Chapter 368

It's no wonder that Zheng Quan's ceremony is like this. This exercise is different from the tactical exercise organized by the military region or the campaign exercise led by the headquarters in the past. It's a strategic exercise at the level of strategic headquarters under the direct command of the superior commander.

In the past, Zheng Quanli's troops could not fight in such a big battle, even if they were airborne soldiers. However, due to the lack of large-scale air transportation platform, the only thing that could carry out the airborne task was the reconnaissance behind enemy lines at the level of small units.

In addition, in the past two decades, the main defense force in China was the northern heavy armored cluster, let alone the small unit, which was the whole airborne unit. In the case of the Soviet Army's heavy loading, it was forced to be crushed. Therefore, in the expectation of the whole domestic defense operations against the Soviet Union, Zheng Quanli's troops had always been deployed in the depth as a strategic reserve.

Relying on the limited air transportation platform and the relatively developed railway transportation network, they rushed to rescue the front-line troops at the critical moment to fill the gap of the Soviet Army's breakthrough, or to guard the key points and delay the further attack of the Soviet army.

Because of this, although Zheng Quanli's troops were strengthened by the headquarters, they did not pay as much attention as several heavy armed group armies in the north. After all, those heavy armed forces were the main force to fight against the iron and steel torrent of the Soviet Union. When they were finished, it was the light infantry like airborne soldiers who came to attack.

It is cruel to say, but it is an unavoidable fact in the field of national defense and security since the 1960s.

Therefore, Zheng Quanli's troops have been building in accordance with this requirement. He has not participated in the strategic headquarters exercises over the years, but he has invested at most two or three reconnaissance platoons to serve as the reconnaissance forces behind the enemy lines against both sides, so as to show that our army still has such a brave airborne force, that's all.

Its function is to use the popular saying that it is a running dragon. Even in the grand Huabei exercise a few years ago, Zheng Quanli's troops only sent a battalion to do an airborne and airborne landing in the enemy's rear, even if the task was completed.

The real protagonist is the tank charge of several main divisions.

As a result, so many years of long Tao's sudden turn of events turned out to be one of the main offensive forces of this year's strategic command.

Although it's only a supporting role for two heavily armed forces, it also belongs to the male No.2 with script and lines. This makes Zheng Quanli's troops very flattered. Without any preparation, he becomes the male No.2. This little heart is almost out of his chest. Do you have it?

So the whole army, including Zheng Quanli, wanted to be well prepared. Male No. 2, his acting skills can't be as pompous as before. How can we have several levels? Otherwise, I'm sorry for the audience.

As a result, they haven't yet started to study how to do a good job in the strategic command exercise. The superior commander sent an order to Zheng Quanli's troops, asking them to complete the assembly within 24 hours after receiving the order, and arrive at a preset battlefield within 72 hours to launch a flank attack.

In other words, from the moment he received the order, Zheng Quanli's troops had entered the state of exercise, and they were still ready. All preparations were in vain.

As a result, Zheng Quanli was confused all over the country. It was so sudden that he didn't even make any preparations for the drill. The head of the army called the head of the military region in a hurry to emphasize the difficulties of the army, hoping to give 24 hours more time for preparation.

As a result, the head of the military region choked the head of the army back with one sentence: "I'll give you 24 hours, will the enemy give you?"

Fortunately, paratroopers are known for their quick actions. In addition, they have been serving as strategic reserves for many years, and the training of rapid assembly has been declining. Therefore, it's no problem to complete the 24-hour assembly and arrive at the attack starting position 72 hours later.

But there's a problem with attacking.

After all, although Zheng Quanli's army is carrying the gold lettered signboard of airborne soldiers, it is not a combat force of the whole territory. It can still play around in the garrison and even within the military region, and it will be a bit blind if it goes across the region to other places.

We should know that war, especially modern war, has a high demand for military intelligence. The more information, the more clear the commanders and fighters can have on the battlefield, so as to formulate the most appropriate tactical attack plan.

But now, Zheng Quanli's troops are almost black in the eye. Apart from a map of the general assembly area issued by the whole army more than ten years ago, Zheng Quanli does not know the exact terrain, altitude, climate, the enemy's attack direction, the assembly point of troops, the position of friendly troops, the distribution of troops and so on.

Therefore, Zheng Quanli, the first group to arrive at a frontier airport by transport plane and set up a command post here, could only wait for the arrival of the railway mobile power unit and contact the superior at the same time.

I hope to get some useful information. As a result, after two phone calls, the director's Department informed Zheng Quanli that the headquarters just set up by the higher authorities had been attacked by the enemy and suffered heavy losses. The headquarters was reorganizing the headquarters and it took 16 hours to reestablish contact.

After learning this news, Zheng Quanli, a steady man, dropped his cup and scolded his mother. What do you mean, the commanding organ was taken away? The three units are fighting their own battles, and they must not be destroyed by one or the other?You know, if you imagine that the enemy is the Soviet army, their heavy mechanized troops can do a lot of things in 16 hours with the cooperation of the powerful air force. It's not a joke to wipe out the three troops ready to fight back.

Aware of the danger, Zheng Quanli immediately ordered the main force of railway mobile to stop advancing, launch on the spot and carry out defense. At the same time, the headquarters moved out of a forward airport and retreated to join the main force.

It has to be said that Zheng Quanli was very alert, but he was still a little late. At the same time when he gave the order, the enemy's air forces carried out air strikes on his main force. A battalion's forces were destroyed by the air raid before it was too late.

Zheng Quanli, who got the news, was bleeding in his heart. There were only five battalions brought here this time. Before the enemy saw them, one fifth of the troops were gone. He could only curse his mother and retreat to join the main force.


Just as Zheng Quanli's troops were on the verge of emergency, the head of the headquarters of a certain troop in North China listened to the situation report of the staff of the director's department. His face was not happy or sad, but the faces of the officers at all levels on both sides were more and more ugly. After the latest situation report was finished, a gray haired head of the troops finally couldn't help but put his body close to the headquarters In front of the chief, he whispered: "old leader, is it appropriate to relax, otherwise I'm afraid it will affect the morale of the commanders and fighters."

"That's what you think of Gaddafi in Libya. What happened? They were bombed out by US imperialism. " The head of the headquarters did not even raise his eyelids, so he made the head of the army blush.

Just in April this year, the United States carried out two successive air strikes of "prairie fire" and "golden Canyon", which made Libya cry with advanced weapons everywhere. During this period, the highly expected advanced equipment was like furnishings, which really made the world see a big joke.

Of course, many countries have been alerted. China is one of them. Therefore, this exercise of the strategic command is not so much an exercise as a test of the combat readiness of the troops.

The result was very unsatisfactory. None of the three troops arrived in the assembly area on time, and suffered a lot of losses. This made the head of the headquarters very unhappy.

At this time, some people even said that they wanted to let go of their demands. The head of the headquarters, who was on fire, might give face to his subordinates, and his face sank down when he was ready to slap the table. As a result, before his words came out, the staff of the director's department rushed to report: "the airborne troops organized a counterattack in 189 highland, and initially stood firm in 189 and 246 Follow