Chapter 418

"After research, we found that your new aircraft is very suitable for flying at high altitude." After entering the lounge and taking a seat, several servicemen served a few cups of hot tea, and Wu Changcheng took a sip. Then he continued to introduce the situation of the Army: "our air force believes that once this aircraft can be developed successfully, it will improve the logistics support ability of our army in Plateau Areas, especially in the border areas of Tibetan areas..."

Then Wu Changcheng talked about the intention of the air force chief and the ideas of several evaluation expert groups.

The Tibetan areas, especially the border areas in the south of the Tibetan area, are often affected by the border situation, and their economic level is extremely backward. Take the southernmost counties for example. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, there has been no road to the outside world for more than 30 years.

This has led to the frequent shortage of supplies for border officers and soldiers stationed here all the year round, and it is difficult to guarantee the livelihood of local residents.

It's better in summer. With mules, horses and livestock, we can transport some salt, food, medicine and other supplies from the hinterland of Tibet along the winding mountain road.

But in winter, when the mountains were snowed, several counties in the southern region would completely cut off communication with the hinterland of Tibet.

Normally, it doesn't matter. If you are afraid of such uncertain events as natural and man-made disasters, let alone man-made disasters, which are located at the border. As for natural disasters, they happen from time to time. At this time, cutting off land transportation is tantamount to cutting off the passage of life.

Therefore, air transportation shoulders the important task of maintaining the contact in the southern region and opening up the life passage.

But it is precisely this problem that has plagued China for a long time. The reason is that there is no other plane in China that can fly over the mountains at an altitude of seven kilometers and land accurately in the southern Tibetan area.

Therefore, since the 1960s, China has been deterring man-made disasters with the legacy of the war of self-defense and counterattack, but it is really powerless to deal with natural disasters.

It was not until the 1980s that the S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter was introduced from the United States that it was able to deliver winter supplies to the southern Tibetan region for the first time.

However, having the capability does not mean that the problem can be completely solved. First of all, only 24 S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopters were introduced, which is insufficient in quantity.

Secondly, although the S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter can fly on the plateau, it is based on the powerful turboshaft engine, but other supporting facilities do not have this condition. The most typical is the lack of oxygen supply and heat preservation facilities for the S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter, so that the pilots of the S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter have to wear thick air suits and carry oxygen The mask flew over 7000 meters of high-altitude mountains again and again, traveling between the southern and hinterland of Tibet.

Finally, the S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter, no matter how strong its performance is, is a helicopter after all. Its natural range is short, and its ability to resist turbulence in high-altitude mountainous areas is not strong. Therefore, each mission needs several transitions to reach the mission forward base.

During the execution of the mission, we still had to take great risks. Even in the year before last, there was an accident of aircraft crash and human death, which caused great losses.

All of these make the air force in urgent need of a fixed wing, low-cost, multi-purpose small transport aircraft that can carry certain cargo, have certain long-distance flight ability, have the basic performance of over 8000 meters of practical lift limit to fly over high-altitude mountains, and can take off and land freely on a simple runway of hundreds of meters.

As the main type of supply and transportation in southern Tibet.

If these requirements are put inland, Lao Yun 5 can easily complete them, but once they are on the plateau, these indicators will not be generally harsh.

We should know that meeting these conditions at the same time is not a simple way to increase the engine horsepower. If it is so simple, the hump route of the Allied forces during World War II would not be called the death transportation line by the pilots.

It's because the Himalayas are not only high in altitude, but also have extremely complicated internal turbulence, which may be involved by one mistake.

If there is no efficient and fast de icing system, the aircraft will immediately fall like a lump of ice.

In addition, how to solve the basic oxygen supply and temperature control is also a problem.

Of course, there is also the ability to take off and land in short distance with strong adaptability. It's good to say that in the hinterland of Tibet, the terrain in southern Tibet is complex and the materials are scarce. It's still in summer that a few hundred meters long gravel flat can be formed at most.

In winter, the mountains are sealed by heavy snow. Even such a flat land is hard to find. We can only take off and land on the snow plain.

This requires the aircraft to have a strong adaptability.

Such a difficult target is difficult to achieve in China, that is, it is difficult to find a suitable one in the world. It is not a medium-sized runway with short take-off and landing capability, and the carrying capacity and practical lift limit are not up to standard; it is a medium-sized runway that can easily fly over 10000 meters, but the take-off and landing distance is at least about one kilometer.

All in all, there is no one who can meet the requirements of the air force.

Just when the air force was ready to wait another two years to see if there were any suitable aircraft to carry out the task in the 1990s, Wu Changcheng and Ding laixiang and others submitted the basic information of the modified yun-5 to the air force.A few Air Force leaders saw that this is what they want these years. The load is 1.8 tons, the maximum flight distance is 1500 kilometers, and the practical ceiling is 7500 meters.

The most important is the innovative application of the key technologies of high altitude flight, such as rapid de icing of wing surface, pressurized cabin and air circulation.

What's more, this aircraft perfectly inherits the excellent performance of laoyun 5 short takeoff and landing, which is enough to take off and land on the complex terrain in the south of Tibet.

Of course, although the air force commanders are satisfied with the basic performance of the improved yun-5, some details still make them feel somewhat unsatisfactory. First of all, the practical ceiling is 7500 meters, which is not low. However, if you know that many mountains in the southern Tibetan area are more than 7000 meters above sea level, the practical ceiling is somewhat small, so it's better to continue It can be more than 8000 meters, so that it won't be able to fly on the top of the mountain.

The second is the voyage. 1500 meters is still a little less. If it can be increased to more than 2200 kilometers, you can fly directly from the Tibetan capital to Motuo in the south of the Tibetan region, and easily take off and return to the Tibetan capital without refueling.

"If these two points can be achieved, then the troops can reduce the investment of military stations along the line in the southern Tibetan area, and directly take off from the capital of the Tibetan area to support the southern Tibetan area. Based on this, we feel that the improved Yun 5 has nothing to do with Yun 5. Therefore, when the air force chief came to investigate not long ago, we proposed that the improved Yun 5 should be more formal It was named Yun 6, and the air force chief agreed in principle. "

Wu Changcheng looked at the opposite Zhuang Jianye: "for this reason, the air force is ready to allocate money to assist you in the further improvement of Yun 6. If everything meets the requirements of the air force, I can't guarantee that there will be more. I don't think the purchase scale of 40 aircraft will be a problem."

All the models have been renamed, and the funds are also very happy. The most important thing is that even the purchase quantity is not taboo. What can Zhuang Jianye say? He simply patted his chest and said with dignity: "please rest assured, Air Force leaders. On behalf of Tengfei Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, I promise to complete the development of yun-6 with quality and quantity as required by the air force."