With these words, Yan Tiancheng's thoughts seem to go back to a few years ago, when Ning Zhishan had not been knocked down, because of the origin of the workers, he was put in important position.

He Ming was not so lucky. He was knocked down at the beginning of the special period, and then sent to the so-called "study class" for transformation. He suffered a lot.

Ning Zhishan sympathizes with he Ming. He often takes Erguotou and zhutourou to see them. Needless to say, if he is encouraged, he can help as much as he can. Even when he Ming and others have family affairs, Ning Zhishan helps them.

Because of this, Ning Zhishan got along well with he Ming and others during this period of time, but he also offended many people and was soon knocked down on a charge.

However, the friendship has been planted. When the special period is over, he Ming and others resume their work. Ning Zhishan is just like a rocket, from the director of the workshop, the director of the second branch factory, the director of the personnel department to the director of the organization department.

If it wasn't for the lack of education and being stuck in the hard target, it would not be difficult for the deputy director of the general factory.

Others are envied by Yan Tiancheng. At that time, he was not knocked down, but he did not have the courage of Ning Zhishan not to hit the south wall and not to look back.

Therefore, although he also sympathized with he Ming and others, he remained at the psychological level, without actual action, and naturally did not have the scenery of ningzhishan. This is why his wife Wang Xueqin nagged when she was angry, saying that he didn't give advice at that time, and now the deputy director has got it.

Of course, these are old things. It's too late for Yan Tiancheng to regret them. The reason why he thinks of them is nothing more than the abnormal attitude of chief engineer he today. At that time, he didn't understand them. But when he thinks of these old things, Yan Tiancheng suddenly brightens up.

This is Ning Zhishan's way to pave the way for the younger generation, and the cost is quite large.

In this case, he didn't have to get in the way of others. Even the chief engineer asked, why should he be the thankless villain.

Especially when I saw the young man bending in with his briefcase, I became more firm in my mind. As for the simple reason, Ning Xiaodong, who had been teaching English by correspondence for a year, was transferred from an ordinary young worker in the workshop to the intelligence department. Without the nod of the chief engineer, Ning Zhishan's organization director could not do it.

So You'd better take good care of this village!


Zhuang Jianye doesn't know that his boss is ready to take care of himself. Now he is looking at Ning Xiaodong with a speechless face.

Even if you're late, why do you have to touch your corner? And why do you see yourself laughing obscenely and then do it next to you? Don't you know that the big guys on the rostrum are looking like knives, cutting them into pieces?

"Why are you here? I don't think the leaders are also invited to attend as nonvoting delegates, are they? Well No, director Yan is here. What are you doing here? Oh, I see. You are in charge of recording. I'll just say... "

"The last two in the last six rows, if you two can speak, you can go on stage and say," I still have a microphone here. Don't speak loudly. Will you come? "

Before Ning Xiaodong finished speaking, any Da Kui, the leader of the military representative office on the stage, glared at a corner and asked angrily, which attracted the attention of countless participants.

Zhuang Jianye quickly covers his face with a blank manuscript. Ning Xiaodong is too shameful. He really doesn't know him.

Although Ning Xiaodong is a bit of a jerk, he can also clear up the situation. For example, now, he feels that the atmosphere of the venue is a bit wrong!

It's really not right. To be exact, because the meeting didn't meet the expectations, the faces of several people on the rostrum were not very good-looking.

As for why, it's very simple. Both the technical department and the production unit are very cautious, for fear that the quality of vortex jet 7 will fall on them.

So a quality reason investigation meeting was just turned into a bullshit meeting by the heads of several departments.

He Ming, who is not good-looking, wants to say something about the situation. However, he is stopped by he Dakui. He picks up the receiver and just wants to say it, he sees Ning Xiaodong muttering. He Dakui, who is already angry, naturally won't let go of the person who hit the gun, so he "fires".

Of course, the effect is very good. The whole audience was silent.

He Dakui was very satisfied with the effect. He glared at Ning Xiaodong and Zhuang Jianye again, then cleared his throat and said, "I'll tell you a story. It's my personal experience."

He took a sip of tea, and then continued: "in the late 1970s, my original army had a very excellent pilot. Due to the poor quality of the engine, the turbine shaft broke, causing a first-class accident. The plane was destroyed and people died!"

After a pause, he Da Kui sighed: "at that time, the army immediately informed the family. The leader of the army asked the wife who came in a hurry what she wanted. The pilot's wife said," there is no other requirement. There is only one. She just wants to see her husband for the last time. " Comrades ~ "

before his voice fell, he Dakui's eyes began to turn red, and he said in a random voice:" comrades, it was her request that made my troops very embarrassed. Because it's impossible. The plane exploded and disintegrated in an instant. The pilot still had a complete one. It was blown to pieces. "With these words, he Dakui sorted out his thoughts, and then cut into the theme: "I said so much, which means that quality is life! When it comes to responsibilities, people will die. So, comrades, for the sake of the pilots' wives, we all sit here to brainstorm and solve the problem first. "

After listening to he Dakui's words, the people in the meeting hall became lively. Whether they were really moved by the story, or they put down their responsibility and began to take it seriously, there were scenes of brainstorming.

Chief engineer he took advantage of his strength and began to give speeches to several technical backbones. From time to time, he gave some pertinent opinions in his notebook.

Ning Xiaodong pretended to be a good man for a while. When the discussion started again, he began to feel uneasy again. He looked at Zhuang Jianye, who he didn't know, and said, "OK, don't pretend. There are still people who don't know their big brother these days. I'll talk to Xiaohui. It's too much!"

"Come on, brother, are you going too far? I don't want to be bothered by you Zhuang Jianye didn't give me a good face. This product is a two skin face. The more he indulges, the more he pushes his nose.

Seeing that Zhuang Jianye came back, Ning Xiaodong didn't care. He laughed and thought that nothing had happened. Instead, he licked his face and asked, "do you see anything wrong?"

"You are my immortal. I didn't touch it. How do I know? What, moved by the story? "

"No! Man is also a man who has pursuit. OK, I won't talk nonsense to you. What is the turbine blade that really has no solution? "

"It depends on the angle of view." Zhuang Jianye rubbed his chin and looked thoughtful.