Chapter 178

Yes, Liszt was really under a lot of pressure to see Mary Johnson, because this beautiful woman was not only his alumnus in Harvard, but also had a love experience between them that was not humane. Just because of this, Liszt's mind flew to the big bed of the hotel when she was hugged by Mary Johnson, and almost forgot what she was doing today.

"If the beautiful Ms. Mary Johnson really marries our handsome Mr. Liszt, then I have nothing to say but congratulations on your marriage, if not."

Liszt is dreaming, and a lazy voice comes over. Liszt, the president of Phillips airlines, who is backed by McDonnell Douglas, smiles and nods politely at Mary Johnson. Then he says to Liszt, "come to our Phillips airlines. I just lack a CEO here."

Levinst's voice did not fall. The senior executives of the two airlines with Northrop and Grumman backgrounds also gathered around and said hello to Liszt. The tone was very polite, but everyone could see that their attitude towards Liszt was not very warm.

There are only six bidding companies in total, five of which have the background of a large aviation giant. H airline, represented by Liszt, is just like the little white rabbit who just came out of the hole. Except for a pile of tender meat, it is estimated that there is nothing worth thinking about.

So after Liszt rejected the three parties' purchase intention one by one, the five people gathered together to chat about the recent interesting news in the United States, just like they didn't see Liszt.

Even giving him a hug, Mary Johnson, who has a history of gorgeous love, didn't look at him again. Instead, she had a good chat with the gentler livingster.

Liszt did not get angry because he was left out in the cold. In the past year, he saw too many scenes. There is no way. Today's American aviation industry has shown a trend of high monopoly. The newly established aviation manufacturing companies are either leather bag companies set up by aviation giants for various purposes, or they are acquired by giants.

There are few new companies like h airlines that are not controlled by the aviation giants, let alone compete with them. It is impossible not to be excluded.

Fortunately, Liszt has excellent psychological quality and is not hindered by these external forces. He silently goes to the corner and sits down. He takes out the prepared documents and reads them again. Then he closes his eyes and waits for the beginning of the quotation hearing.

"Dong ~ ~ ~ Dong ~ ~"

more than ten minutes later, with the hearing host hovensky, director of logistics procurement of the U.S. Department of justice, ringing the drum hammer of silence, it indicates that the quotation hearing will officially begin.

Then two members of Congress and an official of the Department of justice made a brief speech to explain the rules of the hearing, and gave the right to speak to the host hovensky. Hovensky glanced at several bidding companies across the street and asked, "ladies and gentlemen, you can make an offer."

"Feynman's albatross 3 offers $1.32 million." Norton still maintained his aggressive strength, and hovensky revealed his price.

At the same time, Mary Johnson, livingster and others who heard the offer looked very ugly. You should know that the civil market price of Feynman's albatross-3 aircraft was basically maintained at about US $1.5 million, and US $1.32 million was obviously intended to win government orders and crush competitors with low price strategy.

Apparently Norton's goal was achieved. The airline executives with Gruman background shook their heads, apologized to hovensky, and left the meeting with their staff and papers.

Norton seems to have never seen this scene, laughing and chatting with the staff beside him. This scene gives people a sense of seeing in other people's eyes.

Hovensky looked away from Norton and at the other bidders.

Mary Johnson immediately raised her hand: "our sky W-2 offers $1.28 million."

W-2 aircraft is a new type developed by sky company. It is a small aircraft carrying 12 people. Thanks to Lockheed's strong technical support, the aircraft has excellent versatility and is very suitable for multi-purpose modification. As soon as it was launched, it was favored by state emergency management departments, National Guard and coast guard.

So the W-2 is also a hot spot in the Department of justice's bid, with $1.28 million in conscience, which made host hovensky nod to his satisfaction.

Without waiting for his eyes to turn to other bidders, Mary Johnson added, "and we can guarantee that the maintenance cost will be controlled at US $10000 or US $5000 per aircraft."

After the hearing, there was an uproar. The maintenance cost per hour of the aircraft, especially the one piloted by someone, was astonishingly high. Therefore, there was a saying that one aircraft should be bought and the other three should be bought by Yangfei. 30000 US dollars per flight is a very powerful cost control, and the cost per flight should be controlled at 15000 US dollars, which is unimaginable.

Hovensky didn't expect that Mary Johnson would have such a big move. She was also surprised. When she reacted, she knocked the drum on her hands and the venue was quiet.

Mary Johnson turned to Norton, who was the first speaker with a brilliant smile. Norton grinned bitterly and raised her hand: "sorry, our plane can't achieve such low maintenance cost, but we are willing to make a concession on the unit price, with $1.2 million per plane and free pilot training."As soon as his voice was heard, livingster also raised his hand: "the maintenance cost of Phillips company is not as low as that of Miss Mary Johnson, and we can only make concessions on the unit price. Therefore, the quotation of our" little Falcon "R is $1.16 million, and the cost of a single sortie can be controlled at $20000."

As soon as this remark came out, the bidder with Northrop background, who was going to speak, finally shrugged his shoulders after discussing with his staff, apologized to hovensky in disappointment, picked up something and left dejectedly, obviously unable to compete with Mary Johnson, Norton and livingster in this respect.

The three of them looked at each other and gave a tacit smile. Only three companies will be left in this bidding, and the three of them agreed before the hearing to drive out the other three companies at a low price. As for the last one, it depends on who has the ability.

Now the two companies with the background of aviation giants are squeezed out by them, and their intention seems to be coming true soon. But the next moment, the three people's smile froze, because in the most marginal corner, Lister, who should disappear most, is still sitting there, and seems to have a very happy chat with his staff, laughing very easily.

How is that possible? The name of H airlines also shows that they are an aircraft manufacturing company. In fact, they don't even have a factory building. They are a leather bag company relying on the relationship between the shareholders behind them. Even the airlines supported by the aviation giants can't support the low price strategy of the three. Can h Airlines survive?

Hovensky seems to have found something wrong. He immediately turns his eyes to Liszt. Liszt also cooperatively raises his hand and exposes a shocking price: "our Discovery-1 aircraft costs 680000 US dollars, and the maintenance cost for a single flight is 3000 US dollars!"