Chapter 286

Bullet B UAV successfully lifted off from the air force base in Iowa, without any influence from Langdon and Mike. Using the full set of control equipment of bullet a UAV just now, it continued to shock Moore and others one by one.

Also not affected by Langdon and Mike is the Federal District Court of New York, where the high paid legal adviser of H company is talking endlessly to the judge sitting in the center about the evidence of Israel IAA company's crazy infringement of H company's "attacker" UAV.

Sitting on one side, the head of the representative office of IAA in the United States, who used to talk with Lindeman at the house of Representatives fund-raising banquet in Chicago, was livid in the face of the evidence prepared by H company one by one. That's all. The key is that the lawyer he hired didn't tire of suggesting that he would give in.

The person in charge is going crazy. Do you still give in? Do you know that H company's "attacker" UAV is their IAA company's idea? Do you know that in order to express the sincerity of cooperation with H company, it was presented by IAA company?

Now they even use their IAA company's creativity to sue themselves for infringement? Have you ever seen such a big joke?

Only this, the person in charge can only think in mind, really want to say out, once someone to poke out, the consequences are more serious than now.

No way, the law of the United States is like this. No matter whether the idea is yours or not, as long as you don't have a patent recognized by the law of the United States, even if it's yours, it's not yours.

The attacker drone is a good example.

Israel's IAA company took the lead in putting forward a hypothesis and applied for a patent. When it found that it was useless, it transferred it to H company. H company took this opportunity to make a lot of money from South Africa. At the same time, Israeli military observers also found the subtlety of the "attacker" UAV from the actual combat in South Africa.

Immediately after a series of tests conducted by Israel's anti radiation weapons R & D team, namely the "habi" team, on the "attacker" UAV, it was found that carrying the anti radiation weapons suite with this UAV was a cost-effective choice.

When attacking, we can not only rely on the excellent flight performance of the platform to strike the enemy radar accurately; if we miss the target, we can also use the characteristics of the UAV to return to the launch position.

Unlike the anti radiation missile, once it fails to reach the target, it must be scrapped. It is a waste of money and money. However, the "attacker" UAV is a good choice for a small country like Israel to avoid unnecessary waste.

Since it's a good thing, let's produce it as soon as possible. As for whether it will infringe, the Israeli military never considers this kind of problem. They are so good with the American boss. What's wrong with rubbing some good things with them.

As a result, after the samples were sent to IAA company, it was found that nm was originally created by Israel, and the beauty country still cheated and abducted their Israeli ideas, so there was no burden.

IAA company didn't think so much about it. For one thing, they had a deep resentment towards H company. For another thing, they really created the original idea, so they didn't worry about it.

If it goes on like this, H company can't even sue IAA company. One is in the United States and the other is in Israel. In addition to the pro son attitude of the United States towards Israel, the lawsuit can only be fought endlessly.

The bad thing is that IAA company unwittingly pasted general motors to help them bid for the US "pioneer" UAV project.

As everyone knows, the major aviation giants in the United States have long seen through the trick of GM's involvement in the aircraft manufacturing industry through UAVs. They can ignore the development of H company in UAVs, because H company is still small, so it's better to raise it again than to put it out, and eat it when it's fat.

But if GM wants to go the way of H company, the major aviation giants can't agree. There's no way. If a giant who leads the way in AFC is playing with aircraft manufacturing, which one can compete with GM in the future? Cut off your engine every minute. I'll ask you if you're afraid.

So the giants are calm on the surface, but in private they keep tripping over GM. unfortunately, one of the biggest stumbling blocks is the IAA company in Israel.

This can't blame IAA company's carelessness. Even if their R & D capability is strong, it can't be separated from the support of American aviation giants and basic scientific research. Therefore, although IAA company follows the Israeli military's principle of secret R & D, their so-called secret R & D is no different from open R & D among American aviation giants.

So I didn't even want to poke out the fact that IAA infringed on H company's "attacker" UAV.

Originally, it was a competitor. Now the big guys look up to it and hand over the knives. How can H company hold it up?

Let alone the IAA company, the Israeli military is very embarrassed. If it's OK at other times, the embrace of American father is still very warm.

But now, the American father's father, those monopoly giants are angry, and Israel's little grandson can only become a grandson.

As a result, after the trial of the New York District Court, the mainstream media in the United States quickly followed up, one by one, with news of Israel's incompetence. Finally, before the second trial, the Israeli IAA company finally could not bear the pressure and proposed an out of court settlement with H company to the New York Federal District Court.Soon H company accepted the IAA's proposal carefully through its spokesman.

The details of the settlement are not known, but after nearly a week's negotiation, the two sides reached a settlement agreement. The statement released to the media is very simple, in one sentence:

H company and IAA company have reached an agreement within the existing legal framework of intellectual property rights. Based on this, the two sides will carry out more fruitful cooperation in the future.

Translation is that we shake hands and make peace, everyone wash and sleep.

The following media are going crazy. After a long time, they have made such nonsense. No, they have to find out the bottom line. At least they have to find out the amount of compensation from IAA.

But just as the media prepared to dig deeper, H company filed a lawsuit against particle acceleration aviation systems for infringement of Discovery series of UAVs, which was accepted by the Federal District Court of New York.

H company ant vs. GM mammoth, this gimmick immediately overshadowed the potential news of reconciliation with IAA, so the focus of the report shifted instantly.

As for the evidence provided by IAA, the death of particle company and general motors company have already left. The media don't care at all. The media don't have any gimmicks to copy. Do they call it the media?


The U.S. drone industry is still in chaos. In China, which is far away from the ocean, Zhuang Jianye grins at the three piles of original English technical data. This is his biggest harvest in the H company crisis.