Chapter 852

Others can't believe it, but many experts from Brazil's National Aeronautics and Space Administration, such as eduo and Cristo, understand that the biggest harvest of their trip to China may be the jsnb-ii aviation and space comprehensive analysis system.

Although this system is incomprehensible to park Mingzhe, Badia and others, in the eyes of edoo and credo, this system is a rare treasure, and even the only world-class advanced production tool they have the chance to obtain in the field of Brazilian aviation and aerospace.

Because the application of virtual manufacturing technology in digital production tools has been applied in Europe and the United States and other industry giants.

The most typical example is Boeing. The Boeing 777 aircraft developed by Boeing adopts the virtual manufacturing technology developed by Boeing itself, which only takes more than three years to complete the R & D cycle that originally took six to eight years.

The project started in October 1990, and was officially developed in February 1991. In 1993, the engineering prototype went offline for ground test. By June this year, it officially flew. It is expected that the first batch of mass production models will be put into operation by the end of next year.

At that time, all kinds of fancy frictions can be carried out according to Airbus A340, which has not been in operation for a long time.

Because the cost of the Boeing 777 is lower than that of the A340 when the range is equal to the load.

It's not just that the Boeing 777's dual launch Bureau has more advantages than the A340's four engines; it's not that the Boeing 777's general engine is more powerful and stronger than the A340's five AUP nickname. It's because the Boeing 777's only three-year R & D cycle has reduced the manufacturing cost of this model to such a low level that Airbus is crying in the toilet.

Airbus has no choice but to do so. Although the A340 R & D process announced to the public is only five years, the preliminary demonstration work has taken Airbus more than four years. In addition, the concept of parallel development with A330 is adopted in the R & D process, and many mature A320 technologies are used for reference to shorten the R & D cycle as much as possible.

We are in a hurry to seize part of the market when the Boeing 767 market is expected to be sluggish and other aircraft technologies are old. Who would have thought that as soon as their A330 and A340 peerless double pride came on the stage, Boeing would shoot the Boeing 777 with a thunderbolt.

The speed is appalling.

Among other things, even if a car is designed and produced, it will take about five years for repeated research and development. However, Boeing has achieved more powerful efficiency than car research and development on the 777. You should know that it is an aircraft, an intercontinental long-range airliner with a take-off weight of more than 100 tons, carrying hundreds of passengers and flying more than 10000 kilometers.

There are tens of millions of spare parts alone. When you spread out the design drawings, you can circle the earth several times, but the efficiency is so strong. It only shows that Boeing is really strong.

However, Boeing's surprise to the outside world is only a smile. If it is not for the lack of confidence in its own virtual manufacturing technology, it has temporarily made several verification models for half a year's comparative experiments, and the whole Boeing 777 development process will even be compressed to about two years.

Because the virtual manufacturing used by Boeing completely subverts the concepts of parallel manufacturing and agile manufacturing proposed in the 1980s, and integrates Boeing's powerful industrial software and computer architecture into a pure digital virtual factory.

From design to development, and then to tooling and technology, all parts, ranging from dozens of tons of medium structure parts to nail cap size screws, can be repeatedly verified in this virtual factory, so as to get the best solution, and then form these solutions into numerical control program, which can be input into the numerical control machine tool in the workshop, and the output can be continuously generated according to the design idea Products that meet the requirements.

There is no design drawing in the whole process. It is a complete aircraft architecture composed of five IBM provided large computers, more than 2000 computer terminals and more than 5000 senior designers using one line of data code. Because of this, the Boeing 777 is also known as paperless aircraft.

In fact, in addition to Boeing, Loma also applies this set of virtual manufacturing technology to the research and development of the new generation stealth fighter F-22, and Norge also uses similar systems to produce B-2 stealth bombers.

Moreover, this kind of virtual manufacturing technology is being used by more American industrial giants in various high-end manufacturing fields, such as aircraft carriers, destroyers, aircraft engines, and launch vehicles, which makes the United States once again become a world-class factory worthy of the name.

Europe is far behind in this respect. Airbus is a typical example. Although Dassault's software is excellent enough, it can't achieve the pure digital virtual factory function of the United States. However, relying on the special relationship between the United States and Europe, Europe can still import some virtual manufacturing technology from the United States and build a semi virtual manufacturing factory with its own software, which is also improved Your own efficiency.

As for Russia, which inherited the legacy of the Soviet Union Well, the fighting people are still hungry. They still have spare time to worry about this. If they are out of date, they will be out of date.

But whether it's the United States with a full set of technology, or Europe with only half a set of technology, or Russia with only some concepts and algorithms, all of them regard virtual manufacturing technology as a treasure. Can outsiders have a look and want to buy it? Sorry, how much is not for sale!The Brazilians are forced here. The reason why Bombardier can launch crj-200 first and seize the market is that Bombardier's technical ability is so strong?

No, it's because they hold on to their good thighs. Loma of the United States and Airbus of Europe have two giants with virtual manufacturing technology to help Bombardier design and develop. It's hard to think about the progress of crj-200.

Embraer also wants to be quick. The problem is that Bombardier has taken over all the good thighs. The remaining Boeing and nogo look at Embraer one by one, just like the stripped little girl, and they want to eat up immediately.

So scared that Embraer ran away from the back door and ran all over the world to see if it was possible for a blind cat to touch a dead mouse and find an alternative to protect itself.

As a result, the blind cat in Brazil really met the dead mouse.

Jsnb-ii aviation and aerospace comprehensive analysis system, which also applies virtual manufacturing technology, has no place to go, and it takes no effort. How can Brazilians let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

We should know that the most important thing for Brazil's erj-140 regional airliner is time, and jsnb-ii aviation and aerospace comprehensive analysis system is undoubtedly a multiplier to shorten the research and development time and improve efficiency.

Therefore, both edoo and credo are determined to obtain jsnb-ii aviation and aerospace comprehensive analysis system.

The problem is that Edo and credo are impatient, but Zhuang Jianye is a good match. Looking at the two Brazilian Aerospace experts who are optimistic about Obo, he raised his hand: "you two, you two, I understand your sincerity. Let's stop and stop first. In this way, if I say a number, we'll settle for $3.6 billion Two simplified versions, that's affordable