Chapter 773

However, although the Soviet Union made a practical loop heat pipe technology, it was a little too late to apply it to the Soviet Union's first space shuttle "blizzard" in 1988.

Thanks to this technology, the "blizzard" space shuttle, which reduced the power consumption burden, was able to make more rational use of its own energy system, thus adding a lot of accessories and sensors to improve its performance. Therefore, compared with several space shuttles in service in the United States, the "blizzard" at that time had unparalleled performance and technical advantages.

Unfortunately, at that time, the Soviet Union was already in decline, and the space shuttle "blizzard" was just like its name. It was fierce at that time, but it could not last long. It became the victim of the Soviet Union's spending cuts. It explained with its fresh life what it was called "coming out is the peak".

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the space shuttle "blizzard" was abandoned in the corner and became a negative asset left behind. Finally, along with other brilliant scientific and technological achievements of the Soviet era, it was swept into the garbage heap of history by the newborn Russia.

"Blizzard" space shuttle has such a fate. As its important subsystem, loop heat pipe technology is naturally not much better. With the continuous turbulence in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has become a chicken rib that no one cares about.

Fortunately, the Soviet scientists who participated in the development of this technology at that time were not willing to let this technology be buried. At the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was convenient for the Western aerospace technology companies to get in touch with each other, and soon sold this technology to the US Lara space systems company through patent transfer.

For this reason, the Americans at that time were very happy. After all, the technology was a generation ahead of the United States' own cooling system with split supply of nuclear batteries.

Without the diversion of power, the saved energy can make the satellite do a lot of things. After all, the space of the satellite is limited, such as an inch of land and money. Because of this, the United States is really a treasure to this technology.

As a result, just after acquiring the loop heat pipe technology, Lara space systems of the United States has not yet covered the heat. France, Germany and Italy in Europe have formed a group and used four European companies as operators. Suddenly, Lara space systems has absorbed 51% of the shares of Lara space systems into the hands of four European companies. In a flash, Lara space systems, which has acquired important space technology, has moved from an American aircraft The company has become a European company.

According to the holding agreement, while all technologies of Lara company are open to European companies, Lara company is forbidden to share with other entities and individuals in the field of basic technology, including the former US enterprises.

This time, the Americans are not stupid, but completely stupid, because they never thought that the Europeans would do this. They used four different European companies to do it separately. After the total shares reached the holding, they combined with the trend and grabbed Laura's neck.

Take advantage of the American's ignorance, immediately do technology preservation, and forcefully take the loop heat pipe technology coveted by the United States for a long time out of the American's mouth.

The Americans say it's false to be angry, but there's no way to be angry. The Europeans are talking about business, and they use reasonable and legal commercial means to launch a malicious acquisition. The management of Lara company is confused, and they are caught in the trap. They can't blame others.

The question is, can you swallow the breath of being the only superpower in the world?

Of course not. We can't fight normally. Let's play with the hooligans. Are there any hooligans more efficient than those in the United States these days?

The Europeans are not stupid either. They know that the Americans will not give up. So while they are dealing with the American hooligans, they set the price of loop heat pipe technology on the ground. Anyway, the Europeans will drag on for a year, and make their own pockets full first.

After all, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the collapse of its huge industrial system and military industry, the Soviet scientists, technologists and experienced technical workers who used to have a good life suddenly lost their jobs, and naturally became the hot cakes in the eyes of the West.

So the winners of the West all turned into jackals and vultures, biting and plundering around the collapse of the Soviet giant.

In this feast of God given opportunities, not to mention the giants like Europe and the United States, even the third and fourth rate players like South Korea, North Korea, India and Iran have a share.

It can be said that people push the wall down and beat the drum.

In this regard, Tengfei group has a good conscience. It is in full accordance with the corporate philosophy of practicing world peace and promoting human development. When the Soviet Union (Russia) experienced the most painful disaster in a century, it did not plunder together with the Western beasts. Instead, it tried its best to plunder Russia, Belarus, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries sent a large number of water bottles, dog skin hats, instant noodles, sanitary napkins, diapers, slippers and even coffins.

In order to expect to be able to help the people of these countries tide over the difficulties.

But I don't know whether Zhuang Jianye didn't make it clear when he entrusted these items, or he made some mistakes in contacting the channel leaders of the CIS countries. As soon as some carts were sent to Tengfei group for unrequited materials, several white haired Russian space technology experts were sent to Tengfei group by a channel leader, and asked his grandfather and grandmother to let Zhuang Jianye arrange and arrange.The reason is that after many years, these Soviet experts in China, the aid country in the 1950s, miss their second hometown and are ready to take some time to review the past of teaching Chinese students hand in hand.

As soon as Zhuang Jianye heard this, he said that this requirement must be met. No matter what else, he could not bear to refuse the white haired experts. After all, he was an old man. The Chinese tradition of respecting the old and loving the young regardless of national boundaries. The wishes of the old Soviet experts must be realized.

It's just another kind of cosplay. What's the difficulty? It's OK to find some young people with flexible head, outstanding image and temperament, loyal and honest to accompany the old Soviet experts. Respect the old and love the young. As long as the old experts are happy, Zhuang Jianye is very generous.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye was generous, and more and more old Soviet experts who wanted to realize their wishes were introduced through various channels. One of them, an eye man who worked in the air force, threatened Zhuang Jianye because he swept the super large wine barrel of the top management of the whole Tengfei group on Ning Xiaoxue's wedding.

If Zhuang Jianye doesn't accept it, laimao, liuliangye, Zhuyeqing, Fenjiu, laobaiganer, Erguotou, and even the South's homemade fruit Chong, whether they fight alone or in groups, will come to see which one he and Zhuang Jianye pour first.

Who is Zhuang Jianye? That may be subject to these threats, right away After accepting all the Soviet experts from the men with eyes, I can't help it. The men with eyes are not afraid of gastroptosis, but Zhuang Jianye is not afraid of it. Since he can't fight, what can he do? I can't wring my arm but wring my thigh. I'll give advice if I know it. Anyway, it's to give Soviet experts their wishes, respect the old and love the young, and say that we are not ashamed.

Maybe good people are rewarded, or maybe the old Soviet experts think that Zhuang Jianye, a young man, is honest and upright, and he is a good guy. So when he reviews it again, he comes up with a lot of dry goods, including loop heat pipe technology, which has been made a lot of money by Europe and America.