Chapter 211

Zheng Quanli was not surprised to hear the chief's words, because Hong Shengli's report has already put forward his own opinions on other applications of UAVs, including topographic mapping.

In terms of the practical ceiling of 9 km, the cruising time of more than four hours and the payload of 180 kg, the UAV has the potential to complete the topographic mapping, but

"Chief, I'd like to see the real object judging the specific situation. Of course, most of us are not professional in this aspect. It's better to invite an expert from the aviation surveying and mapping brigade to come here. Maybe it will be safer."

The chief thought for a moment and nodded: "well, it's appropriate for you to consider this. After all, the nature of the tasks of meteorological monitoring and aerial surveying and mapping are different, and the requirements for the platform must be different Well... "

Then he took a sip of his tea cup and looked up at Zheng Quanli: "anyway, the UAV of Xingzhou army is a good way. Now the headquarters is in a hurry to get a new map. We don't need to hide our secrets. In this way, you can go back and get a feasibility report of UAV surveying and mapping. I'll sign it. I think the headquarters will pay attention to it."


The chief is right. After receiving the report from the military region, the headquarters really attached great importance to it. To be more precise, it had to pay attention to it. There was no way. The time for topographic surveying and mapping was tight and the task was heavy. At this juncture, an IL-18 used for surveying and mapping fell flat.

All of a sudden, it makes the task of topographic surveying and mapping difficult. However, the headquarters can only use stupid methods to let the surveying and mapping teams of various subordinate units move, hoping to make up for the lack of a platform with manpower.

It's a pity that sometimes there is a big gap between the weak manpower and the huge technical advantages. Although the IL-18 is old, with the imported topographic mapping equipment, it can complete the accurate mapping of 6000 square kilometers in half a day.

The same scope requires at least three surveying and mapping teams of 80 people, working day and night for nearly a month.

The whole area of East and South China, which is not more than one million square kilometers, or the whole army's surveying and mapping brigade, can not be completed in one or two years.

The problem is that the maps in the hands of the armed forces are all on the verge of elimination, and some places have already begun to affect normal military activities. Will the armed forces have to defend their country after another one or two years?

Therefore, in addition to racking their brains to find ways, the surveying and Mapping Department of the headquarters attaches great importance to the ways that other units and brother troops can help improve the efficiency of Surveying and mapping.

In the people's war, we should pool our wisdom.

So after receiving Zheng Quanli's report, those who didn't even want to think about it were transferred to the aviation surveying and mapping brigade, and soon the aviation surveying and mapping brigade sent their aviation engineer Xue Weidong to have a look at the situation on the spot.

In this regard, Xue Weidong has been numb, there is no way, this period of time similar field inspection, he has done even himself can't count.

Yun 5, Yun 7, Yun 8, he has seen it all over the world, and the most successful one is the modification scheme for Yun 8. As a result, after several flight tests on Yun 8, they found that Yun 8 has no pressure cabin design, which limits its use at high altitude. In some aspects, it is not as good as the IL-18 with pressure cabin in high altitude performance.

This makes the aviation surveying and mapping brigade which undertakes multiple tasks have no choice but to give up.

After that, they turned their target to the Trident airliner that has been delivered to civil aviation, because this aircraft is very suitable for the needs of aviation surveying and mapping brigade in terms of size, flight performance and even modification potential.

The reason is very simple. Since the end of the 1970s, there have been a lot of accidents with this kind of aircraft, and there have been no less than two cases of aircraft damage and death.

Today, both the air force and civil aviation are phasing out this model. Even if their aviation surveying and mapping brigade can't use the new model, it can't use something that is ready to be phased out because of poor security.

Although the "Trident" airliner is not good, Xue Weidong did not give up looking in the civil aircraft. For example, some time ago, they focused on the Boeing 707 and McDonnell 80 airliners imported from the United States.

For this reason, he also submitted a detailed feasibility report to his superior, which was also supported by his superior. As a result, before they had any action, people from Boeing and McDonnell Douglas came to his home.

They first took out the civil procurement contract, pointed to the above terms prohibiting military use, and told Xue Weidong that the civil aircraft is civil use. Without their consent, the user country can not carry out military modification at will, otherwise they will cancel the later maintenance and parts supply of the sold aircraft according to the contract.

what Xue Weidong they are, they don't care. They bought it by plane, and they want to use it, but has the final say? But if the supply of maintenance and spare parts is cut off, it will be fatal. There is no way. Many of the equipment on other people's airplanes are blank in China. Simple maintenance is OK, but complicated overhaul has to be returned to the US factory. If this is cut off, what can the newly developed civil aviation do?

Seeing Xue Weidong and others wilt, the Americans immediately take out a lot of information about the special aircraft refitted for the United States and say to Xue Weidong and others, "why bother? Just buy our refitted aircraft. It's world-class. It's only 60 million dollars a plane. It's guaranteed to make the Chinese air force enjoy the pleasure of modernization.".The information is very exciting, and the performance is enviable. Unfortunately, the price It's not enough to package Xue Weidong and sell them all. How much is the annual military expenditure of the air force? The air force doesn't even have to eat to buy such a plane.

As a result, the idea of refitting foreign airliners is completely blocked.

I can't help it. I can only go back to China. Some people can't do it. Can nobody make up for it? So Xue Weidong and others brought over the ChangKong-1 UAV for air force equipment test. After all, from the perspective of range, this kind of UAV over 500 km is still considerable.

After refitting it, I tried it several times, but the effect is not obvious. At least, it is more efficient than manual surveying and mapping. However, the endurance time of more than one hour is too little. Besides, the landing method of hard landing is even more torturous. The terrain surveying and mapping equipment is imported precision instruments, so it can't stand falling.

Results due to the nature of the original target aircraft, the design of the long sky UAV was very bold, so every time the detection equipment was disheartened by the rough landing mode of the long sky UAV. After two or three sorties, the detection equipment, even if not scrapped, had greatly reduced the sensitivity.

In addition, the failure rate of the turbojet-6 jet engine carried on it is still very high. Every survey requires a lot of maintenance personnel. Besides, the fuel consumption is astonishing. It's inconvenient to say, and the use cost is still high, so that Xue Weidong has a headache as soon as he hears the words of UAV.

Now, when he receives the task of going south, he is still looking at UAVs. Xue Weidong's brains are almost split. Even the Changkong series UAVs, which represent the advanced level in China, are not good. What UAVs can meet the requirements of the aviation surveying and mapping brigade?

It's a pity that the superior ordered him to go, so go and have a look. Anyway, so many places have gone, it's not bad

Sitting in the rickety jeep, Xue Weidong couldn't help thinking