Between words, with the help of several government soldiers, he strode towards snow-white jade.

Then, Mr. Li began to investigate the snow white jade.

It's just a search, but it's meaningless.

But Mr. Li was not discouraged at all. He took a set of silver needles from his pocket.

His set of silver needles is not ordinary.

The material is very special and naturally contains a kind of strange energy.

Simply put, as long as you hold the silver needle, you can easily detect the condition in your body after touching the other person's body and hair.

In addition, once the silver needle is filled with Xuanqi, many special runes can appear on its body surface.

These special runes were engraved by the first medical master of piaoyue City, that is, his master Chen miaozhou.

Seeing that Mr. Li took out all the silver needles, everyone felt stable.

Even xuedonghai was relieved. It was obvious that Mr. Li had treated many difficult and miscellaneous diseases with this set of silver needles and made a great reputation.

Although Mr. Li is very old, he has not yet reached the stage of old age. Moreover, he is familiar with silver needles. He can even be said to be quite wonderful, causing a burst of applause.

After dozens of silver needles were pierced down, Mr. Li's right hand began to put on the silver needle and continue to detect.

In fact, there is no need to detect, that is, it can be clearly seen that the body of these silver needles begins to turn red and black.

"Miss Baiyu should have been poisoned. To be exact, it's a kind of fire poison!"

Mr. Li spoke in a very definite tone.

The silver needle is red, indicating that it is very hot.

If the silver needle is black, it means it is poisonous.

This word caused a sound of agreement, but ye Yun frowned.

With Ye Yun's mental power level, it has already reached the point where he can detect the disease in his body without silver needles or touching the snow-white jade body.

The answer Ye Yun got from the detection just now is that the snow white jade is indeed poisoned, but it is not a fire poison. On the contrary, it is a cold poison.

It's just that this cold poison is special, or its intensity has reached the extreme, which makes people feel that things will turn when they reach the extreme.

For example, some people who are about to freeze to death will suddenly feel very hot and subconsciously take off their clothes.

The difference is that the poison is special. Not only the snow white jade itself can feel heat, but also many people can feel heat.

"Mr. Li, is there a solution?"

Xuedonghai couldn't help asking.

Everyone also looked forward to Mr. Li.

Just now, in the process of Mr. Li's needle injection, many medical experts came to use their own means, and they all had no clue.

Almost all the hopes now are on Mr. Li.

"There is a solution, but it may not succeed. I will spare no effort to try. Just before trying, please take all the 10000 year old ice from the inventory and put it in the hall. The closer you are to the white jade girl, the better. Try to reduce the temperature in the hall as low as possible!"

After Mr. Li's words, xuedonghai nodded again and again, and then prepared to order the government soldiers to pull all the ten thousand year old ice stored in the warehouse.


Ye Yun couldn't help but speak.

The words immediately focused everyone's attention.

Many medical experts don't know ye Yun.

As for xuedonghai, he couldn't help saying, "are you?"

"Lord Xue, he is the son of Ye. He is a master of medical ethics introduced by me. He is also here for the treatment of Miss Baiyu!"

Before ye Yun could reply, Lord Liu was the first to speak.

Everyone knows Deputy cabinet leader Liu.

That's the number one person in the snow city.

It's just unexpected that Vice Premier Liu invited such an unknown and young man for treatment. It's like a joke.

Even xuedonghai was disappointed.

But after all, ye Yun was invited by Vice cabinet leader Liu. His original intention was good, so it was not good to make verbal ridicule. He asked subconsciously, "what do you mean, childe Ye just asked to wait?"

"I mean, we can't continue to put the ten thousand year ice in the living room! On the contrary, we should throw out all the ten thousand year ice in the hall. The farther we throw it, the better. It's best to light some refining bonfires in the hall!"

Ye Yun said calmly, but his tone was serious.

It's just that this word is really unspeakable and endlessly dead!

The crowd even sucked the air conditioner.

Who can't see that snow white jade is poisoned by fire and is extremely hot.

Even though many thousands of years of cold ice have been visited in this hall, it is still made like a stove by the heat emitted by the snow-white jade body.

Put in more ten thousand years of cold ice is the king.

If you follow Ye Yun's statement, you are basically pushing snow-white jade into the fire pit.

This is not saving people, it is harming people!

In particular, Mr. Li's face was even more gloomy for a moment, and he said sternly: "yellow mouth child, you don't talk here. You're just young and crazy. Why don't you have any medical ethics when you say such a harmful theory?"

"Hehe, brother Liu, I said earlier that you can't invite this person to be funny. Now it seems true, and he's not only funny, but also harmful. What's your intention?"

Tianqing, who has always been against Liu's deputy cabinet leader, is looking at Liu's deputy cabinet leader and punishing his heart with words.

Vice cabinet leader Liu was shocked, but he didn't know how to refute. He could only look at Ye Yun and prepare to persuade him.

But at this time, ye Yun had said: "harm? I think if you really put more ten thousand years of cold ice in this hall according to what you said, it's you who harm people, because the white jade girl's poison is not fire poison, but cold poison!"

Ye Yun's words immediately caused a greater sigh.

People have determined that ye Yun must be crazy!

"Deputy cabinet leader Liu, you invited this young man without saying anything. You'd better tell him to shut up quickly. It will affect Mr. Li's treatment for a while, and no one can afford the responsibility!"

Xuedonghai couldn't help but speak.

The Xuanqi in the palm of his hand was agitated for several times, but he finally held back. No slap sent Ye Yun to the West.

Liu, the vice cabinet leader, dared not neglect, and hurriedly pulled Ye Yun aside.

Originally, Liu Fuge's main purpose was to see that ye Yun could refine Shenhun pill and treat Wang Na's strange birthmark. He thought that ye Yun really had several brushes in treatment, so he was ready to rely on Ye Yun to treat the strange disease of snow-white jade, so as to earn an introduction fee.

But unexpectedly, ye Yun had no real talent at all.

That's all. He likes to talk wildly. He's a troublemaker.

Now he just wants to leave with Ye Yun quickly, so as not to cause any trouble again.