Chapter 547

During World War II, the joint operations of large aviation formation were actually very mechanical. Basically, after the operational plan was formulated, the aviation formation would complete the operations according to the plan meticulously.

As long as the superior does not change the plan, under normal circumstances, the aviation formation will carry it out to the end, even if the enemy's counterattack is encountered in the middle, it will also have a hard top.

The day and night strategic bombing of Germany by Britain and the United States on the European battlefield is a typical example.

What targets to bomb, when to take off, form a group in that airspace, and then fly into Germany along that route are all clearly planned on the ground. The officers and soldiers participating in the war only need to follow the technical instructions.

As for what to do when encountering the firepower interception of the German air defense forces, there will also be corresponding plans, which can be nothing more than escorting the fighters, flying the bombers at a higher altitude, and then It's all kinds of irons.

Naturally, the loss is self-evident. Every time a large formation is bombed, a few bombers are not shot down, and some people are killed as if they didn't go out at all.

Now, through the monitoring of China's joint sea and air exercises, we know that the subject of the upcoming long-range ship attack by China's air fleet seems to follow the routine of the British and American bombing of Germany during World War II. Lieutenant Colonel Churkin thinks that Ruan Yong's opinion is very feasible.

Even more divergent thinking, if we can grasp the opportunity of jamming, and implement high-power jamming at the moment when China's air formation launches long-range anti-ship missiles, so that China's long-range anti-ship missiles miss the target or fail to self explode, maybe it will be more able to attack the morale and self-confidence of China's Air Force than simple jamming.

It's much more effective than scolding in the newspaper and quarreling in the radio. The most wonderful thing is hidden. Even if the Chinese Navy and air force know that it's the interference released by the Soviet reconnaissance plane, the electromagnetic wave can't be seen or touched. You say it's the Soviet Union's fault. I also say that China's anti-ship missile performance is backward, and its maintenance is poor. It's its own problem.

Because of this, Churkin thinks that it is very feasible to give a little stimulation to the coming Chinese air force. After all, the command system of China's air and sea forces is single, and the electronic equipment is backward. In contrast, the tu-16 reconnaissance plane they are riding is not the top in the world, but also a popular one.

Among other things, in Jinlan bay for so many years, the tu-16 reconnaissance plane has been fighting with the U.S. troops stationed in Subic Bay, and its performance is not inferior to that of any other reconnaissance plane of the same era.

If not, how can we just get close to the periphery of China's sea and air joint exercise and be able to clearly and accurately capture all kinds of communications of the other side in the exercise? This is not occasional, but real strength.

So Churkin turned up his mouth and showed a secret smile. He took the stack of recorded manuscripts aside and turned them over. He found that they were all Chinese characters. He frowned with headache and put them down again. He asked, "have you mastered the specific time?"

Ruan Yong looked at his watch and said confidently: "in 11 minutes, their air assault group will arrive at 22 areas 45 nautical miles northwest of here, and then launch anti-ship missiles to target ships 100 kilometers away. We are just in the middle of the route of anti-ship missiles attacking target ships."

Chuerjin nodded: "no problem, then act according to your will." Then he raised his head and prepared to issue orders to other Soviet officers and men in the cabin to interfere with Chinese anti-ship missiles. The cockpit pilot's urgent cry came: "no, it's a fighter. We've been found."

Churkin, who was still looking as usual, immediately changed his face. He quickly opened the porthole next to him, and two white coated planes, much like the Soviet land defense air force equipped with su-15 interceptors, were approaching their tu-16 reconnaissance plane.

Churkin's brow turned into a knot in one's heart instantly. For a moment, he was surprised, frightened, worried and puzzled. He kept changing on his freckled face, but in the end, he would be replaced by deep disbelief.

"Why hasn't there been any conscription?"

Churkin turned his head to the officer in charge of electronic detection and asked in a poor tone. The officer also had a ghost look on his face. Under normal circumstances, even if the other fighter planes avoided radar, they could not avoid their electronic monitoring, because in a sense, the communication signal was clearer than radar signal. In addition, the communication and contact of the Chinese exercise troops were very complicated The old radio station can record all the calls of the other party without much effort.

But now, it seems that the two intercepting fighters

"Radio silence?"

The officer in charge of electronic detection whispered a term. Just as he was about to explain it, a series of stern and clear words came from the earphone that Ruan Yong was in charge of monitoring: "please leave my exercise area, repeat, please leave my exercise area..."

Hearing this, Ruan Yong was stunned for a moment, and immediately adjusted the console in front of him. But the next moment, the whole person was stunned. He immediately turned his head and looked at Qiu Erjin: "Comrade commander, the voice warning was not issued by two fighters."

"That's Bang This is it... "

Churkin subconsciously wanted to ask the source of the voice warning, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Ruan Yong's headphones came a harsh roar. Ruan Yong couldn't bear to throw the headphones on the console.Not only that, but the Soviet officers and soldiers in other positions were the same. That's all. The key is that the pilots were also affected. As a result, the plane trembled and Churkin almost fell down.

Fortunately, his seat belt was relatively strong, but Rao was so strong that the huge impact force still made him feel uncomfortable. But before he could slow down, he heard a Soviet officer nearby yell: "look, what's that?"

When Churkin heard this, he quickly moved to the porthole and saw a small plane with a single wing and a T-shaped vertical tail in the distance. The strong fuselage reflected a bright luster in the sunshine.

Churkin only looked at it once, and his mouth opened wide in shock. It was not the beautiful posture of the plane that attracted him, but there was a very large cylindrical bulge on the back of the small plane near the support of the tail structure.

If others look at it, they will feel that a good plane has become a cauldron because of this bulge, which affects the aesthetic feeling too much. However, Lieutenant Colonel Churkin, the most senior reconnaissance aircraft commander, shudders.

Because he knows very well what the bulge is, what is the radar, and what is the model with radar on the back of the plane? AWACS!

Although the plane was only fleeting in the clouds and disappeared in the thick clouds, Churkin understood how the two Chinese fighters appeared silently, the source of the voice warning just now, and even the interference that made the plane tremble just now.

That's an AWACS, a power multiplier.

Anti ship missile jamming exercise?

Churkin had a wry smile on his face. Someone else had an early warning plane. He didn't know when to launch it. He didn't know how to jam it. If someone didn't want to do anti-jamming, his tu-16 reconnaissance plane would be crippled.

Mind electricity turn, chuerjin also calculate decisive, direct order: "return!"