Chapter 398

"So, I think that if you mature the power of yun-5 first, don't be so aggressive in terms of the maximum ceiling. It's good to keep it at about 4000 meters. For others, it's not too late when the technology matures. It's not good to reach the goal in one step. In the words of young people, it's too big a step and easy to pull the eggs."

Seeing that Zhuang Jianye kept frowning, Ding laixiang tried to persuade him again. Then he looked at his watch and said, "I still have an academic meeting this afternoon. I have to go back. Just now, you should think about it carefully."

After that, Ding laixiang did not wait for their reaction. He helped his glasses and strode toward the outside of the factory. Lin Guanghua looked at his distant tutor and at Zhuang Jianye, who was a little stunned.

Quickly called: "Professor, wait, I see you off." Then he trotted after him.

Zhuang Jianye just stood there for a long time, and I don't know how much time passed. Ju Tao came from behind and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhuang Jianye just regained his mind and saw Ju Tao and some students' endless smiles. It was obvious that they were very excited by the feeling in the cabin just now.

"Ah, I just discussed something with Professor Ding."

"Oh What about Professor Ding? Do you want to have dinner together? I'll arrange it! " Ju Tao is very generous.

Zhuang Jianye smiles and shakes his head: "no, Professor Ding has an academic conference in the evening. He has already left. I have to go to several workshops later. I'll say hello to the canteen later. You can go there."

"Hey ~ ~ don't bother. The students are doing a good job today. Promise to invite them to dinner. OK, you're busy. Don't worry about us." Seeing that Zhuang Jianye was busy, Ju Tao was very clever and didn't disturb him any more. He waved his hand behind him: "come on, children, let's eat the most famous fish hotpot here."

The students behind applauded and immediately surrounded Ju Tao and walked out of the factory, laughing and laughing all the way.

"Are you envious?"

Seeing Ju Tao's group of people go away, Lin Guanghua, who sent Ding back to Hunan, can't help but ask. Zhuang Jianye nodded frankly: "before, I wanted to live like this. I didn't have to worry about food and drink, and I could still support you. The most important thing is that there are so many beautiful girls around you."

Before his voice fell, he looked at Lin Guanghua: "how about it? Are you also interested? "

"Of course, you don't have to worry about so many things every day, and brain cells don't have to spend so much money. Look..." Lin Guanghua said, lowering his head and pointing to the slightly sparse hair on top of his head: "it's estimated that less than 40 can become a Mediterranean. Tang Lili jokes at me all the time. Even if she doesn't come up with a model that can sit, her hair will be consumed."

"Don't worry, when you become bald, you will become stronger." Zhuang Jianye joked with a smile.

"I hope so." Lin Guanghua nodded, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed them to Zhuang Jianye: "do you want to smoke one?"

Zhuang Jianye tacitly took it over, put it in his mouth, and then skillfully reached out to help Lin Guanghua when he was on fire and set the smoke on fire. The whole process was just like that of a long-time smoker. There was nothing strange about it.

But actually, the whole Tengfei factory knows that their manager Zhuang doesn't smoke on weekdays unless

"Will it continue?" Lin Guanghua, who lights his own cigarette, suddenly smiles and asks seriously.

Zhuang Jianye wry smile: "do not continue how to do? Do you want to kill dongguai factory? We don't have an advantage in terms of products alone. We can't compete with others if we want to. "

Lin Guanghua heard the speech and wanted to say something, but he finally blocked all the words with a cigarette holder. This is the reason why he gave Zhuang Jianye cigarettes. Others don't know, but Lin Guanghua knows that Zhuang Jianye has no less heart than him in order to improve Xing Yun 5.

In fact, it is true that if Zhuang Jianye wants to take off the factory and become an official aircraft manufacturer of conventional aircraft, he must have a model that can hold hands.

So he chose yun-5, not only because the superior department of this model opened up to Tengfei factory, but also because Tengfei factory has many feasible modification schemes.

The most important feature is the low difficulty and great application potential of yun-5.

Based on this, Zhuang Jianye thinks that Tengfei factory can make a super upgraded version on the basis of laoyun 5, so as to obtain the medium and short distance passenger and freight markets in the high altitude areas of Qinghai Tibet Plateau and Northern and southern Xinjiang.

Yes, from the very beginning, Zhuang Jianye did not regard the improved yun-5 as a breakthrough test model to solve the problem of whether there are people flying airplanes in the take-off plant, but as a product.

The main reason for this is that the two areas are vast and sparsely populated, and the transportation facilities are extremely underdeveloped, so that it is difficult for the materials and personnel in and out to be transferred in time, resulting in a very backward economic development.

Take the border areas as an example, the products of the north and the south are quite different. The fruits, cotton and meat of the South need to be transported to the north for processing, and then they can be transported to the eastern provinces for further processing through the railway trunk line into Xinjiang. Meanwhile, the necessities such as medicine and salt that are urgently needed in the South also need to be supplied by the north.

The problem is that a Tianshan mountain range across the border region abruptly separates the northern and southern regions. There are very few roads that can connect them, and the traffic conditions are very poor. If the mountains are closed in winter, the northern and southern regions will even cut off communication, which has a great impact on the production and life of the border region.Of course, for so many years, the local governments in the border areas have not thought about using aircraft to solve this problem. The problem is that the domestic government can not provide general aircraft that can fly over high-altitude mountains like the sky. If they are looking for foreign products, the price is too expensive for the local government to afford. They can only use the fleet to transport back and forth, and the personnel and materials that do not have high timeliness requirements will be destroyed forget it.

If the timeliness of high requirements, it is really looking at the vast Tianshan to cry without tears.

However, if there is a general aircraft that can easily fly over the Tianshan Mountains and communicate with the north and south of Xinjiang, it will be different. Personnel and materials with high effectiveness requirements can easily be navigable in the two places, so as to promote the flow of personnel and materials in the north and south of Xinjiang.

This is especially true of the Tibetan Plateau.

If we take into account the supply and transportation of border defense officers and soldiers and troops stationed in Xinjiang and Tibet, the scale of the new navigable aircraft is considerable.

Because of this, the improved yun-5 of Tengfei factory must meet the demand of plateau, and the maximum ceiling should be doubled. Not to mention, the power should also be greatly upgraded.

After all, the average altitude of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is 4000 meters, and the maximum lifting limit of 54300 meters and the piston five engine of laoyun can not meet the requirements of these two regions at all.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Zhuang Jianye positioned the improved yun-5 as a fully upgraded general-purpose passenger and cargo aircraft, which not only needs to improve the engine capability, but also needs to ensure the safety of personnel when flying in high altitude areas. Therefore, the turboprop and supercharged cabin are inevitable standard configurations. If one of them is missing, what's the difference between the improved yun-5 and the old yun-5?