Chapter 896

Of course, if you want to push forward the "no regrets" plan smoothly, you can't just have a passion. After all, Tengfei group is essentially an enterprise, not a good place for free purchase.

If Zhuang Jianye is impulsive and starts to gamble aimlessly with Tengfei group, it is estimated that it will take less than 15 years, and within two years, the fortune of such a large Tengfei group will be consumed.

What's more, aero-engine is definitely a field where slow work leads to meticulous work. If you can't reach the experience, the level, and the technology, it's useless to have an ideal, because the world is such a reality. Using love to generate electricity can only move those brainless Xiaobai, and it can't change the cruel world.

As a result, making money and brushing experience have become two major problems for Zhuang Jianye.

Needless to say, making money is the great cause of Tengfei group as always. This kind of dedication to profit has gone deep into everyone's bone marrow of Tengfei group. If we really want to launch it, Tengfei group can always find new profit growth points by virtue of a number of technological innovations in hand.

The difficulty is the accumulation of experience, especially in the field of pure aviation.

The reason why Americans can lead the world in aviation development is that the vast majority of people feel desperate because of their huge experience.

It is precisely in this respect that Tengfei group is really inferior to its younger brother in comparison with European and American giants.

Among other things, in order to realize the modernization of aero-engine testing, since the early 1990s, Tengfei group has spent a lot of money to import a set of large aero-engine testing and monitoring equipment from Europe, including an air gun for bird impact test.

It can launch up to 4kg birds to simulate the super-high relative speed of birds and aircraft in flight, and then through advanced detection and test equipment, get the data of aeroengine production in this process, so as to make targeted improvement.

At that time, the wd-60ml turbofan engine of Tengfei group had just come off the production line, so it was bound to do this kind of bird impact test with important safety index significance.

Results seven or eight times in a row, after each impact, the primary fan of wd-60ml high bypass ratio turbofan engine would be smashed by the high-speed corpse shot by the air gun, and then the fan blades would be sucked into the engine, causing damage to the compressor and even turbine blades, and even the whole engine would be scrapped.

As a result, the delivery schedule of wd-60ml turbofan engine with large bypass ratio, which should have been put into use at the beginning of last year, was greatly delayed, so that yun-17, which was off the production line, had to adopt Russian made d-30kp turbofan engine to be considered as barely winning the license.

At that time, the whole Tengfei group had a headache. They went through countless materials and made various experiments. They even made the fourth generation Z-shaped fan blades, but they were still useless. The birds fired by the air cannon were just like the 50 or 60 times of the original air bombs. The fan blades made by the Tengfei group were full of holes, just like the paper paste.

In the end, there was really no way to recruit. No one could afford to spend so much money on the engine. So they had to go to their European counterparts to ask about their experience. As a result, the Europeans were still enthusiastic. After an investigation, they sent an expert team to Tengfei group and said, "just thaw the frozen chickens, ducks and geese, or you will not launch the experimental birds, It's shells! "

In this word, Tengfei group not only paid six aircraft engines worth tens of millions, but also paid only US $6 million in consulting fees for the expert group coming to China.

This story is similar to a joke in the future, but it also shows from another side that although Tengfei group has entered the threshold of advanced air launch, it is still a long way to go.

There are many similar situations. Tengfei group is also stumbling along the way, but most of them can go through smoothly after paying a "tuition fee". However, when it comes to the application stage, Tengfei group is in trouble.

In addition to yun-17, there is no second model that can be adapted to wd-60ml in China.

Originally, Northwest Airlines intended to graft wd-60ml to H6. After several tests, it was found that the wd-60ml engine with large bypass ratio could not be plugged into the engine compartment of H6. As for other types of civil aircraft, foreign brands did not accept the reputation of Tengfei group and refused to assemble.

However, there is no large civil airliner of more than 80 tons in China. Tengfei group has its own plan in this respect, but it still stays on the drawing. It is not that it does not want to implement it, but the supporting industrial chain is not complete, and Tengfei group just can't do it.

There is no way. The manufacturing of large aircraft with a take-off weight of more than 80 tons is a new field. Apart from other fields, the landing gear of this kind of aircraft can't support such a huge body by ordinary technology. It can only be forged by kneading dough like deep forging with hydraulic section or hydraulic section of more than 10000 tons.

However, there are few such heavy equipment in China. Even the few are in shipbuilding, ordnance industry, nuclear energy and other fields. The production capacity is not enough to support the production of such aircraft.

Of course, some people will say that McDonnell's 80 and McDonnell's 90 are aircraft of this class, don't they say they have been localized?It's made in China, but this kind of localization needs quotation marks, because most of the core parts of McDonnell Douglas's two aircraft models are provided by McDonnell Douglas, and China is just an assembly base.

Including the landing gear of two aircraft.

Of course, even if we solve the problem of landing gear and want to complete the manufacturing of large aircraft, there are still many short boards in China. For example, the composite materials used in the single channel wide body airliner designed by Tengfei group account for 35%, of which two cabin sections and foot wings need to be molded with carbon fiber composite materials at one time.

The problem is that the idea of Tengfei group is good, but there is no large-scale hot press grouting equipment more than 10 meters in China and large-scale laser spraying equipment that can spray and weave carbon fibers.

There are such equipment in Japan and the United States. The problem is that people don't sell it for much money. You don't even bother to do OEM for you. The reason is very simple. Can you guarantee the continuous purchase for half a year? If not, it's still cool. Take it with you.

This is what the aviation industry often calls the ceiling of a large aircraft.

Although it's also an aircraft, it's the only one that can enter the field of large aircraft that can really enter. The problem is that there are very few such enterprises and countries. Don't they want to?

No, it's just that the threshold is too high and the scope involved is too big to get on.

Naturally, Tengfei group has met this opaque ceiling, even more isolated and helpless than other similar enterprises. It is out of time to survive at this time. In this case, what should we do?

The Russian aviation industry led by Djokovic's grand visit to China, since it is cooperation, naturally you can't just make a profit at home, don't you?

At least we need to put some blood, or those dawari, halashao, Wula ~ ~ and so on will not cry for nothing!