Chapter 931

Maxim can't help but panic.

Despite the fact that the air hospital composed of five yun-15 aircraft has made Zhuang Jianye's every year's various pitfalls and made maxim, the actual controller, feel sad and suspicious.

But from the perspective of Maxim's income, this money investment is not worth mentioning at all.

You know, the air hospital was a religious teacher of Maxim, who resisted the invasion of the Soviet army in Afghanistan and insisted on preaching and educating in Pakistan. Imam, a famous religious scholar in the Arab world, personally offered his blessing.

With the permission of Saudi Arabia, he stayed in Mecca and was baptized by nine religious scholars.

In this way, the air hospital is not a medical institution in the traditional sense, but an angel carrying the will of God, helping all living beings and relieving patients for faithful and devout believers.

As a result, the air hospital has just been put into operation, not to mention the ordinary people, even the princes and nobles in the Arab world are flocking to it. You should know that this is a hospital that can really fly to the sky and perform operations in the sky, although this kind of operation is just a small operation such as suturing wounds.

However, it is also a proper way to treat patients and seek people. Similar records only exist in the mythological world in the Scriptures. Nowadays, Maxim uses the aircraft of Tengfei group to construct the auspicious omen in the Scriptures and bring the myth into reality.

Maxim is just like the rising sun in the Arab world.

Not only was he recruited as a student by the religious leaders of Mecca holy city, personally tutoring Maxim's religious knowledge, but also he took the title of angel's guide over the title of Prince, becoming a rare Arab nobleman with royal title and noble religious title in the Arab world.

In this way, Maxim can not say that he can walk horizontally in the Arab world. With the prince of the United Arab Emirates and his religious identity, Maxim has a good journey in both military and political affairs.

He first served as the deputy chief of staff in charge of religious affairs of the third flying wing of the Royal Air Force of the United Arab Emirates, and then was promoted to director of the Religious Affairs Office of the general staff of the United Arab Emirates.

Later, he entered the political arena relying on his father's relationship. He successively served as the chairman of the policy committee of the Ministry of defense and the special senior adviser on religious affairs of the UAE royal family. Later, he was entrusted by the royal family to set up an Arab religious investment fund with religious color, and successively participated in the investment of Emirates Airlines, Qatar al Jazeera television, Saudi Aramco and Kuwait Weite offshore oil company and other projects.

Looking at these investment projects, it's a big mistake to think that the investment fund is purely commercial. In fact, apart from commercial investment, the fund controlled by maxim is more important to provide financial support to specific countries to help them stabilize the domestic situation and resist external threats in the name of religion.

For example, their support for Egypt enables the Egyptian government to maintain the supply of low-cost food to the domestic people.

In addition, the strong aid to Pakistan has enabled Pakistan to step out of several domestic crises and firmly resist the encroachment of New Delhi.

Although these are the main jobs of Maxim, his focus is on Emirates, because it is the operating company of the air hospital. As an angel's guide, Maxim knows what he started from, so he really holds the air hospital in his hand and is afraid of falling, and he is afraid of breaking it in his mouth.

If not, it's impossible to spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year without any return. Is Maxim stupid? No, it's a matter of fact that the actual interests involved are too great for Maxim to let go.

Of course, faced with Zhuang Jianye's problems year by year, Maxim has not thought of using other ways to solve them, such as using advanced aviation technology in Europe and the United States to balance Tengfei group.

As a result, we found that the five yun-15 aircraft sold to him by Tengfei group used the pure standard of Tengfei group, not the western standard commonly used in Europe and America.

In other words, the rivet sizes on the aircraft are different from those in Europe and the United States. If European and American aviation enterprises want to repair, they must re produce according to the structure and standards of yun-15.

In the news reports, among the casual complaints, a sentence about reproduction is just like playing, which seems to be taken out every minute.

But in the industry, especially in the highly technical field of aviation industry, the re production means that the original fixtures, molds, heat treatment, machining and even the final installation and debugging all need to be adjusted. Otherwise, they will not meet the standards and will not be installed on the aircraft. Naturally, they will not be able to replace Tengfei group.

The problem is that it's almost like building a new production line to complete these tasks, so Europe and the United States simply gave Maxim a US $6.8 billion quotation, first building a rivet production line.

Yes, it's just rivets. If it's wing structural parts, truss structural parts, and other internal parts, we need to build another production line according to the actual situation. Roughly speaking, the cost of the production line alone is more than 30 billion US dollars. If we add the cost of personnel and materials, it will cost nearly 50 billion US dollars to complete the replacement.

Looking at the quotations from developed countries in Europe and the United States, Maxim wants to cry without tears. At last, he understands that the crows in the world are generally black. Zhuang Jianye's take-off group pits every year. The airlines in Europe and the United States are no better. They also kill him as a fat sheep.50 billion US dollars, those European and American giants really dare to call, this number is enough to develop three Boeing 777 and two and a half Airbus A340.

In contrast, Tengfei group is not as bloodthirsty as European and American giants. It's better to torture people with hundreds of millions of dollars a year than to be swallowed up. What's more, it's only a few hundred million dollars short of the super fund controllers who hold several large enterprises and the lifeblood of several backward Arab countries?

But it's one thing not to be short of money. It's time to cry about the tragedy of being trapped. After all, it's one point to save, but if Zhuang Jianye is serious, it's not the same.

What should Tengfei group do if it really wants to give up? If the air hospital breaks down and becomes an angel with broken wings, then he, the angel guide, has broken his backbone. Today's status and power will come to nothing every minute.

So it's not a matter for Maxim to kneel down and call dad, not to mention asking Zhuang Jianye.

As a result, instead of turning his face, Zhuang Jianye became more distressed: "Your Highness, let me tell you the truth, this year our Tengfei group may face a huge loss, which is expected to reach US $1.2 billion, so that US $1.8 billion of debt will be due and need to be paid back, which is US $3 billion at a time. Therefore, some unnecessary marginal businesses may have to be cut off in order to save costs With... "

"Mr. Zhuang, don't talk about it. It's three billion dollars, isn't it? We're going to spend $3 billion on the Arab religious fund. No It's US $4 billion. It's invested in your Tengfei group. You can see the shares. There's a lot of redundancy between us. It's easy to discuss. "

Before Zhuang Jianye finished speaking, Maxim patted his chest and began to show his ability with a wave of his hand