Chapter 625

August 15 of the lunar calendar is an important traditional festival in China. At least we should get together to have a good meal.

At this moment, Jodel, partner and technical director of Leipzig, Germany, also does as the Romans do, laughing at a large table of dishes in a high-end hotel in Xingzhou.

A few days ago, Jodel would not be so happy, even if he pretended to be hypocritical. In the face of continuous bad news from Leipzig, the management of Leipzig, including Jodel, would not be crazy.

I thought that when China's import and export trade was experiencing twists and turns due to drastic changes in the international situation, I was aiming at the aviation manufacturing industry, which was eager to break through the encirclement, and was ready to come in and cut a wave of leeks.

This is true of the S-70 helicopters of the high maintenance troops.

This is the case with the transfer of technical data and production license of "small forklift" helicopter by Tengfei group.

Even if it later asked Tengfei group to provide a full set of technical improvement programs for "small forklift" helicopters with the help of upgraded "air pickup" helicopters, the same is true.

Even during this period, Leipzig showed concession, even surprised and pleaded at some time, and seemed to be really convinced by the ability of Tengfei group.

But in essence, there is no change, because Leipzig gets everything it wants and everything goes back to its original state.

The S-70 helicopter, which is known as free maintenance, has been deadlocked from time to time due to some trivial material problems. As for the helicopter technology obtained from Tengfei group, the introduction of parts and some production equipment originally promised has gradually become a mirage in a series of fierce negotiations.

Everything seems to be going step by step along with Leipzig's idea, that is to cut leeks with the lowest price, turn to the hard work of leeks, and make a dazzling halo of German manufacturing, and then grab excess profits in the broad international market.

However, Leipzig is ready to improve its special helicopter project as soon as possible, so as to ensure the launch of the official version of the public certification machine before the end of the year, so as to stabilize the European engineering companies that have already scheduled special helicopters for engineering, and strive for more orders to prepare for a big fight.

Leipzig, a company whose continuous accidents will rekindle the fire of hope, just like the irrigation water of agricultural dropper technology, has completely extinguished this small fire drop by drop.

The first is the special bearing for helicopter. Leipzig uses the most advanced alloy metal bearing in Germany. According to the improvement scheme provided by Tengfei group, the main reducer of the "small forklift" helicopter was readjusted. As a result, when the ground limit test of the non lubricated main reducer was conducted, less than one minute after the lubrication supply was interrupted, the whole main reducer was on fire and scrapped.

After the inspection, the friction temperature of the alloy metal bearing made in Germany suddenly increased without lubricating oil heat dissipation, which made the alloy metal ball unable to bear the direct fragmentation, and finally the whole main reducer was scrapped.

But the crux of the problem is not how the bearing is, but how long it lasts. In less than one minute, we should know that according to the latest requirements of European aviation safety authorities for helicopter safety, in the case of interruption of helicopter lubricating oil, the whole transmission system must be able to last for more than 15 minutes.

Only in this way can the pilot have enough time to crash the helicopter to a safe place.

How could it be that the improved helicopter main reducer of Leipzig company broke down in a hurry without even holding on for a minute, which made Leipzig company burst into tears. The hard core machinery made by a large group of German men can hold on for more than 15 minutes, but it can hold on for 10 minutes.

As for the remaining five minutes or so, we can make an enhanced test version and give the masters of the European Aviation Commission some German "chicken soup" by the way.

As a result, nm was finished in less than a minute. It lasted longer than that. It really made women cry and men silent.

There are two reasons for this result, one is that the speed index of the main reducer designed by Tengfei group is very fast, which objectively causes the main reducer to eat bearings; the other is that the alloy bearings are not qualified.

To tell you the truth, Leipzig company wants to start with one of the factors that affect the final drive. It turns out that it's ok if it doesn't work. After starting, not only the bearings don't last long, but also other parts are finished together. In other words, the main reducer they modified completely fails.

The only way to start is from bearings. The problem is that there are few aviation bearings for helicopters in the world. Germany is very powerful in the field of machinery manufacturing, but it is general machinery. As for high-end aerospace manufacturing, Germany, which was emasculated because of the defeat in World War II, is not even as good as France.

Because of this, in general machinery, German alloy bearings really represent the durability and high-end quality of Germany, but in the field of aerospace, this point of durability and high-end has become a joke.

As a result, Leipzig has no choice but to seek imports. The most ideal is France next door. The problem is that the arrogant French always regard themselves as European aerospace leaders, which can be seen from the integrated headquarters and assembly plant of Airbus in France.As a pillar of the French economy and an important source of European leadership, how can the French allow a German aircraft manufacturing company to grow?

In a word, the Germans can repair airplanes and build aircraft parts, but they can't build their own airplanes to compete with the French.

Of course, as an important country in Europe, France still has many things to rely on Germany. Although I think so in my heart, I can't do too much in face to make Germany feel inferior.

If you can't be strong, you'll have to be soft. A word dragging formula directly makes Leipzig want to be immortal and die.

There's no choice but to turn to the United States.

Americans don't have as many worries and twists and turns as the French. They want bearing parts. OK, as long as the price is in place, and they can meet the conditions that they can't finish studying in two or three days, can they pack their mother and give them to you?

In the face of the undisguised calm attitude of the Americans, Leipzig almost said "MMPs". The price offered by the United States can cost people's lives, but only if it pokes into the heart of Leipzig. If they agree, the whole company can dismember the Americans every minute.

As for why, it is very simple that the "small forklift" helicopter being developed by Leipzig directly threatens the market share of the US S-64 "overhead crane" helicopter and the actual interests of us engineering companies.

Because of this, under the provocation of these people, Leipzig has become the base of evil, and it also sells you accessories. If you don't pinch your neck, it will be regarded as giving face to the German men.