Chapter 484

"How could it be?"

Chadonov roared like a bear. If he can believe the American "thinker" reconnaissance ship, after all, Americans often make their own reconnaissance ship look like a kaleidoscope. As long as they can install all the equipment, they want to put it in. So it's normal to install a sonar.

If that's the case, chadonov has many ways to toss the "thinker". What if our ship is ordered to hit your ship? In addition to the advanced internal equipment, the hull of American reconnaissance ships is basically built according to the standards of civil ships, and even directly refitted with civil ships, so as to reduce the construction cost.

It is absolutely thin skinned, full of stuffing and materials. It is no match for the Soviet reconnaissance ship built in strict accordance with military standards.

Chadonov believed that once he commanded the "golden Mailang" to go crazy, the "thinker" had no other way to go but to run for her life, and then the b-79 could take the opportunity to escape.

As a result, he never thought that it was not the American "thinker" that used sonar to lock the b-79, but the Chinese 5506. The subversion of ideas and the collapse of Three Outlooks were no less than the collapse of the Soviet Union a few years later.

However, before chadonov recovered from his shock, the chief mate who was operating the golden Mailang suddenly screamed in horror: "5506, run towards my starboard side!"

Chadonov was suddenly surprised, but he could not take care of the cover. He quickly picked up his telescope and looked at the sea. He saw that the 5506 ship, which had been sailing smoothly, suddenly turned a corner, then sped up and rushed to the starboard side of the golden wheat wave.

If this is normal, although chadonov is worried, he is not afraid. The main reason is that he is very clear about the basic performance of the 037 submarine hunting ship. After all, it is made by imitating the same type of ships in the Soviet Union, and its performance is constantly changing.

Therefore, even with the posture of impact, chadonov is confident that he can deal with it calmly. The reason is very simple. The acceleration of the medium speed diesel engine equipped with the 037 submarine is not good.

Maybe it can be improved by reloading French goods, but the characteristics of the diesel engine itself make this improvement not produce a qualitative leap. Just because of this, chadonov can not only command the "golden Mailang" equipped with high-power medium speed diesel engine to avoid calmly, but also completely entangle the overstretched 5506 and let the b-79 leave calmly.

However, all this was smashed by the unimaginable acceleration of 5506. It was so fast that chadonov didn't think it was a submarine with hundreds of tons, but a motorboat with more than ten tons.

How long did it take from turning to scurrying against the edge of the wave?

15 seconds or 20 seconds?

In short, absolutely no more than half a minute, but its speed at least to 35 knots!

At this speed, it's only ten minutes. What can golden wheat wave do in ten minutes? It is estimated that only a few bursts of the medium speed diesel engine will be allowed. Before reaching the maximum speed, 5506 will hit the starboard side at high speed, tearing the golden wheat wave completely.

There is no way. The acceleration of 037 submarine with diesel engine is not good. Can the golden Mailang with similar power be an exception?

So at this moment, looking at the ship 5506, chadonov was finally flustered and yelled at the first mate: "full rudder, turn around; full rudder, turn around Come on

The first mate was stunned for a moment, and immediately played the steering gear wildly. The golden Mailang turned back fiercely on the sea, and used the fastest speed to turn the stern of the ship toward the incoming 5506.

With a maximum speed of less than 25 knots, the golden Mailang can't run 5506 at all. In this case, let's light up the strongest place on the ship and get ready to get close to it. Where is the strongest place on the golden Mailang? Of course, it's the bottom of the boat.

But just when chadonov and others puckered up the bottom of the "golden wheat wave" and waited for 5506 to break through the tremor of chrysanthemum, they didn't feel much for a long time.

So fast speed, so crazy move, unexpectedly did not feel, difficult to 5506 approaching the moment of weakness? How is that possible?

"Is it..."

Without feeling the impact, chadonov suddenly remembered that he had just seen the picture of 5506 turning suddenly. He suddenly realized something and yelled: "no good!"

He rushed out of the bridge and ran to the deck, but he didn't care if Simmy's rain caught him. He raised his telescope and looked back. Sure enough, 5506 didn't come after him. He turned here and rushed to the route where b-79 was ready to leave at a higher speed.

Judging from the wake left over from the ocean, the 5506 is not only fast, but also has a very small turning radius. With the acceleration and high speed shown by the 5506 just now, it is too late for the golden Mailang, which has turned around, to catch up.

Chadonov's chagrin was not to mention. He punched his fist on the hatch and said angrily, "I dare swear to the Soviet that China's 5506 is not a 037 submarine hunter, it is not..."

"Captain B-79 is locked by sonar again. It has Can't get rid of We should What shall we do? "In the dense rain, the intelligence officer rushed out immediately after getting the latest news of b-79. However, when he saw chadonov, who was drenched by the rain and was full of depression, his voice became cautious.

Hearing the words, chadonov raised his head and used his head to face the falling rain, which made his head clear.

"Do our best"

after more than a minute, chadonov left a word, and then went in dejectedly with his telescope.


"Sure enough, the Soviet Union's Foxtrot class submarine was forced to float up."

Two hours later, on the "thinker" not far behind the "golden Mailang", Edwards held up his telescope and looked at the b-79 Foxtrot class conventional submarine forced to float by the 5506. He nodded meaningfully: "it seems that the Chinese have invested a lot of experience in the 037. I dare say that they have replaced the old diesel power with gas turbine Because only the gas turbine can achieve such good acceleration, speed and smooth power output. "

Then he looked at Mitchell: "what do you think, commander Mitchell?"

"It can do this with antique equipment." As Mitchell put down his telescope, his bearded mouth tilted upward, showing a very ironic smile: "I have to say that this is the progress of the Chinese Navy, but the room for progress is limited after all. After all, the" Foxtrot "class of the Soviet Union is too old, and generally exists as a training boat of the Soviet Union.

If the Chinese navy can't even deal with such old submarines, then the sea floor under their vast coastal defense zone is no defense. Fortunately, they are not good at nothing. At least they prove that their navy is still a navy. "

Mitchell's words were no longer an evaluation, just an undisguised disdain. Edwards wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and didn't know when to say it. At this time, the rain for two days finally stopped. Edwards picked up his telescope again and looked at the vast ocean. Suddenly, he found a strange floating object on the ocean and asked Mitchell, "Captain You see, what's that? "

Mitchell looked at it and frowned: "that's Sonar buoy

As soon as this remark came out, even Mitchell himself was stunned, but before he could make further confirmation, an officer quickly reported: "Sir, we have just received a message from the sheshuiyu that they have been found by the unknown anti submarine forces and are preparing to evacuate."

When Mitchell heard this, his old-fashioned face immediately became very wonderful. He picked up his telescope and looked at the sonar buoy in the distance. Then he looked at the 5506 ship that was leaving the sea area with the Soviet Union's b-79 Foxtrot class conventional submarine. Then he looked up at the sky still covered with dark clouds and said, "China has an anti submarine patrol plane!"