Chapter 1698

Zhuang Jianye talked a lot about the new strategic transport aircraft, and talked a lot about the research results of China's take-off.

For example, why give up the plan of super heavy strategic transport aircraft such as the former Soviet Union An-225 or the U.S. C-5 "galaxy".

You know, these two super heavy transport aircraft represent the peak of human large aircraft. They can be called the existence of transportation. They are also the yearning of many aviation experts and people in China.

Among other things, many Air Force leaders present here are supporters of these two super heavy transport aircraft.

But the problem is that the adaptability of the demand side determines that these two super heavy strategic transport aircraft will come to an end.

Just like the field of civil airliners, Airbus's A380 has created a miracle in the history of human aviation, because he firmly wears the crown of the largest airliner on his head.

However, the A380 has won the glory of engineering technology, but it has not been recognized by the market.

No way, who made the operating cost of the A380 so expensive that many airlines shook their heads at the lengthy maintenance bill, and then chose Boeing's 787 without hesitation.

Because of the same range and the same comfort, the Boeing 787 not only saves more fuel, but also the maintenance cost of the two engines will be more economical.

On the contrary, a four engine aircraft such as the A380 not only consumes more fuel, but also costs at least twice as much maintenance as a twin engine aircraft.

Civil airliners are like this, and military strategic transport aircraft also have to calculate the cost.

Super heavy strategic transport aircraft such as the Soviet An-225 or the U.S. C-5 "galaxy" are good, and can cover almost all large military equipment, but the real problem is that there are not many airports suitable for such super heavy strategic transport aircraft.

No way. People with a maximum takeoff weight of more than 300 tons have high quality and length of the airport runway, not to mention air traffic control and dispatching. In the airspace where such aircraft appear, other aircraft are generally transferred far away to avoid unnecessary air accidents.

This greatly reduces the application scope of this kind of super heavy strategic transport aircraft.

Of course, this is not an important reason why Zhuang Jianye abandoned this kind of strategic transport aircraft. The key is that this kind of strategic transport aircraft can not directly send key equipment and personnel to the front-line combat area. It can only be used as a transit at the hub airport of the second or third line, and then use medium-sized transport aircraft or light tactical transport aircraft to transfer to the front-line in batches.

This is just like the courier who should have sent the user's express to the customer, but because the door of the community can't get in, you can only let you go downstairs and get it at the door through the landscape green belt and pavilions and pavilions of the whole community. It's not an experience at all.

Most importantly, it is not cost-effective.

The use cost of medium-sized transport aircraft and light tactical transport aircraft is indeed not as large as that of super heavy strategic transport aircraft, but it is not comparable to ordinary road transport and railway transport. Moreover, these small and medium-sized transport aircraft can transport the goods delivered by super heavy transport aircraft in one Sorty. The key is that it often takes several sorties, or even more than a dozen sorties to complete.

The actual cost of the whole process is not less than that of the super heavy strategic transport aircraft, or even much more than that of the super heavy strategic transport aircraft.

More importantly, small and medium-sized transport aircraft can not fit some heavy equipment, such as main battle tanks, heavy artillery, air defense and anti missile interception systems and other overweight equipment. Finally, they have to be transported by rail or road.

This greatly reduces the deployment efficiency and affects the rapid deployment of forward forces.

Based on this, maintaining the maximum take-off weight of the strategic transport aircraft at 250 tons, controlling the load capacity in the range of 60 to 70 tons, covering the loading of most tanks, artillery and missiles, and combining strategic delivery and tactical point-to-point transportation is the development direction of the future strategic transport aircraft.

Otherwise, why did the US military stop the improvement of the C-5 "galaxy" strategic transport aircraft and start a new stove to build a new C-17 strategic transport aircraft?

I still don't think that the C-17, a new strategic transport aircraft that takes into account the performance of both strategic and tactical transport aircraft, will not only be more flexible in future combat operations, but also conform to the combat concept of global arrival of the U.S. military.

After all, no one will have any opinion about express delivery to the door!

Even if the payload of 60 tons to 70 tons can not cover all equipment, such as the No. 31 Ag long-range missile under test in China and the No. 41 long-range missile under intensive development.

The weight of these two missiles and launch vehicles is more than 80 tons, and the new strategic transport aircraft can't take into account.

But the problem is that these two long-range missiles are not suitable for the delivery of strategic transport aircraft because of their strategic attributes. After all, the underground Great Wall built over the years is more hidden and sudden than the open airport.

In addition, the carrying capacity of the new strategic transportation covers almost all equipment in service or about to enter service.

For example, the No. 26 medium range ballistic missile equipped with ultra-high speed gliding warhead dominated by China's take-off, that is, the second generation anti-ship ballistic missile, has a weight of 70 tons.

It is just possible to use the new strategic transport aircraft for rapid delivery.

However, five strategic transport aircraft of the same model can deliver all personnel and equipment of the complete No. 26 missile launch battalion to any region, and then launch them quickly, so as to effectively deter large surface ship targets within 3000 to 5000 kilometers.

This makes the combat mode of anti-ship to missile more flexible and changeable tactical choices!

Not only the Second Artillery Corps, the army's heavy armored force and the air assault force being established can also complete the strategic delivery of all personnel and equipment with the support of the new strategic transport aircraft.


After listening to Zhuang Jianye's speech, many business leaders and relevant experts present nodded at the same time. Even after the chief of the air force exchanged views with several leaders of the surrounding headquarters, Raise your head to the microphone and say: "Comrade Jianye's speech just now is very pertinent. I suggest that you can try to do some preliminary work in this direction for China's take-off, and other units can also participate in it. After all, this kind of new strategic transport aircraft is an important weapon of the country. We should give full play to the advantages of the new national system and concentrate on doing this work... Well... What's the matter?"

When the head of the air force made a concluding speech on the new strategic transport aircraft, a secretary came quietly. The head of the air force couldn't help wrinkling his eyebrows, but before the head of the air force asked about the specific situation, the Secretary said something in his ear. The head of the air force immediately changed his face: "things are developing so fast..."

After a moment of meditation, he said, "that's all for this meeting. Comrade Jianye will go to the office with me..."