Chapter 919

Not only credo, but also other members of Embraer were shocked by the hidden details of Tengfei group. I really didn't expect that Tengfei group had gone so far and so far in aerospace professional software and data processing.

If they knew that, their erj-140 series regional airliner should have used the original flight control system and control software of Tengfei group.

Maybe the cost of Brazil's mass production model will be further reduced, and the competitiveness of Bombardier's products will also be improved.

Unlike now, with the use of American general engine, Honeywell's airborne electronic equipment and the fly by wire control system developed by Loma, the cost of erj-140 series regional airliner produced in Brazil is only a little less than that of Bombardier's crj-200.

If it wasn't for the huge annual subsidies from the Brazilian government, it would be hard for Embraer to say that it can maintain the price war of regional airliners for such a long time.

Yes, although the erj-140 series regional airliner was born out of the trj-500 of the Tengfei group, the erj-140 series regional airliner produced by the Tengfei group and the Brazilian Aerospace Industry Corporation are obviously different from other cooperative aviation production projects.

Among them, the most obvious are avionics system and power system.

Most of the domestic and Asian versions dominated by Tengfei group use the wd-52ml turbofan engine produced by Tengfei group. The larger ERJ-145 or high-end customized private business aircraft or government business aircraft will use the wd-56ml turbofan engine of 6.8 tons as the main power.

As for avionics system, xz-666 integrated avionics system developed by Tengfei group and Institute of avionics is used.

Of course, as a global model, the erj-140 series regional airliner produced by Tengfei group can naturally choose the ae-3000 of RORO, the United States general cf-34 engine, and the integrated avionics system from Europe and the United States.

However, in the sales system of Tengfei group, the price of these European and American equipment is not only increased, but also there is no discount in the follow-up maintenance.

Therefore, in order to avoid the follow-up trouble, most of the users choose the domestic configuration designated by Tengfei group, and only a few local tyrants with good money have imported all over the world.

In contrast, Embraer is just like a local tycoon. Basic manufacturing such as fuselage segments, wings, advanced composite materials, industrial design and so on have 100% confidence in Tengfei group.

However, in terms of aeroengine and avionics system, we dare not compliment the ability of Tengfei group.

Because in their opinion, it's good for Tengfei group, which doesn't even have a best-selling model, to have certain technical ability in basic manufacturing and materials. How can it be equally excellent in other aspects?

Like people, aviation manufacturing enterprises have limited energy. If they can surpass ordinary people in one or two aspects, they will be regarded as talents. How can they lead the way in all aspects? It's not human. It's God's reincarnation.

Apart from other things, American aviation giants such as Boeing and Loma did not say that they could do everything. So at that time, Embraer did not believe that Tengfei group could meet its own requirements in avionics and AVIC. Therefore, it did not expect Tengfei group in these two areas, but turned its attention to the United States.

To be honest, Zhuang Jianye didn't want to provide these two services to Brazilians at that time. The main reason was the production capacity problem. Many domestic airlines, local airlines and air rental companies set up by the national team were too busy to manage the needs of Brazilians, so Brazilians don't want to.

However, at the time of signing the cooperation agreement with Brazil, the capacity of Tengfei group was not enough. After two years of continuous expansion, now the capacity of Tengfei group in aeroengine and Avionics has broken out. At this time, Brazilians suddenly have a special preference for the full digital electronic control system of aircraft engines and know how to kill people Bah, Lin Guanghua, who is the way of business management, naturally can't let go of this opportunity.

What's more, software, data and other virtual things combined with hardware such as avionics and AVIC can immediately generate countless jaw dropping concepts. The problem is that these concepts do not even have a basic price standard. It's just the seller who wants to shout like this, and the layman buyer can only bear it except passively.

So Brazilians don't regret that they didn't adopt the avionics and air launch of Tengfei group. Lin Guanghua doesn't care at all. They are all problems left over by history. Now people should look forward (money) and just try to get it back.

Because of this, Lin Guanghua accompanied credo and others to see the wd-48j turboprop engine unloaded for a while. Instead of leading them to the lightning-120 model area, he introduced the achievements of Tengfei group in the development of special software for aerospace, data processing, avionics and AVIC, and led them to another Tengfei group, which had just completed 15 floors at the beginning of the year Xingzhou computer center.

Although crierdo and others are shocked by the super strength of Tengfei group in many auxiliary fields behind aviation manufacturing, they still want to see the real situation of Tengfei group in terms of software and data, even though Lin Guanghua won't cheat people.Therefore, there is no objection to Lin Guanghua's temporary change of itinerary. On the contrary, they all seem very excited and curious.

In this way, the party went through a factory garden and two comprehensive technology centers to the computer center of Tengfei group. They took the elevator up to the 9th floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator door, Lin Guanghua pointed to the densely packed programmer stations and said, "this is part of our Aero engine data processing division."

With that, Lin Guanghua turned his head and said to the head of the business division who was in charge of the business division: "Lao Zhong, take out your latest achievements here and let our Brazilian colleagues correct you!"

old bell heard no words, called two workers to carry a large rear projection screen, and then connected to a computer. After startup, the display page was sent out. Soon, a special application software code appeared on the screen.

"This is a small part of the fuel control software in our latest full digital electronic control system Well This is... "

In the middle of what Mr. Zhong said, a high-end Brazilian aerospace company suddenly rushed forward. Then he looked at the code on the screen carefully. Without saying anything, he took out his glasses from his backpack behind him and put them on. Then he looked at it carefully from beginning to end for several times.

The whole person was not able to get into the rear projection screen directly, so that Lao Zhong didn't know what was wrong. He could only ask questions, so as not to neglect this foreign friend.

As a result, as soon as Lao Zhong's words came out, the Brazilian executive suddenly turned back and stared at Lao Zhong, but his hand trembled and pointed to the code on the screen, saying in an incredible tone: "have you studied this kind of black technology algorithm to this extent? Applied to the most complicated aeroengine? My God, am I living in a dream