Chapter 149

It's no wonder that Zhuang Jianye is like this. It's not difficult to make a plane. He can get a few templates, set up a shelf, and spend 100 yuan to get a small engine. Once it's lit, he can fly into the sky.

However, it is not so easy for an enterprise to make an aircraft. What an enterprise does with an aircraft is to obtain benefits first, and then drive the subsequent development and continue to produce benefits.

The benefit is produced by the market, so we should carefully investigate the market, find the blank point, and then hit the middle.

In this respect, Zhuang Jianye is not short of people. As long as he is willing to work hard, it is not a problem to find a point. What's more, he has a good grasp of the general trend, so he is more or less confident in this point.

What he is short of now is aircraft design talents, especially the core talents who know the root and the bottom and are willing to work hard for a certain aircraft model for more than ten years with him.

There's no way. Airplanes are a slow job, especially those that can carry people. From the beginning of design, then screening materials, and then conducting tests, then trial production, and then flight test and improvement, it's very difficult for the 23rd branch to complete the whole process in less than ten years.

After all, Yonghong factory started by repairing airplanes and engines, rather than an aircraft factory in the real sense. It has aircraft production capacity, but it has no complete technology. At best, it only provides accessories for other factories.

Therefore, the whole process of aircraft production and manufacturing, even the Yonghong factory should start from scratch.

So there is a problem, who is willing to go with him for this very unreliable dream, put himself in the shoes, Zhuang Jianye all have some jokes about himself, 23 branch now can only say small achievements, with 3 million US dollars of orders seems to be scenery, but all the assets add up to less than Yonghong factory in the middle of the ninth branch.

If you want to build a plane, you'll have to spend more than ten years behind your ass. go to hell.

So after listening to Lin Guanghua's words, Zhuang Jianye has no choice but to be angry. Everyone has the right to choose. He has it, and so does Lin Guanghua.

"Let's go one step and see one step!"

Zhuang Jianye sighed, stood up, helped the unconscious Lin Guanghua up and dragged him into the room.


Building airplanes is still a bit of a mirage, but the electric fans of the 23rd branch of the factory are on the verge of landing.

Thanks to master Ju's complete devotion, his son has become a well-known photographer, and his photos have been sold to the other side of the ocean. Master Ju's old couple are full of tears.

They thought that they had to keep Ju Tao alive until he died. They thought that once they left home, they would be able to make a living. Apart from lamenting the impermanence of fate, they were grateful to Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong. If they hadn't taken their son away, there would be no time for them to be proud.

Master Ju and his wife immediately expressed their gratitude. We will be from the 23rd branch in the future.

As a result, the electric fan project of No.23 branch plant began to make rapid progress. It was not only the technology, but also the design that made a decisive breakthrough. This was due to a person introduced by master Ju. After hearing this, Zhuang Jianye was very surprised because he was very familiar with Liu Chun, who was in the same group with him at that time.

No one would have thought that Liu Chun, a veteran oilman, learned the overall structure and tooling design of turbofan engine blades in those years. Liu Chun participated in and also undertook important work on the turbofan 6, Sipei and even the surveying and mapping crashed aircraft that Yonghong factory had worked on.

However, because several models were forced to dismount later, Liu Chun had no place to use, was not familiar with other businesses, and had a bad family composition in those years, so as to become mediocre over time.

Where did Zhuang Jianye know so many secrets? He learned that Liu Chun was an expert in the design of the overall structure and tooling of the fan blades of turbofan engines. He could not sit still. He went to Xingzhou and invited Liu Chun to come here in person.

The process is very smooth. Liu Chunke is not as rigid as master Ju. Of course, this is also related to Zhuang Jianye's direct attack on Liu Chun's weakness. A 60 square meter building, with its own toilet, a new residential area, with first-class environment, can be moved in with bags.

Because of the distribution, Liu Chun is almost depressed. I heard that he can live in a 60 square meter building, and the one he promised is called a "Ga Bang Cui".

Then he went back to the factory and retired. Half a month later, he brought his family to Huancheng. When they pushed away the spacious house behind the Huancheng municipal Party committee, five members of the family wept bitterly.

After that, Liu Chun wiped her tears and said to Zhuang Jianye, "tell me what you want me to do. As long as I don't break the law, I'll do anything. I don't want to get paid."

As a result, the design and production of the electric fan in the 23rd branch of the factory is completed. However, with master Ju and Liu Chun coming from Yonghong factory, the whole structure can no longer be summarized by the electric fan project, because as long as the materials are suitable, it is not difficult for them to develop and produce a fan blade on an ordinary turbojet engine.

Zhuang Jianye is very happy that he didn't get the talent for aircraft design, but he has made a big step in Aeroengine Design. Although it's not the most important core aircraft design and production, there are several companies that can independently design and produce the fan blades of turbofan engine all over the country?Therefore, in addition to "aviation technology, military quality", the advertising words of the produced electric fan also need to be added, that is "let you feel the comfortable wind from the plane ~ ~"

well, in this way, let the publicist write down this sentence later.

Zhuang Jianye thought happily, then opened the door of the office, pulled open the collar to make himself comfortable, and took the teapot to pour some water. At this time, Lin Guanghua came in. Zhuang Jianye was a little surprised. He asked for a long holiday since he said he wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination. How could he come to work today?

Can't help asking: "ask me to cancel leave?"

"No, it's for you to sign!" Lin Guanghua smiles brilliantly. Then he hands over two pages. Zhuang Jianye looks down and finds out that it's a postgraduate admission notice from a university. Because Lin Guanghua is on the job, he needs a letter of introduction from the company.

"Congratulations, Congratulations!" Since he couldn't keep it, Zhuang Jianye didn't need to keep it, so he took out his pen and prepared to sign the letter of introduction.

As a result, as soon as he took out his pen, he listened to Ning Xiaodong's flattering Laughter: "uncle he, you see, my hair is called fashion. It's the same with other people's beauty. Ah ~ ~ here we are."

Then he went in first and nodded at Lin Guanghua to say hello. Then he yelled with Zhuang Jianye: "Lao Zhuang, chief engineer he is here. He wants to ask you something."

Zhuang Jianye was very surprised that he could ask anything. As a result, he was still confused. He Ming, who came in later, said, "it's not me who want to ask, but my old classmate who wants to ask, how did you think of the Jian-7 reform?"