Chapter 659

It's no wonder that Singh and others have such an idea that yun-15, as a cutting-edge light transport aircraft, will not have a lot of equipment in China, which can be seen from the fact that there is no follow-up after the arrival of six modified aircraft.

Because of this, although Singh and others are frightened, they can still accept it. After all, the number is small. Even if they use it recklessly for multiple sorties, they can run a reinforcement regiment at most. No matter how many, they will be overwhelmed.

Although the reinforced regiment will have an advantage in some areas, it is true that there are a lot of troops on the long border line, but it is not true that there are a lot of troops.

However, if an-26 can also reach the plateau, it will be different. Although the carrying capacity is not as good as Yun 15, it can be a powerful supplement.

In addition, there are not many similar aircraft types in China. Once all of them have such strength, they will be mobilized at that time, with six Yun 15 as the core, mainly responsible for the transportation of artillery, assault vehicles and other mountain equipment; twenty an-26 with plateau combat capability will be responsible for the transportation of troops.

According to the usual calculation of three sorties per day, it only takes three days for the Chinese army to gather a brigade level combat force on the plateau.

Such a force is not the ambiguity of saying more or less, but the decisive force to overturn the outcome of a key direction.

With such a powerful force, it takes only three days for China to reach the complex Tibetan plateau at full speed.

What about New Delhi?

With bad roads, complex terrain, long transportation lines, and the bureaucratic system of bickering, it is uncertain whether such a force can reach the northern plateau in a month.

Even though the situation of war has become diversified, efficient and rapid assembly and sudden and fierce attack are still the magic weapons to win.

The Chinese who have yun-15 and an-26, who have the ability to take off and land on the plateau, have obviously grasped this magic weapon in their hands. How can Singh and others who know the way not to be surprised or afraid!

So seeing six an-26s arrive one after another and transport 192 officers and soldiers again, Singh and godopay's faces are more and more ugly.

With 180 people in front and 192 new arrivals, plus the early arrival of the security forces, a battalion sized force appeared in front of the public.

In less than an hour of the whole process, a highland infantry battalion had assembled and was ready to fight. The efficiency and speed were simply

Unlike Singh and others who are frightened, Zarif and others are much more peaceful. At this moment, they are numb to the officers and soldiers who are arriving one after another. Compared with these rapidly assembled forces, they are more concerned about the words coming out of the commentary radio at this moment:

"what is arriving one after another is the plateau type transport aircraft refitted by the Soviet made an-26 aircraft The wd-46ml turboprop engine of the same model of yun-15 is used to replace the original Soviet made engine. At the same time, the airtight cabin technology is used to transform the passenger and cargo cabin of an-26.

After a series of technical optimization, the improved an-26 has a range of 4600 km and a maximum lift limit of 9200 M. it has excellent plateau takeoff and landing performance.

At present, this aircraft belongs to United Airlines, which is specialized in passenger and freight transportation on the Tibetan Plateau. In this exercise, our army mobilized six of these aircraft as means of transportation, aiming at the wartime mobilization system, the guiding ideology of the combination of military and civilian, peacetime and wartime... "

In front of the technical parameters, the commentator just said a few words, but in the back, he said a lot about the mobilization and exercise ideas.

However, Zarif and others are not interested in the ideas behind. They are all old birds in this field. How can they not understand the rationale and role of wartime mobilization of civilian equipment?

In contrast, they are more concerned about the improved an-26 itself.

The military observers of the foreign army were not only surprised, but also overjoyed by the effect of a series of modern modifications on the old aircraft.

Zarif is fairly good. After all, Pakistan's national strength is weak, but on the whole, it is fairly good. Although Pakistan is interested in the routine of refitting old models, it is relatively restrained.

The military observers in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other countries are different. We should know that the economic level of these countries is generally not high, and the main combat equipment, let alone new ones, is even better second-hand goods.

So just now Yun 15's amazing appearance, they were just amazing, and then Then there's no more.

Because all fools know that the price of Yun 15 with such excellent performance is absolutely not cheap. Since it's not cheap, they can't afford it. Why talk so much about it? Just eat the melon quietly.

The appearance of the improved an-26 is different. Because of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union, out of the need of its own geopolitical strategy, often takes the lead in foreign trade politics. As long as it is congenial, it can directly use the market price and hurt feelings by talking about money.

Because of this, economically backward areas such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have gained a lot of benefits by helping the Soviet Union wave the flag and shout for support, including the an-26 aircraft.Even if some countries don't, because of the Soviet Union's recklessness, the an-26 in the international market is not expensive, and the second-hand one is cheaper, which is completely affordable to the economically underdeveloped countries.

If China's refitting fee is equally cost-effective, those countries with economic difficulties can exchange the least investment for an air platform with excellent performance.

This is not only cost-effective for these countries, but also of great practical significance.

Sri Lanka, for example, has been in civil war since the 1970s. If we can have a high-performance air platform for front-line transportation, logistics supply, air reconnaissance and even a guest bomber loaded with bombs, we can hardly estimate the trend of civil war.

So the military observers in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other countries are really full of little stars looking at the improved an-26. It is no longer important for them to watch the exercise. They are eager to find the relevant person in charge of China to ask about the specific situation of the improved an-26.

However, when people were exchanging opinions and discussing about the improved an-26, the sky suddenly burst into a roar like tearing the air.

"It's not the sound of a paddle!" Hearing this, Singh grabbed his beard and turned pale.

"It's the sound of a turbofan engine!" Zarif, who was interested in yun-15 but was a little bit short of the improved an-26, suddenly raised his head and was shocked.

At the same time, other military observers were attracted by the sound of tearing. They looked up at the sky one after another. Soon a thick plane broke through the clouds, and they didn't know who was calling out with a trill: "double engine ~ ~ turbofan ~ ~"