Chapter 850

"This This How is that possible? "

It's not director Zhao and Fang Yong who are talking, but park Zhemin who is following Zhuang Jianye. There's no way. It's Peng Chuan's economic benefits that completely overturn the imagination of this senior North Korean trade representative.

To some extent, there is a great similarity between the industrial systems of China and North Korea, that is, they were established according to the industrial model of the Soviet Union.

In many ways, the industry of North Korea and China is just like the one carved in the same mold, with the extensive atmosphere of Steampunk legacy.

Although there are some differences in the development path between the two countries, the two countries are as serious as ever in the modernization of their industrial systems.

At home, it is through reform and opening up that it introduces western advanced technology and management experience; North Korea also relies on the Soviet Union to absorb technology and experience no less than western advanced industrial capacity.

Among other things, the computer-aided industrial design just introduced by Peng Chuan came into contact in China in the late 1970s, and it was only in the mid-1980s that it was applied to the production and manufacturing of aerospace.

On the other hand, North Korea began to introduce large-scale industrial computers from the Soviet Union in the late 1970s, and applied them to the design and calculation of imitation Scud missiles.

In the 1980s, with the help of the Soviet Union, a set of computer-aided design system suitable for the Soviet style industrial system was established, which greatly improved the production efficiency of North Korea in the fields of agricultural machinery, textile, military industry and so on, and the popularity rate far exceeded that of China.

Because of this, park Zhemin, a senior official who has worked in various industrial enterprises in North Korea for many years, is not only familiar with industrial design software, but also very familiar with it. Even before he became a senior trade representative, he was asked to lead a group of North Korean experts to upgrade the industrial design software supported by the Soviet Union.

Naturally, the effect is remarkable. At least North Korea has made rapid progress in the aerospace field, which is positively related to the upgrading of these software systems.

The economic benefits are also considerable. Otherwise, he would not have been promoted to senior trade representative. You should know that his position in North Korea is very fat.

The problem is that no matter how considerable the economic benefit is, it can not be reduced by 90% or 80%. We should know that when the software system upgrade of the Soviet Union was led by Beihang, park Zhemin did the calculation, which can only reduce the cost by about 30% at most, even if he used the most advanced industrial aided design software in Europe and America, that is, the cost reduction rate can reach 45%.

How is it possible to reduce the cost by 94% and improve the accuracy by 10 times?

Either Tengfei group is boasting, or they are dreaming.

If industrial design software has such ability, why do so many workers need it? It's all software.

Therefore, from the beginning, park Zhemin did not believe that the so-called jsnb-ii aviation and aerospace comprehensive analysis system of Tengfei group really had such powerful functions. Most of them were exaggerated propaganda made by Zhuang Jianye in order to sell trj-500 regional airliner.

Just because of this, park Zhemin looks respectful, but at the same time, he puts up with it. He can't help it. T-nb series of high-end aviation materials are produced by Tengfei group? Yes, next year, the t-nb series high-end aviation material shipment of Tengfei group will be directly reduced by 20%.

Don't underestimate the 20% volume. In the international underground market of high-end aviation materials, all kinds of monsters and snakes can immediately roll up the price of goods according to the 20% reduction. A 60% increase is small, and a few times increase is normal.

This is undoubtedly a huge burden on North Korea, whose economy is falling precipitously. The key is not to buy it. Missiles and launch vehicles have to be used. Other cutting-edge national defense projects and livelihood projects are even more indispensable. Sanctions imposed by a foreign power have not been loosened. For the sake of the continuation of the country, it is necessary to carry on.

If not, how can park Zhemin, who is already very famous in the world, spend a lot of US dollars and foreign exchange to buy trj-500 regional airliner, and rent more than ten others.

It's not that you don't want to be bailed out, but that you can't be bailed out, because Zhuang Jianye said on the plane that in recent years, Tengfei group's efficiency is not good, and it will lose money year after year. If you don't buy trj-500 regional airliner, next year, Tengfei group will have to cut off high-end aviation materials to save costs. Therefore, it is estimated that the production of t-nb series high-end aviation materials will be reduced by at least 20% next year.

Then he spread his hands and looked at PU Zhemin and Badia. It was obvious that this was the way things were. You can do it. Anyway, I don't care.

At that time, park Zhemin almost blurted out a sentence about MMP. He said that what's the difference between you and Ming Pao? Ah ~ ~ I just asked you what's the difference!

I think about it in my heart, but I can't say it in my mouth. I dare not say that if Tengfei group does this, North Korea will lose more. After all, in the face of the survival of the country, what can be solved with money is not a matter.

So when Pu Zhemin bit his teeth, his heart was horizontal, and then he put his graceful posture, so he followed Zhuang Jianye's wish.

Originally, I thought that I would bear the disgust and accompany Zhuang Jianye to show off all the way, and then I would go back and curse my mother behind my back. How could Zhuang Jianye have turned jsnb-ii aviation and aerospace comprehensive analysis system into science fiction as soon as he came up.Park Zhemin forbeared and forbeared, but he didn't. at the moment of Peng Chuan's introduction, he jumped out of his surprise. Fortunately, at the last moment, his brain circuit turned quickly. He just said "how is it possible" like a magic oil, instead of "why don't you go to Hollywood to make science fiction films".

It's more surprising than ironic.

The problem is that one of the people present is an ordinary person. One of them is an old fox. His eyes are very poisonous. How can park Zhemin escape a glimpse of these people.

Immediately, director Zhao and Fang Yong hesitated. Foreign friends obviously doubted the things of Tengfei group. Could this jsnb-ii aviation and aerospace comprehensive analysis system be really not as powerful as Peng Chuan said?

Badia and other counsellors or representatives looked on coldly. Since they couldn't resist Zhuang Jianye's shameless forced buying and selling, could we honestly watch jokes?

Many experts from Brazil's National Aeronautics and Space Administration, such as eduo and Cristo, are expressionless one by one, and some even show a serious and cautious look. It is obvious that they want to make further observations and draw conclusions.

In the face of this situation, Peng Chuan, who had talked about this before, was a little flustered. He was an old man like a planter who was engaged in mechanical and automation technology. He saw this scene and immediately looked at Zhuang Jianye.

Looking for help seems to be saying, what should Lao Zhuang do? But instead of looking at Peng Chuan's eyes, Zhuang Jianye glanced at Park Zhemin and did not speak. Instead, he turned to a nearby workbench and talked to several designers. He immediately took a strange peep and glove and handed it to park Zhemin: "take it with you and have a look!"

In his heart, Pu Zhemin is very regretful, but what he says is just like the water he spills. It's hard to get rid of it. In this case, what should we do? Of course, how to be obedient and how to come? At least he was very good at pretending to be a grandson. So he took the helmet and gloves, quickly put them on, and when they were picked up and restarted, park Zhemin felt as if he had been electrified once again. He trembled violently, and then an incredible cry spread all over the design room: "this This This Is this a machining workshop? I went to the machining workshop... "