Chapter 356

Yes, company H is in danger this time.

The reason is very simple. Behind it, the American aviation giants who support them in conquering Europe have invested a lot of resources in order to control the European aviation industry.

Let's not say anything else, just let the mainstream media in the United States voice collectively, without any cost, who will give you free articles?

In addition, there are several heavyweight members of Congress, government officials and even intelligence agencies in the United States. Otherwise, how can H company grasp the trends and intentions of European countries in a timely and effective manner?

After giving H company so much help and foreshadowing, H company messed up. What would those American aviation giants think?

It's like a big brother of the underworld who gives his younger brother money as well as women. By the way, he bribes the cops to manage the immortals on the road. At last, he gives the gun to his younger brother. His only purpose is to let him shoot and put the bullet into his competitor's skull.

As a result, my younger brother's hand trembled and the bullet missed. Instead of killing his opponent, he caused a lot of trouble. What do you think the elder brother of the underworld would do with my younger brother?

I'll put it in a sack and feed it to the sea.

Company H is the guy who missed the target. It's no wonder that the American aviation giants behind it tore up company H.

Linderman knows better than anyone what a bloodbath it is for us aviation giants to be ruthless. It's false to say that they are not afraid. After all, he is just the vice president of the Veterans Association with a wide range of personal connections. He is no different from the aviation giants who really control the core power of the United States.

At ordinary times, he can rely on his contacts. Once he gets into trouble, a backhand slap can beat him like a fly.

So Linderman is very upset. With his degree of sophistication, he can already foresee the collapse of H company. Even if he relies on his old face to maintain H company, it is hard to bear the impact of losing most of the orders in Europe.

There's no way. The zeus-3 UAV made by actor aviation systems company has too strong indicators, let alone the discovery-2, that is, the strongest bullet a of H company has been crushed.

Under such circumstances, it is likely that the U.S. military will abandon bullet a and choose zeus-3 with a higher index. After all, the U.S. military is a high-tech military. The better its performance and technical ability, the more they like it.

As for the fact that zeus-3 belongs to Europe rather than the United States, this is not a problem for the U.S. military at all, because at the level of the U.S. military, how can Europe also be the younger brother under the NATO framework? The elder brother takes a fancy to his younger brother's things and wants to pay for them, but the younger brother still refuses? If you don't feel flattered and dizzy, you can burn incense.

In this way, what is left of H company? It's good to be beaten back to the early stage of entrepreneurship.

I don't know how many things I fell and how many dirty words I uttered. Linderman's irritable mood finally calmed down. Then he pushed his wheelchair to the door and took two breaths in the warm sea breeze. Then he turned around and returned to the messy room. He bent down to pick up the phone from the ground and photographed the rotten vegetable leaves and broken glass on it. He tried Still can use, take out a small book from jacket pocket, dialed a number next.

After the connection, Linderman sighed: "Hi, John, my old man, I need your help It's like this... "

Then Linderman told John about zeus-3 UAV over the phone, and then there was a silence. After a long time, John's old and hoarse voice came slowly: "it's a genius idea in the aviation industry to apply small turboprop engine to UAV, but it's a pity for your H company, old man It's a real disaster. "

"Yes, John, so I need your help, OK? Can we make similar products in a week Lindeman holds a glimmer of hope. After all, John on the other end of the phone is not only Lindeman's best friend in the Second World War, but also an old man who has been maintaining for nearly 30 years.

He is also the godfather and father-in-law of his second son, George Lindeman. More importantly, John is a senior research fellow at NASA's aerodynamic research laboratory.

He has participated in a number of aerodynamic tests of American advanced fighters and passenger aircraft. The reason why H company was able to get rid of the take-off factory and quickly come up with discovery-2 is the technical support provided by John.

Originally, Linderman wanted to hire John to be the technical consultant of H company, but he was rejected by his old friend. The reason is very simple. John doesn't want the pure friendship between them to be tainted with money.

Linderman insisted several times, and found that if he could not talk about his old friends, it would be natural. After all, Linderman also thought it was good, otherwise he would really have no friends.

Because of this, when H company was forced to die, he did not go to the so-called "technical consultants" who were paid to hire, but found this real old man.

There was a strange silence on the phone for a long time. Linderman didn't urge him, so he held the receiver and leaned on the wheelchair and waited quietly. I don't know how long it took. John's unique voice came from the quiet: "if we set up a research team based on NASA aerodynamics Laboratory, we should be able to achieve your goal in one year, one week..."John sighed helplessly on the other end of the phone: "to tell you the truth, my old man, even God can't finish such a complicated work. If it's a general piston engine, it's all right. The problem is to replace the turboprop. The speed has doubled, and all the aerodynamics on the engine body have to be redone. Otherwise, it's difficult to determine the strength of the existing engine body All degrees will meet the torque change brought by the speed increase, otherwise it is easy to disintegrate in the air... "

When it comes to professional fields, John said a lot, and Linderman was confused when he heard it. Fortunately, this process didn't last long, and John came to the conclusion: "so it can't be done in a week. If you have enough time, I suggest waiting for one or two years, and I will give you the results."

It has to be said that John is very interested in Linderman. The technical achievements of NASA senior researchers are just a million dollars. If they give them to Linderman, they give them to Linderman. It can be seen that the relationship between them is really solid.

The problem is that Linderman has to pay attention to it in a year or two. It's estimated that the day lily is already cold and useless. At this moment, Linderman can't help but feel a trace of regret. If he became H company and focused on technological innovation, wouldn't he be in the predicament now?

However, as soon as the idea came to mind, Linderman was ruthlessly strangled. Compared with the excess profits, the crazy investment was too wasteful. So the stubborn Linderman said goodbye to John, the old man, and picked up the notebook again. After a long time, he finally picked up the phone again


At the same time, Owen, at the headquarters of actor air systems in Stuttgart, Germany, rushed into Evans's office with the newly published German newspaper, then photographed the newspaper on his desk and said excitedly, "look, Evans, we've made it!"