood is enough to untie it. Is it possible that it has anything to do with the fairy family? Even the people of the fairy family?

Although, the fairy family has disappeared for too many years!

Being shocked by the crowd, ye Xue was embarrassed.

Her fingers had cracked the bottom of the big array, and she said in surprise: "look, there is such a beautiful pool under the big array."

Ye Xue's words successfully focused everyone's attention on the pool below.

But at this glance, everyone was depressed and shocked.

What came into view was a smelly pool emitting strong bloody gas and stench. The water was very turbid dark green, just like poison.

People were depressed when they thought that they had worked hard to break the big array, and finally there was only a smelly pool below the big array.

"Sister Xueer, did you just say that the pool is beautiful?"

The goddess couldn't help asking. She couldn't find this disgusting smelly pool. What would it have to do with beauty.

Ye Xue nodded solemnly and then said: "Isn't it? You see, the pool water is pure white and still glittering with business light. It is more flawless than the most precious jade in the world. Around the pool, there are beautiful flowers, colorful, like a circle of rainbows. The most important thing is that the water emits a refreshing and wonderful aroma. Just smelling it is refreshing I really want to jump in and take a good bath! "

When ye Xueyan finished, everyone was completely confused.

Because what people see is completely inconsistent with Ye Xue's description, or quite the opposite.

If you don't know ye Xue is always honest, the goddess will think ye Xue is joking.

"Is there a magic array around the pool?"

Ye Yun thought so, that is to release his spiritual power without stinginess.

Only detected, and their eyes see the same, this is a terrible smelly pool to avoid.

Next, ye Xue couldn't help striding forward and was about to jump into the pool.

Ye Yun frowned and wanted to stop, but it was too late. The pool seemed to have a great attraction to Ye Xue!