Chapter 127

"Zhuang Jianye? 23 branch? How is that possible? "

I don't know how long later, Lu Zhenjiang suddenly exclaimed. He really can't imagine that a well-known take-off factory with a deep background is actually the unpopular No.23 branch of Yonghong factory, and the big boss with a military prefix is Zhuang Jianye.

The turning point is a little big. Lu Zhenjiang's head and melon seeds can't turn around for a while.

It's not only Lu Zhenjiang, but also Lu Ma and Lu Ying. There's no way. It's because Zhuang Jianye's reputation was too big at the beginning, a little white face who relied on his father-in-law and was kicked into mud because of his downfall.

Although more than a year has passed, the negative case of Zhuang Jianye is still a typical example of the factory.

There is no one who has a daughter in the family but thousands of exhortations to ask her own girl to find anything and not a son-in-law like Lao Ning's. she has nothing but a stinky skin. Once something happens at home, she can only live with him.

As for men of marriageable age, Zhuang Jianye's vision is regarded as a self-discipline. Even if they eat soft food, they have to find a potential soft food to eat. If they step down in a few days, is that a soft food? That's to suffer.

Of course, there is also news that Zhuang Jianye has done well after going to the 23rd branch factory. However, most of the family members of Yonghong factory stubbornly insist on their views and scoff at the news that beautifies Zhuang Jianye.

What is the situation of the 23rd branch factory? No one in Yonghong factory does not know. Even if it is well done, where can it be better? What can we do with efficiency? Can it change the reality of the stepmother of the 23rd branch?

Therefore, in addition to Mr. Ning's publicizing the success of Zhuang Jianye, others still take counter examples. Lu Ma and Lu Ying are typical examples of these people.

You know, Lu's mother has taught her daughter more than once. In the future, you have to polish your eyes when you look for someone. Don't look for a man who hugs her thighs and eats soft food. No matter how good-looking she is, Ning Xiaohui has moved to that poor place in Huancheng. If you look for someone, you will suffer for the rest of your life.

The result is that the person they brought out to admonish is actually the so-called son of high cadre, big boss? Even he chief engineer praised the model so much that its value could not be estimated?

My God, when did Zhuang Jianye's little white face become so powerful.

He Ming was calm, but he breathed for a while before he recovered. Then he asked Lu Ming seriously, "Mingming, is this model plane really made by Zhuang Jianye?"

"That's what Ning Xiaodong said. I don't think he dare to cheat me."

"When did they start?"

Lu Ming shook his head this time: "I don't know the details."

"Can you lend me this model first?" He Ming spoke again.

"Yes." Lu Ming was very straightforward, and then added, "if you need anything else, I'll send a letter to Ning Xiaodong and ask him to get it for you."

"No, I'm going to see the 23rd branch right now." He Ming shook his head, then began to carefully put the model into the tin box, and then got up.

Lu Zhenjiang also followed: "old leader, don't be in such a hurry, or let's go after dinner?"

"Huancheng is not near Xingzhou. I'm afraid I'll be late and it will be dark when I get there. We all live in the same family area. If we want to have dinner, we can do it at any time. Don't be in a hurry. Wait for the next time."

Then he took the box and prepared to go out. As a result, as soon as he got to the door, he suddenly thought of something and stopped: "by the way, if you have time to tell factory director Yu, I reserve my opinion, but I hope he will not be arbitrary any more. If there is any major decision, you must communicate with the factory Party committee."

With these words, he Ming politely said goodbye to Lu Ma and others, and pushed the door in Lu Zhenjiang's eyes.

It was only when the door was closed again that Lu Zhenjiang regained his mind. He felt a little sorry that the old leader had just left, but he was relieved for some reason. After all, he Ming's words before he left were the focus of his dinner today. With these words, he was able to explain to director Yu, and then gain a firm foothold in the leadership of the factory.

So it doesn't matter whether we eat or not.

As for the 23rd branch factory that he Ming is eager to go to, Lu Zhenjiang doesn't even have the mind to think about it. He has mixed it up into a model processing factory. What's more, he Ming, who has lost power in the factory, has the leisure. However, it's also good that two people who are marginalized by the main factory report to the group together for heating.

Of course, these psychological words must not be said, otherwise it would be too bastard.

The problem is that if Lu Zhenjiang doesn't say it, it doesn't mean that other people can't see it. Lu Ming is most disgusted with her second eldest brother's attitude. As soon as she sees that Lu Zhenjiang turns out the wine in the cupboard and is ready to enjoy herself, Lu Ming picks up her coat and says to Lu Ma, "I have an experiment to do in the afternoon. I'll go and get busy first." Just push the door.

Only left Lu Ma and others at a loss Leng for a long time, finally with a helpless sigh, went to the kitchen to serve food.


Zhuang Jianye sat in his office, closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, one hand rubbing his eyebrows, feeling very tired.I don't know if I've used up all my luck or what's wrong. It's not a very smooth time.

Since last year, Mr. Cen has been helping the 23rd branch of Yonghong factory to find people. It can't be said that there are no results. He has indeed found some teachers with good skills.

However, the retired level-8 worker that Zhuang Jianye expected to be able to operate that set of turbine fan blades has never been able to get it. It's not that Mr. Cen doesn't work hard, but that old mechanic who even Mr. Cen has to be honored as master is really archaic. When he heard that he went to the 23rd branch factory to make fans, he directly beat Mr. Cen out and said that he was an aeroengine maker to make fans, I can't afford to lose that man.

Zhuang Jianye thought that master Cen didn't make it clear, so he went to Huancheng and offered a high salary of 1000 yuan a month. As a result, he was also kicked out. The reason is very simple. It's not about money, but about face. He went to Huancheng to make fans. If other people in the factory knew, where would that old face go?

Zhuang Jianye is speechless. It's all about producing leaves. Is it necessary to be so real?

If the level 8 workers are not invited, the turbofan production equipment will not be able to move and can only be kept in the warehouse.

The cold drink equipment produced by the factory was sniped by the opponent. It was the collective factory that once had a conflict with the 23rd branch factory. This time, seven or eight imitation factories were united to reduce the price. The 23rd branch factory's equipment was caught off guard and was robbed of many markets by these factories.

The efficiency of the No.23 branch factory fell a lot in an instant. Even in Huancheng City, he was so nervous that he was afraid that there would be problems in the No.23 branch factory. In the past week, several leaders came to inspect the No.23 branch factory, which made Zhuang Jianye very tired.