Chapter 1637

Of course, this is nothing. The next moment is to make lavanukin shiver.

Because the day you ask, the data captured by the telescope shows that the mysterious flying object in the north of the Himalayas is not only "floating" in the 120 km sky, but also making a large-scale spiral turning action.

In other words, the mysterious flight itself has power and can carry out large overload maneuvers.

If all the equipment of Nehru Observatory were put together before, it would not be possible to judge such high-speed and high overload maneuvers.

Even now, it is also very difficult. Fortunately, the newly updated IBM computer has helped a lot. This computer can automatically generate relevant trajectory motion mathematical models according to the asteroid trajectory captured, so as to make it easier for relevant scientists to understand the asteroid related state.

At present, this computer processing program also belongs to the top equipment in the field of astrophysics. As for the disadvantage, it is delayed. It takes at least three hours to catch the trajectory and generate the preliminary mathematical model of motion. If it is a more complex celestial body, it even takes three to four days to complete.

However, this is enough for astrophysicists. After all, they are not engaged in celestial defense. There is no need to calculate the data in real time.

Of course, even if it can be tracked in real time, it may not really catch the trace of the mysterious aircraft in the north of the Himalayas, because lamanujin noticed that the data displayed by their IBM computer is only a preliminary mathematical evaluation, not a real trajectory model.

This phenomenon is usually encountered only on more complex celestial bodies. Even if you want results, you have to wait three or four days.

The NMD missile defense system computer of the US North American air defense command is naturally much better than that of the Nehru observatory.

But the problem is that no matter how powerful, the computer architecture is the same. After all, they are all made by IBM. If not, the NMD missile defense system of the North American air defense command belongs to the top configuration version; The Nehru Observatory belongs to the beggar version.

In other words, the Nehru Observatory needs three or four days to understand, and the computer of the NMD missile defense system of the North American air defense command takes 10 to 20 minutes.

In terms of time, the NMD missile defense system of the North American air defense command is powerful enough, but the problem is that the 10-20 minute solution time is completely invalid for the NMD missile defense system of the North American air defense command, because when the North American air defense command calculates the logical point of one track, the mysterious aircraft has changed to another logical point, and so on, It means that the NMD missile defense system of the North American air defense command always lags 10 to 20 minutes.

This is no different from the NMD missile defense system of the North American air defense command. If you can't catch the target, you can't talk about interception. If you can't intercept, you will only be spanked.

No way, who makes the mysterious aircraft track too complex, not only the vertical "water drift" track, but also the horizontal large overload maneuver track.

The whole is floating and flickering, just like a divergent stream of consciousness. We can't judge where this aircraft will fly next. Otherwise, the IBM computer of Nehru Observatory can't list it as a very complex celestial body for calculation. That's the reason.

But because of this, ramanujin couldn't help but pop up three letters of UFO in his mind, but it didn't take long for him to give it back. There was no way. The feeling of deja vu always made lavanujin feel that he had seen it somewhere


"Deja vu? Have you seen such a vision?"

Just as lavanujin stared at the observation data of the heavenly king telescope and stared at the deja vu scene, koujiaobaojiangzi was surprised to ask the question in his heart: "so, have you seen aliens?"

Steve Matsumoto almost broke his defense again. Have you seen aliens? I want to see this goblin!

Speechless, he didn't even raise his head. His eyes were always staring at the cyclone vortex that seemed to never disappear through the lens of the camera. His other hand quickly pressed the shutter, which slowly opened his mouth: "if only I had seen aliens, I would have been tired of life on earth. It would be better to follow aliens around their planet... Just..."

With that, Steve Matsumoto looked up at the seemingly weakened vortex air mass: "I always think I've seen similar materials or books... But I just can't remember for a moment!"

"It's normal not to remember. After all, Rand Corporation has a close relationship with the U.S. military and needs to borrow a lot of materials every year. Maybe you see it from a secret base. Maybe it's area 51 Where the U.S. Air Force secretly stores alien bodies. It is said that it belongs to the U.S. Air Force..."

At first, she said that she had a nose and eyes. I didn't know that she thought she was a good helper and a good internal helper of Steve Matsumoto. She could say something about Rand Corporation and borrow internal materials. Compared with the previous opening of her mouth to Yunding heavenly palace, black donkey hooves were obviously much more capable.

However, after saying this for a long time, I found that it was not that Koizumi was really capable, but that there were too many Hollywood blockbusters in his head. There was no way. After the term Area 51 jumped out of Koizumi's mouth, the whole painting style changed beyond recognition. What aliens, what mysterious black technology, what secret organizations, can we say how big the brain hole in Hollywood is, Just double the mouth pepper and finish it.

But this time, Steve Matsumoto didn't break the defense as usual, but the whole person was just like being cursed by the queen mother of the West. The whole person was so stupid and stared at the vortex that had begun to dissipate in the distance, and said as if possessed: "the U.S. Air Force... The U.S. Air Force... Black Technology... Black Technology..."

I don't know how long later, Steve Matsumoto suddenly roared: "I know... I know... I know... It's not an alien spacecraft, it's a terrible man-made weapon on earth!"

The roar was a little powerful, which directly startled the nagging koujiaobujiangzi, but before koujiaobujiangzi reacted, Steve Matsumoto stormed into the tent, picked up the charging satellite phone and dialed a number with trembling hands.

After a long time, there came a lazy and obviously unhappy female voice: "Moses?"

Steve Matsumoto didn't have time to explain. He yelled: "I'm looking for vice president Yasuda. Come on... Ten thousand urgent... Come on!"


At the same time, Hans, an astronaut from Germany on the international space station, has a much better memory than Steve songben. Through practical observation, Hans soon reunited with the scene described by a secret information he saw in the North Atlantic Organization when he was serving in the army many years ago, so he didn't care to explain to Wolff nearby, Picked up a special line on the space station to contact the European Space Agency and called: "I'm Hans. I have an important report..."


At the same time, at Nehru Observatory, ramanukin also picked up the phone to the National Observatory in New Delhi and said shakily: "today, I have witnessed history..."