Chapter 830

Medium range air-to-air missiles, let alone in the 1990s, are scarce even in another decade or two. Therefore, the recognition of various types of medium range air-to-air missiles is very high.

Especially for the r-27 medium range air-to-air missile produced by the Soviet Union, the complicated aerodynamic layout of the front and rear rudders is not too obvious. Therefore, it is normal for temer and Valerio to recognize it at a glance. Even if the J-8 II has the ability to hang on this missile, they are not surprised.

This is because a big eastern country imported a lot of aviation equipment along with the introduction of Su-27 from Russia. Among them, the Su-27's "beetle" Doppler radar was applied to the J-8 II, so as to enhance the long-range air combat capability of J-8 II.

Because of this, it's not surprising that the J-8 II used r-27 medium range air-to-air missiles for live firing practice. But at this moment, whether it's temer or Valerio, or other people on the octopus, there is a strange expression on their faces when they see this scene.

It's like I've put a green hat on Lao Wang next door, but he's still being laughed at by Lao Wang for not living well. I feel like I don't know what to say.

"Maybe They'll fly the drone closer later, won't they Said an officer sitting in front of the monitor.

Before the words were heard, another Sergeant shook his head: "let me see, it should be their target plane that is out of order."

"The formation should be close to the target." A female officer retorted.

"In my opinion, the most important thing is that the troops of a big country in the East are not professional enough!" Just as the officers and soldiers on the octopus had different opinions about the scene, temel suddenly opened his mouth and made all the people in dispute look at him. Temel seemed to enjoy the feeling of being noticed. He pulled his mouth and said with a smile: "it's like a TV. The manual says it's high-definition, but there are many factors involved in whether it can reach this level, For example, the strength of TV signal, the quality of TV programs, the batch of its own products, and so on Judging from the current situation, the air force of a big eastern country has believed the Russian missile instructions. "

With that, temer looked to Valentino: "what do you think, commander Valentino?"

Valenio did not hide, smell the speech will not hesitate to nod, to the point to say his conclusion: "some big country in the East was cheated by the Russians."

Yes, there is no other reason why temer, Valentino, or others are looking at the screen strangely. It's only because the posture of the J-8 II formation under the command of Xue Weidong is really incredible.

As temer said, the data on the paper of the r-27 medium range air-to-air missile is a beautiful, semi-active radar guidance, with a range of 50 km and powerful lethality, which is in the same level as the aim-7e of the United States.

But in fact, due to the power and accuracy of the fire control radar, the distance that can support the r-27 medium range air-to-air missile is only 30 km. Beyond this distance, the r-27 medium range air-to-air missile will lose its precision. It depends on the will of heaven whether it can hit the target or not.

These internal information may be secret to ordinary countries, but as a former Cold War opponent, a foreign power knows it very well.

Because of this, when temer and others found that the J-8 II formation was ready to use the r-27 medium range air-to-air missile for live firing, they all felt that the target plane should fly 30 km away from the formation, so that the Russian made "beetle" Doppler radar equipped on the J-8 II could provide guidance and illumination for the missile, and then destroy the target.

As a result, after waiting for half a day, the target plane hovered about 50 kilometers away from the formation, and neither side moved closer.

In other words, the J-8 II formation is ready to launch a medium range missile attack on the target aircraft at this distance.

At the same time, temer and others were surprised. Was the "beetle" radar on the J-8 II an enhanced upgrade from Russia to a big country in the east? Can it provide more than 50 km guidance distance for r-27 medium range air-to-air missile?

It's impossible. Just half a month ago, a big country outside the region detected that the Russian Air Force Su-27 equipped with a new fire control radar launched the r-27 medium range air-to-air missile in the Baltic Sea, with a full range of 38 km. There was no substantial progress.

How can a Russian who likes to export the simplified version give a big country in the East a super first-class standard?

In this case, why did the J-8 II formation launch a medium range missile at a distance of about 50 km?

Do you think that the mysterious oriental power is blessed, or do you think that God can be kind enough to blow a wind when the missile is launched to increase its range and accuracy?

If it's in fantasy novels, temer and others may really think about it seriously. The problem is that it's reality now. Pinching the flesh on one's body is a pure reality. A big country in the East is still doing it.

There is only one answer. A big country in the East was fooled by the Russians.

In fact, similar things are common all over the world. Far from it, the T-72 main battle tank equipped by the Iraqi army during the Gulf War was called a bull before the war. In the words of the Russian people, as the main force of the Soviet Union's iron and steel flood, this tank can cause fatal danger to the Western tanks.As a result The actual combat shows that Iraq's T-72 is really vulnerable in front of coalition forces.

There is also India's SU-30MKI. The Russians say that the jet vector engine can make India's SU-30MKI the most perfect Su-27 fighter.

As a result It's useless except for the Russians.

There are also Indian aircraft carriers, Vietnamese missile boats

All kinds of cases should not be added up too much. All of them believe in the ghosts of the Russians. As a result, it's not the same thing to go back and use them.

Now, there seems to be another big power in the East. If the r-27 medium range air-to-air missile is launched, and it turns out to be a large rocket over 30 km, what will the officers and soldiers of a big power in the east look like?

"I think they have torn the hearts of the Russians." Temel laughs and thinks it's quite interesting to come here to do measurement and monitoring this time. He completely forgets the embarrassment of the appearance of oil transportation-15, and begins to devote himself to the drama which is comedy for them but doomed to tragedy for a big country in the East.

Just as they were talking, each of the two J-8 II launched an r-27 medium range air-to-air missile. Seeing this, temer quickly knocked on the control keyboard in front of him, and continued to say: "we must record all of them in one frame. At that time, I will disclose this video to the media. It will be nice to see how embarrassing the situation is in Russia and a big parliament in the East Eh The fire control radar of J-8 II didn't turn on... "

Just then, temer suddenly stopped talking, because the octopus did not intercept the signal of the "beetle" Doppler radar equipped with the J-8 II. Just when temer was puzzled, an officer suddenly called out: "Sir, look..."

When temel looked to the side, he saw a twin engine jet suddenly appear on the screen. After only one look, temel was frozen there. He was so surprised that he couldn't say a word for a long time!