Chapter 718

More than 20 kilometers southeast of jilmu village, in the front-line headquarters of New Delhi border forces, the advice from jawali was transmitted verbatim from the radio of the communication department. The commander frowned deeper and deeper. Then he bent down and looked at the map in front of him, but he did not immediately give the order to bombard jilmu.

Just at this time, an officer came in in a hurry, holding a leaflet to the commander: "Sir, look at this!"

The commander glanced at him, and his frown turned into a knot.

Then he walked back and forth in the headquarters two times, finally stopped in front of the map, breathed out a long breath, and asked the officer behind: "how are the artillery troops preparing?"

"Twelve Soviet D-30 type 122mm howitzers, six Soviet M46 type 130mm cannons and four new fh77 type 155mm howitzers, which have just been strengthened from Delhi, have already been properly deployed. As long as the general gives orders, they will definitely make the opposite side a sea of fire."

The officer in New Delhi raised his head and spoke confidently. The commander, as a major general, could not help nodding to himself. Although he had only these 22 guns in his hand, all of them were heavy guns over 100 mm.

Among them, only six M46 130mm cannons were produced in the 1960s, and the remaining two were new cannons that were put into service in the 1970s and 1980s.

In particular, the fh77 type 155mm howitzer made in Sweden, which was equipped in the mid-1980s, has reached the world's advanced level and belongs to the killer mace of the New Delhi army.

This time, the Kashmir plateau was also pulled to frighten Pakistan. However, it was unexpected that an earthquake in gilmu made the situation change so quickly that it came in handy.

In contrast, Pakistan's artillery force along the border is much poorer, with only 12 US m119 105mm guns and 6 US M114 155mm guns.

In addition to being inferior to the New Delhi border guard in quantity, the more important thing is the quality. The maximum range of the 12 US made m119 105mm artillery equipped in Pakistan is less than 18 km, while the Soviet made D-30 122mm howitzer of the New Delhi border guard can cover the target 21 km away with the Soviet made rocket extended range projectile.

Therefore, only six US made M114 155mm guns can threaten the New Delhi border forces.

6 vs 22!

Even primary school students can figure out the strength gap between the two.

Since Wen's is not good, come to the military. In a word, Pakistan's forward supply point in gilmu must be removed this time.

After such a measurement, the commander finally spread his brow and ordered in a deep voice: "connect the jawali unit with the artillery unit, and order the artillery unit to bombard gilmu according to the coordinates provided by the jawali unit."


"Target, 125851, wind speed 3, double volley!"

Soon after the commander of the New Delhi border forces made up his mind, jawali determined the firing parameters according to the actual observation on the map, and transmitted them to the artillery troops in the rear by radio for the first time. Then jawali put down his radio and grinned at godopay: "young man, is it the first time to stand the test of war?"

Godopay also did not expect that the original task of assisting the evacuation of Pakistani refugees turned into an exchange of fire between the two sides so quickly. He said that he was not nervous, which was false, so he nodded with a tense face.

On seeing this, jawali laughed even more brightly: "don't worry, Shenniu will protect you. What you have to do now is to pick up your camera, aim at the grassland full of airplanes, and witness the spectacle of fire and rain in the sky Oh ~ ~ ~ it's coming ~ ~ "

when jawali said this, he heard a piercing roar from his headache. He immediately knew that the cannonball had come. After a prompt, he picked up his telescope. How could this fireworks feast led by him lose his heaviest audience?


Compared with jawali's calmness, Zarif, who also heard the roaring sound, was shocked. One second before, he listened to Maxim's chattering and regretting that he didn't place an order to buy 15 plus. The next moment, he threw Maxim under his body.

Almost did not break Maxim's breath, but without waiting for Maxim to get angry, there was an earth shaking explosion in his ear.

Then Maxim's eyesight saw a sea of fire set off at the foot of the hill under the village of gilmu, and his face turned pale in a moment.

There are also the villagers of jilmu village who follow the Imam to pray in the flying temple.

This kind of explosion is too familiar to the people who have lived on the border for a long time. If they haven't been bombed several times a year, they are embarrassed to say that they are Kashmiri aborigines.

Because of this, these villagers are very worried about whether they are safe here. After all, the goal of the flying Temple composed of three yun-15plus is too big, in case a shell doesn't fall down with long eyesAs a result, many villagers are ready to move, especially the village head who is active in his mind. However, before these people know what to do, he hears the Imam in front of him suddenly say: "the temple given by God is for believers who have perseverance, perseverance and persistence. Those who don't have it can leave immediately. Some people will be safe even if they have a knife and axe. This is God's blessing."

With that, the Imam reached out and took off the gauze from his eyes. Then he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes, which hadn't seen light for a long time, suddenly didn't adapt. However, the Imam slowly widened his eyes. Then he glanced at the dark head from below. Finally, he stopped on an old man and said with a smile, "old Barnier, your body is still so strong."

The old man named Barnier was shocked by the speech, and immediately asked, "Imam, can you see with your eyes?"

The Imam gave a smile and raised his hands over his head: "thank God, he let me come here and let me see the light again!"

As soon as the words came out, the villagers in jilmu village immediately showed their enthusiasm. The imam, who had been blind for many years, had not been long since he entered the flying temple. What does that mean? The devout villagers could not think or dare not think. They could only recite the Scriptures in silence. As for the explosion outside, it was immediately suppressed by the louder chanting of scriptures.

However, jawali, who is two or three kilometers away, can't see all this. At the moment, he is immersed in the excitement of gilmu being engulfed by the sea of fire. As for godopay, who is beside him, according to jawali's request, he keeps pressing the shutter to gilmu, who is in the sky of fire. Godopay's hand can't help but freeze. Then he puts down the camera in surprise and looks unbelievable He looked at jawali.

Jawali also looked like a ghost. He saw gilmu village where the smoke of gunfire had dispersed. Let alone hurt, even a leaf was intact. As for the flying Temple composed of three airplanes, it was like God's help. He listened well on the grassland and didn't even scratch his skin.

"How could that be?"

Jawali yelled, immediately picked up the radio and yelled at the artillery: "missed, asshole, you all missed ~ ~"

"you bastard, in order to provide you with fire support, our artillery position has been exposed, my God cow, how can you be so accurate? They're using missiles. They must be missiles Boom ~ ~ "

before jawali finished speaking, he was turned back by the commander of the Artillery Force. But before jawali got back, he heard a cry of panic on the radio, and then he was silent in the sound of a sky shaking explosion