Ascenders are creatures with the soul signature of the fallen Mad Prime, the one we all know as Trixius the Great. But aside from that, Ascenders are creatures with a known rate of exponential growth in strength, That is a spirit being of only a few months old may yet have the power of the one who has cultivated for a thousand years.
Such a thing is only possible due to the presence of the bond with the soul remnant of Trixus inhabiting the soul of another being. More often than not, a reincarnated soul.
Why this has to be the case where the soul remnant needs a reincarnated soul or even why it reincarnates soul , we may not yet be in the clear but at least, we are sure that this is how it operates.
This information had taken a lot of time and observation to come together to piece and of course, with the cooperation of the Worlds below who have the presence o f the Soul remnants most pronounced.
It was known to the world below, some time back that there had been a proclamation to destroy all of those who were acclaimed to tbe asceners. Another way to identify these Ascenders is that they are often selfish about the goal that they have in mind, not minding whatever it may cause to the general populace. And while they are driven by their bond with the soul remnant of Trixius, they are often driven by their own personal greed and personal l.u.s.t for power and more often than not, an undying need for revenge on those who may have wronged them in the last lives.
It is thus not uncommon to see them laying waste to entire races, just because of the exponential growth that they have access to.
It is alarming that such would exist in the first place. How Trixus had even been able to pull this out in the last moments of his death and yet had gone unnoticed until now is something that perplexes all of us.
But rather than remain in the past, trying to figure out how he had done it when he was thoroughly cornered then, it is more expedient that we come together to curb the growth of the Ascenders.
All Ascenders are bad news, regardless of how noble or kind they may appear to be at first. It's all but a means to the end, a means to their own selfish, chaotic and violent The existence of Ascender Are to carry out the vengeful will of the mad prime on the rest of us who are yet alive, a bitter plan to exact his vengeance bye splitting his soul into the many parts And in the end, we would have to be bothered with spreading our forces left and right just in order to curb them all. So, with this in sight, it is expedient that we do not allow any of these Ascenders to live. They are potential bombs waiting for the right time to go boom. And the heavens forbid that they go boom in the time when we are least prepared. So the best way to deal with them now is to eradicate, without mercy, all of them even as they are as powerful as they are now. As we know that if we leave them now, due to the exponential boost in strength it would become a herculean task to put them down at a later time. And then, it may even cost a lot more than we anticipate for these Ascenders are the literal definitions of walking chaos.
But in all of this, we have been able to come to an understanding on how the Ascenders work. It may have cost some lives but it is info and intel that is very important to the struggle to exterminate the Ascenders.
In this study we have to understand now that besides their unexplained boost in strength, one must free his mind to the possibilities that exist with them.
There is something that is called Presence.
It is akin to every Ascender. And while it is not exactly something like an aura, it is more of an extended field of bearing where the will of the Ascender is spread out to.
It may be confusing to understand at first but this is what we all need to pay heed to, lest we get off guard and then are taken out by the presence of these Ascenders. Another reason why if we are going to eradicate them,we need to do that now and as fast as possible.
The presence of an Ascender is what makes them tick.
And until now, we have never noticed this so this must have been the result of the growing strength of the Ascender, collectively. They evolve and this is a result of that.
Now, as an Ascender, at least the ones we have come to observe, have this area of influence around them where their will is imparted on. And with the growth in their strength, the stronger their Presence grows. And the stronger their Presence grows, the more deadlier they become. Even to the extent where they do not really have to fight us anyone.
The effects of their Presence would be the one doing all of the fight, leaving us all beatdown even before we have the chance to get to them and exact their destruction.
A vivid example of this would be the Ascender who goes with the name of Helios, the 11th Ascender.
Like we mentioned , the Ascender Helios, in the last confrontation with him, it should be noted that his Presence had activated. And being that he is the number 11 Ascender ( number 11 is the number for chaos Chaos unchecked), we have seen the physical impact of it.
The soldiers who we had sent to the area where helios was, inseta do the to go abt the containing and the destruction of the Ascender, it should be noted that for each tf them, based on the report we could get form them, they reported of strong compulsion to be chaotic and do that which did not make sense. Just as long as they could be allowed to use their powers as randomly as they could and for them to run rampant, it was the feeling that bugged at them. And bugged at them , until they did give way to it.
The result of that was obvious. Instead of the containment that we had in stock for the 11th born Ascender, things had gone up south where the same very soldiers had better things to do where they were so busy fighting and battling themselves left and right.
Whereas,this was so far from the point. They were supposed to contain the Ascnder or if possible destroy him but instead, due to the strong impulsion they felt about being chaotic, they lost their sense of bearing and instead turned on each other. And while they were busy at it,the same Ascender had walked away from the scene, unscathed.
It was to be noticed that after the ascender left, the soldiers were all back to normal, the strong to do chos, having left their bodies. Leaving them tending to the injured among them, the same injury that they had had been the prime factors in wounding.
No action was taken against those who had survived because it was of none, it was not their fault. It was as a result of the Presence ability of the Ascender with the number of 11. Another thing to make us buckle up our shoes and get about the destruction of them all before they all got out of hands and are unstoppable. Such would be o the satisfaction of the form of the Mad Prime, something we cannot allow to be.
Then, that is not all. We all still have another instance of this Presence of a thing where we have seen it take place and effect. It would be in the capturing of the second Ascender we were yet able to get our grip on. But unlike the others that we have had encounters with, this seemed to be less inexperienced like the others and the consciousness was that of a child that was new to the world. Though, the intelligence of thisAscender kept on growing at unimaginable speeds.
CULLED FROM: A report letter to the Irunmole Society by Hunter Ufrais; Head of the Irunmole Extermination Protocols (IEP)