Chapter 729

For the game between Tengfei group and Jinling steam turbine plant and the giants such as GE behind it, the leaders and experts of the energy department can be said to have a clear idea. In the past two years, you've come and I've gone, and you've turned the head of a man into the head of a dog.

But in recent years, the leaders and experts of the energy sector have been quietly watching, and they even have a kind of hope that the two sides will tear more intensely.

Don't they know that once the domestic industrial gas turbine led by Tengfei group is defeated, foreign brands will form a monopoly and rush in to dig the leek root?

Of course, I know, not only know, but also know that the suffocation feeling after being stuck in the neck will never be erased.

Therefore, when Tengfei group can't support it, they will buy more products of Tengfei group according to the requirements of their superiors, and allow the energy department to provide some funds to subsidize domestic industrial gas turbine manufacturers such as Tengfei group.

But after Tengfei group and other enterprises survive, the oil fields, electric power, oil pipelines, petrochemical industry and other units under the energy sector should use imports, and joint ventures should use imports.

There's no way. The technological strength of foreign giants is there. The domestic ones are far worse than that of others. Tengfei group's is still good. The northwest steam turbine factory's R & D aircraft reform engine based on Spey turbofan engine has high expectations when it comes out.

For this reason, the two large-scale polyethylene projects in Qinling area were specially postponed in order to wait for this domestic aircraft to be used in the internal thermal circulation system of the two large-scale polyethylene projects.

As a result, after waiting for three years, the aircraft reform based on Spey turbofan engine came out, but its performance was extremely unstable, and the average failure time was only 500 hours.

Because of the production process requirements of large-scale polyethylene plant, the thermal cycle system needs to run continuously for 24 hours, so as to speed up the chemical reaction of raw materials. Therefore, the gas turbine which provides thermal cycle power must run smoothly with low failure rate.

Because of this, the failure interval of gas turbines provided by GE and other giants for such large projects is usually more than 5000 hours, and even some with excellent performance can reach 10000 hours.

In this way, this kind of large-scale polyethylene plant can realize heat circulation throughout the year.

What is the concept that the failure interval of kesbei turbofan engine based aircraft reform is only 500 hours? 24 hours a day, 500 hours, only 20 days.

In other words, if the thermal cycle power of polyethylene is made by the aircraft reform engine based on the Spey turbofan engine, it will stop for a rest in one month's operation. It's OK for other industries. If the chemical products such as polyethylene stop, it will lead the whole body, and the loss during this period is hard to estimate.

The problem is that this kind of loss comes every month. After accounting, you will buy two or three imported industrial gas turbines. How do you choose to be the leader of the energy department?

There are many similar situations, including the products of Tengfei group. The energy department doesn't want to support them, but it's far from being able to compare them with foreign countries. It's not to say that they are still worried about using them. Maybe one or another of these problems will break out and the production will be shut down.

We need to know that the energy sector is also open to business. Whether it is oil exploration, exploitation, power supply or chemical industry, it is a basic industry urgently needed by the country, which is related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

Aside from that, some years ago, domestic dacron shirts were extremely expensive. In the 1990s, the prices of similar fabrics fell sharply. Why?

It is not the energy sector that has increased investment in polyethylene and other chemical industries to lower the price of synthetic fabrics such as Dacron.

There are still many basic industrial products that have the same experience with Dacron. Because of this, the energy sector naturally chooses the most cost-effective products in the selection of supporting equipment.

Therefore, the energy sector is not so much an important partner as a smart peacemaker between domestic industrial gas turbine manufacturers such as Tengfei group and giant Ge and their subordinate assembly plants.

In turn, with the advantages of Ge and other giants, Tengfei group is forced to innovate in the localization rate, import substitution of some parts and even the performance of the whole machine.

This process is cruel to enterprises, especially those enterprises that lie on the credit book and eat their old capital. In such fierce competition, they are soon defeated. For example, northwest steam turbine plant, except for its reputation, gained nothing from the aircraft reform project, which directly led to the plant abandoning the aircraft reform project and turning to the production of old steam turbines.

But it's good for the country. It's just the so-called wave scouring. I didn't hear that the elite army became a trump card by shouting two slogans.

everything was born through the tempering of blood and fire.

The leader of the energy sector is the proposer and practitioner of this framework, so that many leaders in Beijing say that he is a ruthless king of hell. He would rather throw the enterprise into the hell of the 18th floor, rather than raise his eyes.

One of the most severe criticisms is the head of the headquarters sitting next to him. As a result, after listening to the leader of the energy department, the head of the headquarters was stunned. What is this? Enterprise as an egg and a stone? What if it's all broken?"If it's all broken, there will be a few more. As long as China is a big rooster, there will always be eggs. Besides, don't lose confidence in our enterprises. Some of their own resilience is still very strong. Take the Tengfei group I'm going to see this time. I didn't expect that they could compete with Ge for nearly a year. I originally expected that it would be less than three months for Tengfei group's industrial gas turbine The business will have to collapse, and as a result, they are still producing this product. "

"It's not that you've driven them to the end. I can tell you that Tengfei group can't resist this time. You have to help them through this situation anyway." After listening to the leader of the energy department, the head of the headquarters did not take over at all and said his purpose directly.

However, the leader of the energy department laughs: "how can I see such a resilient enterprise collapse? As for the contact between the members of the expert group and Jinling plant and Ge, don't think much about it. Let's just watch a play. Let's see if it's the tenacity of Tengfei group or if some of us are too crooked."

"You're the only one!" The head of the headquarters finally nodded with satisfaction, then looked up: "OK, here we are."

In front of the office building of Tengfei aviation power plant, the head of the headquarters and the leaders of the energy department pushed the door to get off. Zhuang Jianye, who had been waiting here, immediately welcomed him and shook hands with the head of the headquarters and the leaders of the energy department: "welcome to our guidance work of Tengfei aviation power."

"I can't talk about the guidance. I mainly come to see if there is any new progress in the industrial gas turbine of your Tengfei group." The leaders of the energy sector are not polite and show their attitude directly.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye's next sentence surprised all the members of the expert group, including the leaders of the energy sector: "yes, yes, yes, we have just successfully developed a technology more advanced than five axis."