Chapter 1657

The transfer of UAV production line has long been in Zhuang Jianye's plan. After all, China's take-off today should have upgraded its UAV production technology. Therefore, the UAV production plant in Huancheng began to upgrade as early as three years ago.

It's a pity that the eliminated production lines can't be stacked in the warehouse to eat ash, so Zhuang Jianye wanted to sell them at a good price early on.

Originally, Zhuang Jianye gave priority to domestic friends and businessmen. After all, since China's take-off brought UAVs to fire, major domestic aircraft manufacturers and even Aerospace manufacturers have successively launched their own UAVs, so that domestic UAVs have begun to develop in a blowout manner in the past two years.

Based on this, Zhuang Jianye felt that the production lines eliminated by Huancheng factory should be very popular, but as a result, other friends did not even look at these eliminated equipment except that a newly launched Aerospace manufacturer purchased several key equipment in China.

The reason is that the equipment is too old and the technology is too poor to meet their product positioning.

Zhuang Jianye is also helpless, because no wonder those friends and businessmen have high horizons. It can only be said that the domestic aviation manufacturing industry has developed too fast in recent years. Each one is like the old wealth of the landlords, and the family background is thick and tight. Accordingly, they can't see the things eliminated.

In that case, it can only be sold to the outside world. At this time, Prince Abdullah II came to the door, and Zhuang Jianye naturally wanted to perfect him.


At this time, Prince Abdullah II, who put down the phone, also smiled happily. He looked at the East European and American people who had just been tossed by him, kicked them mercilessly and said in disgust: "where can I get the money from the housekeeper!"

He ignored the ecstatic bitch, picked up the phone again, found a number in the address book and dialed it. After the phone was connected, a gentle and thick voice came over the phone: "I didn't expect you to call me at this time. What's the matter? The Ukrainian celebrity introduced to you is not satisfied, my dear highness Abdullah?"

"No, my dear prince Salman, she's very good. It's as hot as an erupting volcano, which can melt me directly, so I suggest you often. Of course, I don't like such people to stay with me when we're doing business, so as not to tarnish our noble conversation!" Prince Abdullah II got out of bed naked, took a glass of water, joked, and drank the water with a thump.

Prince Salman on the other side of the phone knelt down on his luxurious Persian wool woven cushion. The waiter on the other side wanted to help him up, but Prince Salman waved and refused. Instead, he smiled with his mobile phone and said, "what's the business? Do you still want me to promote the take-off UAV production line from China?"

"Of course!" Prince Abdullah II did not shy away: "you should know that ty-2 UAV, oh, no, it should be called tnb-2 UAV now. After upgrading, its capability has been unprecedentedly powerful. Of course, this is not important. The most important thing is that it is in line with the concept you have always adhered to, that is, to break Saudi Arabia's high dependence on oil economy and gradually realize industrialization."

"It's really in line with my idea, my dear maxim, but you should also know that UAVs are only UAVs after all. What else can they do besides reconnaissance?"

"You can also attack the ground!"

"No... no..." said, Prince Salman stood up with the help of the waiter: "In my opinion, UAVs are not as reliable as manned fighter bombers after all. Of course, I will consider your suggestions, otherwise I will not accept your invitation to come to Abu Dhabi to participate in the exhibition. However, my dear Maxim brothers, I really don't see anything bright in front of me because of China's take-off, except the boast of their CEO, Zhuang Jianye, in the media Well, my dear maxim, I've just finished my prayer. Let me have a rest. I'll see you at the air show tomorrow! "

After saying that, Prince Salman hung up the phone and gave his mobile phone to the waiter without giving face to King Abdullah II.

However, not to mention Prince Abdullah II, the king of the United Arab Emirates, Prince Salman is the same, and will not make the other party uncomfortable, because Prince Salman, as the leader of the new generation of the Saudi royal family, is one of the most promising candidates to become the king of Saudi Arabia.

Of course, even if he can't become a king, as the favorite son of a senior official in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who has served for nearly half a century, it is also a probability that he will inherit his father's position in the future.

As the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh province has always been held by important royal officials and has a great voice in Saudi Arabia. That's why no matter how Prince Salman develops in the future, he is a powerful figure in Saudi Arabia. Such a person will only attract flattery and no one wants to offend.

However, because of this, Prince Salman has extremely lofty aspirations and ambitions. He hopes to change Saudi Arabia's backward system and relatively single economic structure through his own efforts, so as to firmly occupy a dominant position in the volatile Middle East in the future.

And his solution to this problem is also very correct, that is to realize Saudi Arabia's industrialization.

However, unlike Prince Abdullah II's father, Prince Abdullah the elder, the industrialization is more like a face project, so that the momentum is great, but the core technology is pitiful. More importantly, Prince Salman's industrialization is more organized when he meets the opposition of some vested interest groups.

Relying on Saudi Arabia's rich oil resources, Prince Salman first carried out the layout of oil-based heavy chemical industry. With the support of sufficient financial resources, Prince Salman established three large oil smelting plants in Riyadh province at one time.

Most importantly, Saudi Arabia has fully mastered the core technologies used by these smelters.

On this basis, Prince Salman began to rely on the deep processing of oil, continued to promote extension, and launched a large number of industrial projects. Among them, aviation manufacturing, as an advanced manufacturing industry introduced before 2010, has become the core industry of Prince Salman's first stage industrialization.

In this process, Prince Salman is bound to offend a group of vested interests, but the tough Prince Salman is very decisive. It's called catching what should be caught, killing what should be killed, and tough mess.

However, no matter how tough Salman is, the weak industrial foundation of Saudi Arabia still makes the industrialization process of Prince Salman very difficult. For example, the aviation manufacturing industry he cherishes, whether in Europe, the United States or Russia, expresses a very cold attitude towards his introduction intention, which gives Salman a headache. You know, this is the core of his first stage of industrialization, If it is not completed, the whole industrialization process will be dealt a heavy blow, and those opponents suppressed by him will inevitably rise up and attack it. At that time, he can only step down in frustration. He will not only lose the leading power of industrialization, but also lose the right to inherit the throne in the future