Chapter 797

In the absence of GPS precise navigation guidance and ground radio navigation equipment, only relying on the old inertial navigation device of ty-6 UAV, we can take photos 50 meters away from the visiting Coast Guard aircraft.

That's all. After that, we went through the airspace with dense air routes and approached the patrol ship Lashi who was going to visit the Yangtze River Delta like an embroidery needle to continue the so-called "aerial photography" business.

All of these are naturally displayed in real time on the large screen of the ground control device. Not only that, on one side of the screen, the area that was originally GPS signal is also replaced by a constantly changing longitude and latitude value.

All these show an indisputable fact, that is, ty-6 UAV can still have accurate navigation ability without relying on GPS satellite navigation, and realize COSCO's multi task execution ability.

Chen Fang and others were shocked, followed by uncontrollable excitement.

What does it mean to have high-precision navigation capability without GPS? Ty-6 UAV has completely autonomous and controllable mission action capability.

The aircraft with GPS navigation ability can also be controlled independently. After all, the pilot is from his own country. He can fly as he wants. Who can control it?

The problem is that GPS is not your own thing after all. The terminal is in someone else's hands. It's like an egg being pinched by someone's tongs. There's nothing wrong with your daily activities. It's really a bit of a flurry. People try their best to pinch it. It's sure to make you feel so sour that it will explode.

After all, the boarding and inspection incident in the Arabian Sea is still fresh in my memory, especially when a big foreign country turned off the GPS signal at a critical moment, which made the ships sailing here lose their course and can only drift aimlessly on the sea.

The lesson was too profound. The problem is that it's useless to be profound. Other people have it, but you don't have it. There's no way to do it except to be crushed by others and beaten by people's dimensionality reduction. After all, slogans can't hurt people, and condemnation can't beat people. Only when the hard power is there, can people be scared and respected.

So the beauty of the world is only on the surface, and the deep logic is still that the strong are respected.

It's just that the road to the strong is not so easy. Let's take Chen Fang, the maritime surveillance department they are going to join, for example. The lessons of the Arabian Sea are profound, but GPS still has to be used. There's no way. Who can let there be no similar substitute at this stage? Even if the country has already begun to demonstrate the independent construction of satellite navigation system, the problem is that such a large system project will not last for 20 or 30 years We can see the results.

Is it difficult for the maritime supervision department to support the domestic satellite navigation system for 20 or 30 years without going out to sea to safeguard national interests?

So, in addition to scolding her, the baby holding the GPS still has to continue, baby. Even if the GPS signal often breaks down, or even it may be pinched off, it will have to lose teeth or swallow blood.

Because of this, when Chen Fang and others saw ty-6 UAV out of control due to GPS signal interruption, schadenfreude was attributed to Schadenfreude, but deep in their hearts, they still had a strong sense of helplessness.

If you want to conduct normal law enforcement and patrol on the sea, you can't avoid GPS after all. It's like the curse on Monkey Sun's head. You can't avoid it at all.

As a result, the ty-6 UAV of Tengfei group not only avoids the curse of hoop, but also is more natural and elegant than the newborn monkey in Huaguo Mountain.

This is of great significance to most powerful departments in China, including Chen Fang's maritime supervision department.

No matter what else, let's talk about maritime law enforcement and patrol. There are so many miles of sea territory in China. If the core technology of navigation, which is related to fundamental interests, is pinned on GPS, it will be like hanging from a crooked neck tree. How can people not understand this.

It's just that before there was no substitute, we had to treat GPS as a hot potato.

But now, ty-6 UAV completely gets rid of the shackles of GPS, and immediately makes its status soar, so that those who can't stand Zhuang Jianye's style and question the performance of ty-6 UAV have to face up to this new product that is enough to change the strategic change in the domestic navigation field.

So the high price of 8.86 million RMB per ty-6 UAV is not important, and the low-level configuration of 10 million RMB is not important. Everyone focuses on one point, that is, what kind of navigation device is used on ty-6 UAV, whether this kind of navigation device can be replicated, and whether it can be applied on more and broader platforms.

"Yes Zhuang Jianye's answer is very simple: "our zenith-1 star navigation system is suitable for all kinds of aircraft, ships, submarines and even some large vehicles..."

Since Chen Fang and others are completely attracted by the navigation capability demonstrated by ty-6 UAV, Zhuang Jianye of course focuses on the customer's needs. Fortunately, the target customer is the Marine Surveillance, so he can fool them by talking about some civil applications.

If the Navy and air force are such powerful departments, Zhuang Jianye will have to tell the most critical application of zenith-1 star navigation system behind his conscience.What is it?

Long range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, of course.

Before the end of the cold war, there were only two countries in the world that were equipped with star navigation system on long-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, one was the Soviet Union, the other was the United States.

So far, the long-range missile of mankind has officially entered the era of precision guidance.

Because the combination of starlight navigation system and inertial navigation system forms the starlight inertial navigation compound guidance mode, which reduces the circle probability of long-range ballistic missile over 5 km to less than 500 m at one stroke.

With the progress of processing technology and the improvement of the accuracy of components, the accuracy of long-range missiles has made breakthroughs again and again. For example, although the militia series intercontinental missiles of a large foreign country have been discontinued for many years, the internal guidance system will be upgraded every few years to ensure the accurate damage ability of the missiles.

In particular, the new upgrade plan started in 1992, which upgraded the original MK5 star light inertial navigation composite guidance system to MK6 star light inertial navigation composite guidance system. After that, the circumference probability of the maximum range of the militia intercontinental missile at 12000km was further increased from 280m to 160m.

You know, most of the short-range missiles in the world have not reached this accuracy, which shows the terrible degree of militia missiles.

This is only the result of MK6 star light inertial navigation system. There is neither GPS support nor terminal guidance similar to the radar image matching of Pershing II missile.

Because a big country outside the region found that in the fierce nuclear war, both GPS and radar image matching will be subject to serious electromagnetic interference, resulting in complete signal interruption.

Only the inertial navigation and starlight navigation without interference can operate normally in a nuclear war.

Yes, starlight navigation, like inertial navigation, is a stable navigation mechanism completely free from external influence, because its anchor is a star in outer space. It uses the relative positions of several stars and the earth to calculate accurate navigation information.

Therefore, this kind of navigation technology is not only free from interference, but also more accurate than inertial navigation. After all, the position of stars is fixed and will not be interfered by acceleration.

It is precisely because starlight navigation has the advantages of stability, accuracy and anti-jamming that it becomes the secret core secret of the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union.