Chapter 309

But this time, Zhuang Jianye's opponent is not the fierce Liszt, but the wily Lindemann, and he is also extremely money oriented. It's a hell of a guy who wants to squeeze the last cent out of the tattered second-hand equipment and expect him to give the billion dollars to the take-off factory.

You know, the shaky H company needs a lot of money more than ever.

So the old man simply played the game of dumping second-hand and shabby equipment to Israel at the beginning. Through his huge contacts in the United States, he let out the wind that he was too old to manage H company for such a long time. After maintaining his current UAV market share, he was ready to sell the company.

However, at this stage, H company's production capacity has encountered problems. It is necessary to introduce some mature advanced manufacturing equipment to enhance the production capacity of UAV, so as to fully consolidate the advantages of H company.

After hearing this news, the American aviation giants who had been preparing to swallow H company all came together to express their "goodwill" with the smelly cats.

As for the purpose, there is only one, that is to bet on it first, wait for company H to fatten up a little, and then swallow it to make it more delicious.

Due to the position of H company in the field of UAV, there are many people who are the first to bet. Although Linderman is not easy to move and has a strange temper, he is a good dancer. He can be said to be good at both sides among several giants. He gets a second-hand equipment from Boeing, then finds a technical solution from McDonnell Dowell, and gets several engine assembly fixtures from general motors, where is Northrop We'll get another precision measuring instrument.

All in all, like a senior beggar, he made some from the East and a little from the West. He pieced together 30 or 40 containers and sent all of them to Tengfei factory. He solemnly told Tengfei factory that these equipment are the most advanced sets of equipment in American aviation manufacturing industry, with a total value of more than 3 billion US dollars.

In fact, Linderman didn't even use 200 million dollars for these unsystematic things.

But even so, Linderman still felt a big loss and was extremely distressed. At the same time, he found that the weakness of H company was too obvious through this anti pumping of Tengfei factory. He thought Liszt's idea of controlling Tengfei factory was very correct. Unfortunately, he was a bit too hasty this time and was stabbed by the cold shoulder of Tengfei factory.

In this regard, Linderman is not angry. On the contrary, he thinks that the take-off factory is very interesting. It's the first time Linderman has seen it for so many years. In this case, he will spend it slowly to see who can kill who in the end.

Lindemann, who was determined to resume all contacts with the take-off plant, handed over H company to Liszt again, and told him that he was in charge of the acquisition of the take-off plant.

After Liszt returned to the position of CEO and looked at the company's accounts, he almost fell flat. All the UAV platforms ordered from Tengfei factory rose by 30%. Not to mention that, in the future, they will rise by 20% every year, which is called the floating price difference of exchange rate.

Liszt wanted to curse her very much. If the price of nm goes up, it will go up. What else is the floating price difference of exchange rate?

However, Liszt also knows that there is nothing he can do about this situation. However, since Linderman has begun to take charge of the acquisition of Tengfei factory himself, the good days of Tengfei factory must be coming to an end. Others don't know. Liszt knows better than anyone that Linderman is not as simple as it appears. If he is serious, it is really hard for enterprises outside the United States to stop him His thunderclap.

But even so, Liszt was very afraid of the young man named Zhuang Jianye on the other side of the ocean. What pure young man, evil devil is almost the same!

Qiu Dalin didn't know the twists and turns of the open and secret struggles on the other side of the ocean. In fact, even when he was in charge of the work of Huancheng municipal Party committee, he had a vague concept about this aspect. He didn't know exactly how. It's not that Tengfei factory deliberately kept a low profile in this aspect and didn't want to disclose it.

However, there was an indescribable resistance, which kept those who wanted to find out out. Qiu Dalin thought it was very strange at that time. After he was transferred to the capital, he had more contact with things, and he even felt that behind the export of Tengfei factory was not simple.

There is no problem in the ordinary contact and competition, but once someone wants to touch the core of Tengfei factory, the end will be very miserable.

Among other things, Xiao Liu, who has just been controlled, is one. It's not that Xiao Liu has no mistakes. It's just that it's not as serious as it is now. The reason for this is that the goods can't figure out the situation of the take-off factory, so they rashly want to make joint ventures with foreign businessmen, which makes a hornet's nest suddenly.

So when Qiu Dalin saw Zhuang Jianye's rambling, he didn't want to ask. He didn't want to poke a beehive. He was more concerned about the action of Tengfei factory. After chatting with Zhuang Jianye for a while, he asked, "is factory really going to leave Huancheng?"

Smell speech, Zhuang Jianye Leng: "who says?"

"Needless to say, recently you built a new factory next to the zero degree factory in Xiping, and then you are building a large-scale project in Xiaba. It is said that you are still exploring the boundary on the other side of Xingzhou. Are you going to move or what?" Qiu Dalin looks at Zhuang Jianye.

Zhuang Jianye laughed and tried to put off. But before he could speak, he saw Qiu Dalin's serious and sharp eyes. It seemed that he could not get the answer, so he was ready to see through his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney.Zhuang Jianye's smile solidified, then shook his head with a bitter smile, pointed to the crowd that had begun to disperse, and said meaningfully: "leader, to tell you the truth, I don't want to have a second time this time. You or secretary Lin, it's impossible for the subsequent leaders to abide by the foundation laid in Huancheng, right? Xiao Liu is the first. Can you guarantee that there will be no second one in the future? The third one? "


Qiu Dalin was speechless for a while. Zhuang Jianye was right. He and Lin Bo could take care of Tengfei factory because they had feelings with Tengfei factory, and their successors could barely follow the rules, but no one would dare to guarantee their future leaders.

"But you also have your heart in your stomach. The leader and the headquarters of Tengfei factory will stay in Huancheng all the time. I just don't want to fight with the local leaders any more, which has a great impact on our business operation. Xiao Liu stopped our production this time and lost more than 20 billion yuan. I just handed over the materials a few days ago. It's really not that I don't want to leave. I can't afford it!"

Zhuang Jianye was tearful, but Qiu Dalin was clever. This nm is to make Xiao Liu die. Tengfei factory stopped production, but he took the initiative to do it. No one knows the specific reason. Now, it's all over Xiao Liu. But Xiao Liu didn't say a word. Who made you work hard to put pressure on him?

Now it's a good thing that people have lost more than 20 billion yuan, and Xiao Liu's back is not enough. Taking advantage of this opportunity, other people's take-off factory began to transfer its production capacity. Qiu Dalin can imagine that Xiao Liu had to be scolded by Huancheng all his life except for being in prison.