Chapter 1650

"Zhuang Jianye silenced the world with his shameless products in low earth orbit!"

On the afternoon of Zhuang Jianye's arrival in Abu Dhabi, the French newspaper Figaro published a comment on its official website, the title of which was the above sentence. As for the content of the article, let alone the approval of the outer space orbital transaction proposed by Zhuang Jianye, that is, the so-called orbital tax, which is good for nothing. Frankly speaking, it is tantamount to world peace and development, It is not conducive to the equal use of outer space resources by all mankind.

At the end of the article, he made an undisguised appeal to Zhuang Jianye not to use the narrow vision of businessmen to hinder mankind's desire for outer space, and suggested that Zhuang Jianye should do something more beneficial to human development.

The style of the whole article is very high, and the writing style is also very tall. However, if you read it carefully, you will find that there are actually three words written on the full paper:

"Citric acid"!

The French can't be sour. First of all, only the "Ariana" series of launch vehicles can be used for space launch in France and even Europe. However, the cost of this series of launch vehicles is surprisingly high, even 1.5 times higher than that of the "delta" series of launch vehicles in the United States.

If such an expensive rocket launches microsatellites such as "roaming terminator", it can be said that it will be thanks to grandma's house, not to mention France, even if it gathers the strength of all Europe.

The problem is that if you can't afford to play, you can choose to hold your thighs. For example, Britain chooses to partner with the United States to invest in Musk's "star chain" plan; On the other hand, Russia signed a memorandum of space cooperation with China Tengfei in exchange for the long-term right to use low earth orbit with spacecraft return technology from the Soviet Union.

This is a very realistic choice. If your skills are not as good as others, you choose to cooperate. Anyway, they are the five permanent members. They can't pull down if they have no face.

But the proud French just can't pull it down.

They always think they are better than the United States in terms of system; Technically stronger than at home, coupled with its own arrogant character, France prefers to do something independent. For example, by integrating European resources to fill France's huge investment in the aerospace field.

Anyway, it is also one of the five permanent members. As the leader in Europe, there should be no less cards.

But the problem is that France has lost all its face. It can't compete with China and the United States for low earth orbit resources, and it can't pull down its face and hold either side's thigh. The final situation is that every time it launches a satellite, it has to calculate how much royalties should be paid to these parties in order to ensure its own satellite safety.

If this thing is done secretly under the table, the arrogant French can still retain a trace of face. The problem is that Zhuang Jianye directly pointed out the window paper of track tax in an interview with media reporters at Abu Dhabi International Airport.

That is to say, in the future, only a few entities in outer space, including China's take-off, will be eligible for orbit tax, which is not France's share.

This broke the proud French glass heart. Those who have seen milk method have never seen such milk method. Naturally, they have to show their position.

As for what position?

Of course, the rail tax is against the objective law of history. It is a public enemy of mankind and must be prohibited, prohibited or prohibited by TMD!

Japan's Asahi Shimbun is also in favor of the ban. However, in addition to criticizing the proposal of Zhuang Jianye's track tax like the French Figaro newspaper, Asahi Shimbun also engaged in some small means to sow discord. For example, the article said bluntly: "South Korea Daewoo Group has encountered the most shameful day since its establishment!"

Kim min Shuo's phone call was said to be a sign that South Korea Daewoo Group bowed to Zhuang Jianye and knelt down to beg for mercy.

However, in addition to the daily approval of Daewoo and China's take-off, the core content of the Asahi Shimbun article is actually to publicize the mrj7090 series regional airliner of Mitsubishi group. This aviation project, which was announced only in March this year, is the largest industrial planning project of the Ministry of economy, trade and Industry since Japan's semiconductor industry, It aims to improve Japan's industrial structure, promote Japan's industrial development, drive domestic employment, and finally overcome the economic difficulties and realize Japan's economic recovery.

It is no exaggeration to say that the mrj7090 series regional airliner project is a national project of Japan's own country. After winning, Japan will become one of the high-end aviation manufacturing, complete the upgrading and transformation, and take off the economy.

If they fail, they will have no spare power to support other industries, and can only gradually sink with several existing advantageous industries.

Because of this, Japan is extremely cautious and cautious about the mrj7090 series regional airliner project. The first is to restrain its ambition. It is clear that Japan only limits the aviation industry to the regional airliner business and will never cross the 120 seat level, the trunk airliner red line set by Boeing.

The second is the introduction of aviation product suppliers in the United States. For example, American General Motors became the aeroengine supplier of mrj7090 series regional airliner project for the first time.

Similarly, there are industry giants such as Honeywell, Raytheon and Northrop.

Loma was invited by Mitsubishi group to join the mrj7090 series regional airliner project and participate in the design and optimization of mrj7090 series regional airliner as a strategic partner.

Finally, it is clear about its own positioning, that is, to be the fcnb-220 series of China's take-off. Frankly, mrj7090 series regional airliner is born to benchmark fcnb-220.

Although fcnb-220 has larger passenger capacity and longer range, mrj7090 series is more comfortable, more mature technology, lower operating cost, more prominent safety and better economy. If considered comprehensively, mrj7090 series can press fcnb-220 on the ground.

Through the above three operations, Japan's Mitsubishi Group has not only won the recognition and support of a large number of American aviation giants, including Boeing, but also won the acquiescence of other aviation giants such as Airbus and Bombardier because it benchmarked China's take-off fcnb-220.

It can be said that the mrj7090 series regional airliner project has held a good hand before it was born, at least much more relaxed than the external environment when China took off to develop fcnb-220.

Of course, Mitsubishi group of Japan also knows that this wave of operation is extremely wonderful, so it has more confidence in completing the mrj7090 series regional airliner project.

The outside world, including the domestic aviation industry, is generally optimistic about Japan's mrj7090 series regional airliner project. In addition to the loose external environment, the most important thing is that Japan, as the largest overseas cabin component supplier of Boeing in the United States, has not interrupted the manufacturing of Boeing series aircraft for so many years.

Among them, Japan ranks first in the world with 35% of the production of the latest Boeing 787. Another aviation production giant, China Tengfei, accounts for only 30% of the production of Boeing 787. From this data, since China Tengfei can develop fcnb-220, why can't Japan Mitsubishi develop mrj7090 series?