Chapter 807

Yellen couldn't believe his ears. He hovered in the sun drying field. There was no one on the helicopter that was carrying out the lifting operation. How did they come here?

Just when Yellen couldn't figure it out, the widow Wang's cell phone in the village branch secretary's hand suddenly rang out. With Yellen's interpreter, he quickly translated what he heard: "Uncle Bao'an, please don't let the villagers rush down, or I'll cut the hoisting rope and hurt people."

"Little coward, didn't you say you were in Xiangzhou? How do you know there are people around on the drying field? Are you playing with Uncle Bao'an again? You're on the helicopter? " Xia Baoan holds the phone and shouts.

"There are no five helicopters. I don't believe you have a telescope to see for yourself. You have a 62 type telescope. As for how I can see clearly, it's a long story and I can't explain it clearly for a moment. Just do as I say and let the villagers not get together." Wu Ping, on the other end of the line, is painstaking.

Before Wu Ping finished speaking, the old man put the telescope on his eyes and looked into the air for tens of meters. As a result, one by one, he didn't see half a ghost in the cockpit. There was really no one in the cockpit. He was so surprised that he cried out: "I'm a good boy, There's really no one, little coward. What did you do? It can't be caused by the ghosts in the sea Hello ~ ~ Hello ~ ~ little pussy Ping Wu Ping... "

An old party secretary who has been engaged in the revolution for half his life has shaken his materialism for many years when he sees the strange scene in front of him. But just half of what he said, the mobile phone in his hand suddenly lost its reflection and yelled for a long time. As a result, his mother begged, but there was no electricity.

Seeing this, Xia Baoan has a strong feeling that the bridegroom's trousers are all off when he enters the bridal chamber. He sees that the bridegroom's aunt actually comes to visit the bridal chamber when he approaches the critical moment. Let's not mention the blockage in his heart.

could be the case, Wu Ping make complaints about Xia Baoan, still remember, whether he is a ghost manipulation or Wu Ping's explanation is unexplained, fishermen's safety is the most important, so Xia Baoan looked at the brick like brother in the hand, unable to Tucao its endurance, so concentrated on his throat to the villagers who were watching the lively in the drying room shouted. "Villagers, when the government's relief supplies arrive, they will automatically unload the supplies from the plane. The big guys should stay away from each other, so as not to hurt themselves, especially the old people, women and children. They all retreat to the outside of the sun drying field, and the others will stand by, ready to transfer the supplies."

Xia Baoan's imposing manner of leading the team in those years was quite dignified. Coupled with the prestige of having been around the island for so many years, the fishermen on the drying ground immediately scattered around like the tide.

Of course, there are several good things that go very slowly. Some of them have good eyesight. Seeing that the cockpit of the helicopter above is empty, they curiously ask Xia Baoan: "Uncle Bao'an, there is no one on the helicopter. How do they fly? Is there a transparent person in it? "

"The transparent man of fart, it's called ghost. Have you heard of ghost ship? This is the land of capable people to mobilize ghosts to help deliver materials, the old saying is five ghosts transport money, you see just five helicopters Before the young man asked Xia Baoan, he was kicked by a middle-aged man who believed in geomantic omen. Immediately, he said firmly, "look, look, go home and take Gao Xiang to say goodbye."

With that, the middle-aged man prayed piously to the five hovering helicopters with his hands folded: "young people don't understand, don't blame gods, don't blame ~ ~"

"I said Lao Gao, don't be so evil. This is the latest high-tech, pilotless. It's not the saying of ghosts and gods. The newspapers all said that airplanes can be pilotless." Seeing that the scene was about to be taken askew by Lao Gao, who believed in Feng Shui, the primary school teachers on the island couldn't see it any more, so they quickly popularized scientific knowledge.

Unfortunately, the primary school teacher's reserve is limited, so he can only say that it is driverless, but he hesitates about how to achieve it nearby. In contrast, Lao Gao's theory of geomantic omen is more perfect, so they quarrel and come to a battle of science and geomantic omen.

Seeing the scene getting more and more chaotic, Xia Bao'an's nose is almost crooked, but let him explain that he is also confused, but how to say that Xia Bao'an was also a veteran of Japan and a militia platoon leader. When he turned his mind, he yelled at Lao Gao and the primary school teacher: "when is it? You can't talk about TM. Shut up, no matter it's scientific theory Or geomantic metaphysics, I only know one thing. The plane on our plane is much stronger than that of a foreign country. They have to use people to come here, and we fly over to transport relief materials. With this, our helicopter is better than theirs. "

Xia Bao'an's move is to bring disaster to the East, transfer contradictions, and play the same game with the outside world. In the final analysis, both the scientific school and the geomantic school are ethnic school. Every day, newspapers and magazines are full of articles about how advanced a foreign country is and how advanced technology is. Even the specious aliens are envious, saying that the earth is the only one with alien civilization It is only a big country outside the region that can compete with China.

But now?

Do you want aliens to come to a big country? Help you fly a helicopter? Why use people to drive and get rid of people? Oh, forget, their helicopter not only has to be piloted, but also TN likes to lie down.The fishermen who had been arguing suddenly had sudden changes in painting style and began to make complaints about a great country outside the country. The scientific school headed by the village teacher thought that in a driverless area, a great power in the East had surpassed that of a large country outside the country, and the sense of national pride was suddenly overflowing.

The Feng Shui faction headed by Lao Gao claims that all kinds of god worshipped by a big country outside China are brothers in the Chinese Feng Shui system. Otherwise, let their experts try. Can they invite ghosts to fly planes?

Therefore, the Tao of the ancestors is the most important thing, and this Tao is rooted in the gene of the nation, so the national pride is even bigger than that of the scientific school. I feel I am not myself.

Yellen has been understanding the basic situation of the scene from translation. He wants to understand what the helicopter is like, so that we can make complaints about the whole logical chain to the rush.

As a result, Yellen didn't know the situation, but Christina seized the opportunity to make up for it: "Mr. Yellen, I heard that you are a devout believer, or you can do your work and pray to see if your God can restore your hh-65 helicopter?"