Chapter 444

Although a few domestic reporters were very angry after listening to Wang Heping's words, they still had some doubts in their heart. They had no way. They had never seen such a hospital before.

Use the train to pull a pile of containers, then open the lid, stretch, unfold, and then put them together like building blocks, so that they can be used as hospitals?

It's no wonder that these press conferences think so. The reason why they come here ahead of time is that they are waiting for the shelter Hospital of Tengfei aviation manufacturing corporation.

Because they were informed that a temporary hospital would be set up at the timber railway station closest to the fire to treat critically ill patients.

If it's an ordinary temporary hospital or a field hospital, these domestic journalists may come, but they won't be so positive. The problem is that it's too critical to describe the treatment of critically ill patients in the news.

Since the Great Xing'an Mountains fire, the treatment of the wounded has been a big problem. Due to the backward infrastructure and the shortage of equipment, the rear hospital started very slowly after receiving the order.

No way. Hospitals are different from other units. Many of the equipment are precision instruments. They should be careful when transporting. In addition, drugs, blood stations, anesthesia and disinfection all have their own processes.

So it's not easy for military field hospitals to expand quickly, let alone ordinary local hospitals.

Even so, even if the deployment of these hospitals is completed, the general surgery, complicated respiratory tract burns, and life-threatening serious diseases can only be treated simply, and then they can be sent to provincial hospitals hundreds of kilometers away with better conditions for treatment.

Because of this, when these domestic journalists first arrived in the disaster area, they were all very anxious when they saw the patients who could not be evacuated, because they came here not only to contribute to the disaster relief, but also to speak for the motherland with their pen.

You know, since the Great Xing'an Mountains fire, all kinds of slanders and rumors from overseas media have never stopped, which makes it so unscrupulous.

Domestic media people are filled with indignation when they see it. Although they can't tear each other off with the dog they bite, they have to report it truthfully to correct the audience.

However, at this time, China's ability to deal with sudden disasters is still very weak, especially in the early stage. Like a pile of chaos, it is difficult to straighten out a myriad of things quickly. As a result, a lot of things are not done in place. On the contrary, they are caught by the foreign media and used as evidence.

domestic media want to refute, but unfortunately the reality is not suck. It can only shout slogans, which is very passive.

The treatment of the wounded is the focus of the fight between the two sides. Originally, the domestic media still had the upper hand. After all, the response of the military and local medical institutions was very fast. However, in only three days, the domestic media was sprayed by the foreign media. What's the use of quick response?

Unable to deliver personnel and equipment to the disaster area, unable to carry out systematic treatment, can only do simple treatment for the wounded and then evacuation, which is also called hospital? Why don't you just ask someone to give out a pain tablet with a medicine box on their back Well I'm sorry, it seems that a big country in the East doesn't even have painkillers, so just give one person a slogan to let the wounded overcome the disaster and disease with spiritual victory.

Looking at these words, the domestic media reporters are gnashing their teeth, hoping to go to the overseas media headquarters with explosive bags and die with ya ting.

So when they learned that the headquarters was going to build a temporary hospital for critically ill patients at the wood railway station nearest to the fire site, they were excited and finally had a strong basis to go back.

So all of them came to see if the temporary hospital could really treat severe cases. Because of this, they were very cautious, for fear of exaggeration and empty play.

"Manager Wang, how many severe cases can your shelter hospital treat?"

After listening to Wang Heping's brief introduction, the leader of the domestic media reporters, who is also Bai Limin, and Ren Yuechuan, a colleague of Bai Da's reporters, asked them the most concerned questions of the media, especially the word "severe", which was bitten by Ren Yuechuan.


To tell you the truth, Wang Heping still has a headache in the face of the media reporters, especially a group of strange media reporters. They have to think about every word for a long time. It's OK at ordinary times. They have been practicing with Zhuang Jianye for so many years. The problem is that in order that these shelter hospitals can be successfully transported to the front line of the disaster area, Wang Heping has been busy day and night these days, and his head is not enough It's changed, so it's stuck.

This makes Ren Yuechuan's heart thump and thump. Does he say that the question is too direct for others to answer? So Ren Yuechuan's mind changed, and he was ready to attack from another angle. But before he spoke, a middle-aged man in a white coat came running with several people in the same clothes. Before he got to the place, he yelled at them: "who is Wang Heping, general manager Wang?"

"I am!" Wang Heping answered quickly.

The middle-aged man rushed to Wang Heping in three steps and said anxiously, "I'm Zhang Zhonghua from Songjiang medical expert group. I heard that your hospital has been built? Can you show me? ""Yes!" Wang Heping knew that this was the person who received the hospital. Even if his head was no longer smart, he knew that it was a matter of human life. He couldn't tolerate carelessness. So he rushed to the staff beside him and asked, "Xiao Song, has the power supply, gas supply, water supply and other equipment been started?"

Xiao Song nodded: "after the assembly has been started."

After hearing this, Wang Heping nodded his head with satisfaction, and then led Zhang Zhonghua and others to the entrance of the shelter hospital. Seeing this, Ren Yuechuan and others could not miss this opportunity, so they all followed after they were approved.

In this way, the group quickly entered the shelter hospital along the entrance. As soon as they entered the hospital, their faces became very surprised. It was still chilly in the Northeast evening in early May, especially in the forest area, and even made people feel unbearable cold.

But after entering the shelter hospital, people felt a warm breath, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Do you have air conditioning?" Zhang Heping didn't mean to procrastinate at all. What he asked was very direct, and what Wang Heping said was also very direct: "it's not air conditioning, it's a set of air circulation control system based on the air circulation system of the aircraft's pressurized cabin."

When Zhang Heping heard the speech, his eyes narrowed slightly: "what's the circulation rate?"

"The general operating room air circulation standard is 12 minutes, and our shelter hospital can clean the air every 5 minutes."

After hearing this, Zhang Heping immediately turned to a doctor in a white coat next to him and said, "all operations can be moved here first."

Ren Yuechuan, who followed him after listening to the conversation of several people, immediately brightened his eyes. It was very important to be able to do surgery, so he quickly wrote a paragraph in the interview book: the latest embodiment of aviation technology in the medical field, and the air circulation rate exceeded the standard of hospital operating room.