Chapter 221

It's no wonder that Liszt would be like this. He is the one who advocates leaving off the take-off factory and looking for other partners.

It's not that he has much prejudice against Tengfei factory, but that he is a businessman's instinct to control risks. After all, H company is not a pure aviation manufacturing company, even a genuine aviation design company.

His only advantage is the integration of avionics system.

Therefore, Liszt's positioning for company H is very clear, that is, to strive to become a real aviation manufacturing company. Even if this goal can not be achieved in a short time, we must strive to make progress in aviation design and technology research and development.

In this way, H company can occupy the upper reaches of the aircraft industry chain, just like the super leader, looking for partners in the world to serve its products.

It can be said that Liszt's idea is very correct, and his idea is even more advanced. Thirty years after Boeing's 787 global OEM, Liszt is ready to carry on as the strategy of H company.

As for Liszt's idea, the board of directors headed by Lindemann agreed very much. They set up H company for the pursuit of high profits, despite the high sounding reasons.

Is it OK to set up factories in the United States?

Of course, it's feasible. The problem is that the labor costs in the United States are increasing day by day. Coupled with the heavy restrictions of trade unions, it's not too much trouble to run a factory.

This is also why in the 1980s, the tide of the transfer of American manufacturing industry to foreign countries could not be stopped. Labor costs were high, taxes were few, and trade unions were always in trouble, resulting in sharp shrinkage of profits.

Instead of wasting money at home in the United States, it is better to go outside and make use of cheap labor in other countries, preferential tax policies, low land prices and better than nothing environmental protection policies to expand their profit margins.

H company has no aircraft manufacturing plant, but it has a discovery - 1 UAV assembly plant and avionics system integration workshop.

When they didn't do it formally, Linderman and others didn't feel anything. They thought that the inability of other companies to solve the problems of trade unions, workers and other aspects was the incompetence of operators. They would definitely handle it very well.

As a result, the ruthless fact almost didn't puff up Linderman's faces.

In less than two years, the local trade union has asked for three wage increases, but they don't agree? I don't promise to go on strike every minute.

That's all. The working hours of workers are strictly controlled within six hours, and they are not allowed to interfere in the personal affairs of workers during working hours. In other words, when workers want to listen to music, they want to dance, they want to flirt, and they want to have a field fight.

The factory should respect the workers' choice.

Not to mention that workers have to pay in full for their own health insurance, and every family has to pay in full for their own health insurance. You should know that Americans are all big families, big families, and no one or two or three children. Is it OK to call them Americans?

H company has more than 200 workers, but it has to pay more than 1000 full medical insurance.

No? Give you minutes to strike, not to say, endless litigation can directly make you vomit.

After that, minority groups come to ask you to employ a certain proportion of minority workers, or you will be discriminated against by ethnic groups; feminist organizations come to ask you to employ a certain proportion of female employees, or you will be discriminated against by sex

The number of employees of H company has rapidly expanded from more than 200 to more than 300, and the cost of production has soared.

This is true of a small general assembly plant, let alone a real aviation manufacturer.

So H company's UAV production line from IAA company is not going to be put in the United States. Instead, it is going to build an OEM factory in neighboring Mexico to reduce costs.

It is for various reasons in the United States that Liszt's development idea is in the heart of the board of directors of H company. Standing at the top of the industrial chain, Liszt leads the global production of products, which saves trouble and makes excess profits. Why not?

It's just that Boeing can do it well, McDonnell Douglas can do it, apple can do it decades later, but H company can't do it. The reason is very simple. There is a take-off factory at the top of the UAV industry chain. In a sense, there is no H company without a take-off factory.

This makes H company, who is ready to stand at the top, feel embarrassed. He has just yelled twice with his younger brother all over the world. Looking back, Tengfei factory slaps him and says, "you're wrong. Come again, you're full of tears."!

Therefore, it is inevitable for H company to weaken or even eliminate the take-off plant in the future. Therefore, after H company obtained the order from the Ministry of justice and successfully obtained the US Army "pioneer" UAV pre research contract.

With the tacit consent of the board of directors, Liszt, who felt that his wings had hardened, began to cut with Tengfei factory.

The magazines produced by Tengfei factory are all placed in front of him. It is said that the magazines all belittle the two books in front of him. The beautiful pictures, shocking boards and exquisite printed pages are clearly the product brochures carefully made by Tengfei factory."Sir, here is a paper about the latest model of ty-2 UAV platform. It says a kind of technology called loose hole wing. You should know that the energy-saving technology created by McDonnell Douglas is applied to the latest DC-10 airliner. Flight test shows that this technology can reduce fuel consumption by 40%...."

Owen, holding one of the magazines, explained the contents very carefully. It was very complicated to hear Liszt's mood. It was obvious that the ty-2 improved model of Tengfei factory had achieved or even surpassed the US Army's index parameters by reducing the weight of fuselage structure, applying new wings with higher lift coefficient and adopting new energy-saving technologies.

If possible, would Liszt really like to say that there are no other products except Tengfei factory? Maybe in a year or two, but at this moment, Tengfei factory is really the only one.

No, the size of H company is too small to stand the toss of those giants; with, there are always people hiding behind the top of the industrial chain, no one will be comfortable.

With or without Maybe it's not a problem!

"Here's a check for ten thousand dollars. Take it!" When Owen introduces one magazine and prepares to introduce another, Liszt takes out a check from the drawer, fills in the number and signature, and gives it to Owen. Then he lets the ecstatic Owen leave the office.

Later, Lister leaned back on his office chair. I don't know how long he thought about it. Then he picked up the phone, dialed a number and said, "hasn't Mr. Linderman come back yet?"

"It's me, you say!" Linderman's words on the other end of the line were as firm and powerful as ever.

"Yes, sir. Owen has just given me two magazines. I find that we can't do without the Chinese now." Liszt was straight to the point.

Then the other end of the phone began to silence. For five or six minutes, Linderman's bland voice finally came from the receiver: "since you can't do without it, hug. I'm sure you'll handle it."


As soon as Zhuang Jianye got off the train, he received the news that Liszt was about to arrive in the city. He rubbed his tired face and said to Lin Guanghua: "I hope I can hug Liszt a little longer this time..."