Chapter 297

"Well I don't know! "

Zhuang Jianye looks at the middle-aged man next to him. His name is Cao Zhe. He is not tall, but he is stocky. He has a typical short stature. At first glance, he feels that he is very ordinary, but few people know that he is such an ordinary man. He is actually the deputy director of the maintenance department of Xingzhou civil aviation airport.

At the beginning, he and song Yanan lived separately. They reported to their superiors several times that they hoped to be transferred to work for each other, but they couldn't be approved. Otherwise, Zhuang Jianye would not have dug song Yanan to take off factory.

Although Huancheng is still a certain distance away from Xingzhou, it is much stronger than Western Airlines. As a result, the meeting of my husband and wife, who are separated by two places, can almost burn into outer space with strong sparks, and can directly get out the triplets.

"I've also heard that. I don't know if it's accurate, so if there are acquaintances in the civil aviation system here, it's better to inquire. I heard from Ya Nan that you have a big list with the Civil Aviation Administration."

Cao zhe didn't say anything. However, people who have been in state-owned units don't lock up their words and everything will be fine. Since you are asked to inquire, there must be something wrong.

That said, this time Zhuang Jianye helped song Yanan to stop the punishment. By the way, Cao zhe didn't get involved in a certain airport in Xingzhou. He just transferred from the training department to the lower key maintenance department. Otherwise, the two of them would be fined and dismissed from public office. They don't know what to do.

That's why Cao zhe came here to say this to Zhuang Jianye. Otherwise, they can't fight you. Why should they tell you about this unit?

This is the so-called human relationship. Zhuang Jianye recklessly helps song Yanan to stop and punish him. Cao Zhe, song Yanan's husband, naturally feels this kindness, so he uses the excuse of visiting a doctor to remind Zhuang Jianye that he should pay attention to the fact that his one-third of an acre should not be wasted.

Of course, both of them know how to deal with it. Zhuang Jianye knows that the order of CAAC has changed, so he has to deal with it. Cao zhe reminds them that they have completed their mission after employment, so they have a tacit understanding. They don't talk about this topic any more. They talk about children, education, hard years in the past, and happy life in the future Live.

In this way, half an hour passed unconsciously. When Zhuang Jianye asked Cao Zhe to have dinner with him, Cao zhe realized that it was evening and quickly declined. Zhuang Jianye angrily asked Cao Zhe to stay, but Cao zhe had to leave on the pretext of something at home.

If you can't keep it, Zhuang Jianye will not insist on it. If you make an appointment next time, you will send people out of the house.

When he returned to the house, Zhuang Jianye's smile disappeared immediately. He picked up the phone next to the sofa and called Lu Jie to ask what was going on.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhuang Jianye's heart sank to the bottom: "last month, I was transferred to Shanghai aircraft factory by civil aviation administration to be responsible for the joint production of MD-80 with McDonnell Douglas, so I'm not sure about the original unit By the way, Xiaozhuang, do you also want the supporting production tasks of MD-80? According to me, let's not be too anxious... "

"Why do I worry about that thing? It's better to do our own instead of the American model. Ha ha ~ ~ ~ I didn't expect you to go to Shanghai stock market, but you should pay attention to your health. I just heard that. Come and inquire OK, OK, you're busy first. Please say hello to my family for me. Ok Please call our factory directly at that time. OK, let's contact again. Goodbye! "

Zhuang Jianye doesn't like such a cooperation project that completely buries Yunshi. He still has production tasks. Dream about it.

Of course, this attitude of indignant youth is based on the fact that Tengfei factory can't get this kind of high-standard project at all. It doesn't matter if the performance is just a little bit.

In contrast, the transfer of Lu Jie from CAAC is much bigger for Tengfei than the cooperation project with McDonnell Douglas.

You know, earlier this year, under the leadership of Lu Jie, the Civil Aviation Administration signed a large order of more than 40 million with Tengfei factory, ordering a batch of ty-2 UAVs, which are used in power, transportation, forest fire prevention, geological mapping and other civil fields.

Now half of this list has been delivered, and it is expected that it will be fully delivered in March next year. If something goes wrong at this time, it will affect the follow-up ty-2 UAV. If it's a small matter, it's a big deal. Let's change it and sell it as Discovery Series UAV to H company, and make more money.

What Zhuang Jianye is worried about is that Tengfei factory can not tie the leg of CAAC, which may affect the subsequent development of Tengfei factory.

Today's Tengfei factory is in a very embarrassing situation. It is led by company h. Although there is a continuous flow of foreign exchange, it is still in the double squeeze of the upper and lower supply chain of company H.

In China, even if the troops tighten their trousers, they will buy more than a dozen of them to use first, even if they know the things of Tengfei factory are good.

Therefore, if Tengfei factory wants to make preparations and expand its strength before H company's troubles, it must firmly grasp the domestic market. In this way, once H company turns over one day and the upstream and downstream supply chain and market are tightened, Tengfei factory will not be strangled in the sudden decline of its performance.We can't do it abroad, and we can't do it at home.

Some people have said that Tengfei factory is just a UAV manufacturer. No matter how powerful it is, today's civil aviation can't digest so much.

Tengfei factory does build UAVs, but it doesn't say that it only builds UAVs in this life. You should know that Zhuang Jianye's original plan is to take UAVs as a springboard, train the technical team, be familiar with aviation manufacturing, and accumulate experience for someone to fly airplanes.

Zhuang Jianye's manned aircraft is not aimed at giants like Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, but at low-key civil trainer with the same broad market.

The reason for this is very simple. There is a blank in China. Although most of the existing civil aviation pilots are turned over by air force pilots, there is no need to say about their flight technology.

However, there are essential differences between military aircraft and civil aircraft in driving habits and operation procedures. Even if the pilot performs very well in the air force, he will feel uncomfortable when he comes to civil aircraft.

This requires the pilot to carry out adaptive flight on a small trainer which is closer to the civil aircraft, and wait for everything to reach the standard before he can formally board the plane for driving. Otherwise, a slight carelessness may cause irreparable accidents.

Because of this, the civil aviation trainer has always been a very popular model. The take-off factory doesn't have to think about exporting. As long as it can swallow the cake of domestic civil aviation, it can not be said that it can become the pillar of the take-off factory. In the future, once it quarrels with H company, it can support half of the take-off factory.

But this premise is to have a good relationship with the Civil Aviation Administration. There is no way. Nowadays, China is still a society of human relations. Who buys things and who doesn't buy them depends not on the quality of the products, but on whether you have a solid relationship with the buyers.

When Lu Jie was in the Civil Aviation Administration, Zhuang Jianye didn't worry. With Lu's help, Zhuang Jianye was confident that he would slowly tie the Civil Aviation Administration to his chariot, making him unable to get off at last.

The problem is that Lu Jie has been transferred away before the grand plan is implemented. It's the so-called "people go to the tea cooler". When you think about Cao Zhe's words, Zhuang Jianye only feels a strong storm is coming to him