Chapter 868

"Dada ~ ~ dada ~ ~"

the clear sound of gunfire rang through a plateau post called shenxianwan in the Karakorum mountain one morning. In front of it is the hub of the Silk Road and the only way to enter and leave the Karakorum mountain. It was called Congling in ancient times and now the Karakorum mountain pass.

Because of this, although the altitude of Shenxian Bay is more than 5300 meters, and the oxygen content is less than half of that of the inland plain, it is a strategic center since ancient times. Because if we keep it here, foreign countries from West Asia and South Asia will never cross the thunder pool.

So after the founding of new China, we set up a post here for decades.

"Monitor, monitor ~ ~ ~ how can I hear the sound of guns down the mountain? Has our drill started? "

The big black man who finished the live shooting according to the requirements only felt a burst of chest tightness and tinnitus. He immediately looked at Feng Bolin, who led the team to Shenxian Bay yesterday afternoon, and asked in a trance.

Feng Bo Lin was stunned for a moment, and his head couldn't turn around, but before he could answer, a command came from his side, "Xiao Wang, Xiao Zhang ~ ~ help Xiao Yao into the oxygen room."

The two soldiers immediately stepped forward and dragged the big black man to the barracks nearby. The skinny man who ordered the man to take the big black man came to Feng Bolin and explained: "typical altitude reaction, you have to hurry up, or you will die."

After all, the oxygen here is less than half of that in the plain area. In the case of lack of oxygen, not only will he feel plateau red on his face, but also his thinking ability will decline.

So he nodded and looked at the soldier in front of him with admiration. His name was Chen Dongliang. He was the monitor of shenxianwan post.

Looking at Chen Dongliang's dark face caused by ultraviolet rays, Feng Bolin wanted to say something, but before he spoke, he was interrupted by Chen Dongliang: "if you feel uncomfortable, you can say less. 5000 meters above sea level, you can urinate. When I first came here, I had to take two mouthfuls with an oxygen tank. The old monitor at that time said that I was like a medicine tank, and that what came out of Shenxian Bay was God." Immortal soldiers, what they breathe is not oxygen, but immortal Qi. When they get used to it, when they can walk like flying in Karakoram mountains, they are more powerful than immortals. "

"Ha ha ~ ~ ~ cough ~ ~"

Feng Bolin couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech, but immediately the lack of oxygen made him feel chest tightness and coughed. Chen Dongliang quickly took the portable oxygen bag and helped Feng Bolin insert it into his nostrils. Feng Bolin inhaled it for a few times. Then he felt better and asked curiously: "now that old monitor has retired from the army and transferred to work ?”


"That's going to other troops?"


Now Feng Bolin was a little surprised. He didn't change his job or go to other troops. Where did he go?

You know, he was ordered to lead the team to transport supplies for shenxianwan sentry post in the name of the exercise. It has been nearly a day since yesterday afternoon. He has seen one of ten people in a class in the sentry post, but he has not seen the eleventh head. Is it difficult for the old monitor to be invisible?

"There he is." Just when Feng Bolin was puzzled, Chen Dongliang looked up to the north of the shooting range. Feng Bolin found that there were several tombs built with stones in the snow. At the same time, Chen Dongliang's voice sounded again: "the second one on the right is the old monitor. It was at this time three years ago when we were patrolling, we encountered an avalanche, and all three soldiers including the old monitor..."

Chen Dongliang's words didn't finish, but Feng Bolin understood them. In an instant, the whole person was solemn. He turned his head to look at Chen Dongliang, and his eyes showed more respect. Chen Dongliang saw it, but he laughed: "Why are you looking at me like this? Are you scared! I'm still saying that everyone who can get to our place is more powerful than immortals. Don't believe that. Two years ago, there was a mountaineer in China who didn't believe in evil and asked someone to climb here. As a result, he counseled him before he got to the place. He was crying like a miserable little daughter-in-law. At that time, we were ordered to look for him It's over. "

Then he gave a thumbs up to Feng Bolin: "compared with the boastful climbers, you airborne soldiers have to say that this is the case. It's of great significance to us that you can send us supplies at this time. At least I dare to fight with them when we are playing tricks at the New Delhi post opposite. Anyway, we have your airborne comrades behind us at any time. They have their support what? No hair

Chen Dongliang is a native of Jinmen City. He is born with a sense of humor in language, especially the erhuayin with Jinmen charm, which always gives people a sense of happiness that is not very serious.

However, Feng Bolin knows that Chen Dongliang's seemingly funny words are not funny at all. In fact, he came to the rear of shenxianwan sentry post in person to find out that just outside the actual control line on the west side, there is a winding CMB highway and an airport built in New Delhi.

Although the altitude is also above 5000 meters, due to the terrain, the conditions are much better than those of shenxianwan post. At least at the critical moment, New Delhi can use transport planes for air supply at any time, or even cut off the China Pakistan highway. However, the nearest airport behind shenxianwan post is 150 kilometers away, so it can only rely on the Tibet highway behind to maintain the lifeline of external contact.Because of this, the most important part of the airborne soldiers' live fire exercise in Karakoram mountain is to support several plateau posts with shenxianwan post as the core.

In this way, we can tell some people that the outposts in high altitude areas are not isolated forces. They may be supported by the rear forces at any time.

Of course, while being awed by the outside world, it is also an encouragement to the officers and soldiers of shenxianwan post in terms of morale. After all, it seems brave to fight alone, but the officers and soldiers are bound to bear a great psychological burden. Now that the support can come up at any time, the officers and soldiers of shenxianwan post can unload the burden and carry out the task at ease, because the reliance behind them is enough to make them feel at ease.

On the other side of shenxianwan post, eight kilometers to the east of CMB, ahra sumo, a senior reporter of New Delhi Press Trust in sb airstrip within New Delhi's actual control line, was worried. She looked at the voice of America reporter Michael Hashimoto, a Japanese Canadian, with a kind of pleading eyes: "Mr. Hashimoto, what are you doing This manuscript can't be sent out, so I'll be finished. "

"The facts are in front of us, and New Delhi is no longer able to maintain it." Hashimoto was unmoved.

"Don't worry, there will be a turn for the better. I can assure Shenniu that New Delhi has started a meeting to discuss this matter. Believe me, there will be a good result." Sumo continued to work hard.

But Hashimoto sneered: "with the low efficiency and bureaucracy of New Delhi, you will have to discuss it in two years. Do you understand?"

After that, he ignored sumo and went straight to the door. Sumo still wanted to stop him, but before he opened his mouth, he felt that the earth was shaking. One of them didn't stand firm and was overturned to the ground, and Hashimoto was no better. The same one faltered, but no matter how confused sumo and Hashimoto were, an indisputable fact came to their hearts. There was a big earthquake in Karakorum mountain