Chapter 378

In fact, Zheng Quanli wanted to say 1.2 million yuan, but before he could speak, Jiang Liang directly made up 800000 yuan, made up a price of 2 million yuan, and then ran away.

Zheng Quanli wants to go after him, but the current exercise is not over yet. At this time, he doesn't want to take his mobile phone with him. He can't take it out to fight. There is really no way.

So Zheng Quanli yelled twice. Without seeing Jiang Liang's reaction, he went back to the shelter and tried to finish the exercise.

As a result, I don't know whether it was the imaginary enemy who was inspired, or whether Zheng Quanli received a wave of Army leaders and contributed all the good friends.

After a beautiful wave of airborne troops from behind the enemy killed the imaginary enemy general headquarters, the airborne troops that went deep behind the enemy were surrounded by the imaginary enemy troops. Then the imaginary enemy troops were taken over by the commander of the middle attack group in accordance with the rules for the handover of command formulated before the exercise.

The first order issued is to assume that the enemy's reserve forces must annihilate airborne troops that go deep into their own side.

Originally, the airborne troops suffered heavy losses in the confrontation with the right-wing offensive troops, and a large number of them lost in the surprise attack on the imaginary enemy general headquarters. Now they have to face the encirclement and suppression of a fully equipped mechanized infantry regiment. Even if Zheng Quanli flies the focus-2 UAV out of the sky, it is useless.

In the end, the airborne troops lost 86% of their troops, which was determined by the director department to be incapacitated and dismissed by the overall referee.

However, Zheng Quanli's troops were defeated in the exercise field, but they became the focus of heated discussion in the director department. Although the airborne troops were ruled out, they used the efficient communication system and the preliminary electronic warfare capability to make the imaginary enemy troops unable to hold up their heads in the early stage of the campaign.

If it was not for the lack of heavy weapons such as large caliber artillery and armored assault force, and the lack of succeeding in the war of attrition, it would be difficult to say who would win or lose this battle.

Of course, in addition to the actual performance of airborne troops, the most talked about by the leaders of various troops is the focus - 2 UAV, especially the price publicized by Jiang Liang's big mouth, which makes many senior officers excited.

Two million yuan, which is too close to the people. If you want to know that foreign military electronic systems with the same functions cost at least two million dollars, and they can only be limited to ground platforms. If you want to cruise and reconnoiter in the sky like focus-2 UAV, you have to solve the problem of aerial platforms, and you have to spend another one or two million dollars to achieve results.

Therefore, how to measure 2 million yuan is a cost-effective and cost-effective equipment, so the leaders of the troops who don't care much about the situation of the exercises have begun to consider how to draft a report on the purchase of focus-2 UAVs, and even some of them are ready to go to the factory called Tengfei factory to have a field visit, which may be the same as the airborne troops, Get it early.

However, whether they want to draft a report or plan to go to Tengfei factory for investigation, their idea is good, but they are still a little late in action, because after leaving the headquarters head of airborne troops command post, they did not return to their own rest room after returning to the director's office, but left the exercise site by helicopter with their entourage.

At this moment, he has boarded a special plane at an airport in North China, and the special plane will take off soon. After the turbulence at the end of the plane's take-off becomes stable, the leader of the Ministry of aviation industry, who came with the special plane earlier, said: "it's such a leader. At present, Tengfei factory has three main production plants and a technology research and development center, one is located in Huancheng, and the other is located in Beijing It is famous for its rich manufacturing experience, and it is also the main UAV manufacturer of Tengfei factory at present, most of its products are used for export.

the other is located in the suburb of Cotton City, mainly producing small gas turbine power plants; the last one is the new factory established in Xiping not long ago, which is a Sino German joint venture in name, but in fact, Tengfei factory has its own joint venture name At present, Tengfei factory is the most advanced UAV production and processing base in China. "

"Well, besides drones, what about gas turbine power plants?" After listening to the introduction of the leaders of the ministries and commissions, the general head of the headquarters suddenly raised his eyelids and looked at the assistant staff next to him: "why didn't you see it in the previous briefing?"

"The main reason is that the gas turbine power plant of Tengfei plant is completely concentrated in the civil field and not applied to the military, so..."

"Playing the piano in disorder!" Before the assistant staff officer finished his explanation, the head of the headquarters yelled and interrupted: "can gas turbine power plant distinguish between civil and military? Some time ago, where did you listen to the collective lectures given by experts from the air force engineering academy? "

After being trained by the head of the headquarters, the assistant staff officer immediately lowered his head. The head of the headquarters snorted without a good voice, and immediately waved his hand to let the assistant staff officer out of the cabin. Then he turned his head and looked at the part of the leader and said, "I'm sorry to make you laugh. Now there are many comrades in the army who don't know aviation technology, and they need you to popularize it."

The leader of the Department quickly nodded his head and said yes, but before he could continue to introduce the situation of the Tengfei plant, the head of the headquarters who sipped a cup of tea took the lead and said, "let the others go first, let's talk about their gas turbine power plant first."

I didn't expect that the head of the headquarters was concerned about this.The leaders of the ministries and commissions could not help regretting that they had already prepared all the information about the Tengfei plant. Now it's OK. When the head of the headquarters asked about the gas turbine power plant of the Tengfei plant, he didn't know much more than the assistant staff who just went out.

It's not that the head of the headquarters wants to know about UAVs. How can he start to know about gas turbine power plants again?

But no matter what I think, since the head of the headquarters asked, the leader of this department had to say that it would be dereliction of duty otherwise, so I had to introduce the next D-30 gas turbine power plant and the hot and cold power equipment based on it.

As soon as he was about to speak, the leader of the Department secretly glanced at the head of the headquarters, and found that the head's eyelids were drooping again. He could not see any expression, so he boldly moved the conversation away from the gas turbine power plant and began to introduce the technology research and Development Center of Tengfei factory in the outer suburbs of Xingzhou.


"Oh ~ ~ take it easy. When the child comes back, it's not good to see."

"Dudu went fishing with his grandfather. At least he will come back in two hours. Well, dear, let's hurry up and make a quick decision..."

In Xingzhou, Zhuang Jianye is located in the home of Yonghong factory's staff community. Taking advantage of the absence of outsiders, Zhuang Jianye holds up his wife and is ready to vent the Yang fire he has accumulated in recent days. He has no way. In the past two days, little doodle sticks to his mother's new height. He is almost three years old and has been around his mother from morning till night.

Zhuang Jianye, who wants to be intimate with Ning Xiaohui, is stunned that he can't find a chance to start. Today, the old man finally coaxed the little ancestor away with three pieces of white rabbit milk candy. Zhuang Jianye may miss such a good opportunity, and he will starve the tiger to eat regardless of the bright day.

So they fell on the bed and tore into the bed. The phone at the head of the bed rang untimely. Zhuang Jianye took off his belt and said: "Hello, I'm Zhuang Jianye. What's the matter?"

"Oh Listening to the voice on the phone, Zhuang Jianye gave a feeble reply. His pants backed down. Then he woke up and jumped out of bed with his pants in his hand: "what do you say? Is the head of headquarters here? "