Chapter 975

Yes, although the reply from Tengfei group exceeded the expectation of Mou Guangying and others, they did not think that Tengfei group was a good place to go.

In addition to their deep-rooted feeling that the domestic economy is backward and technology is low, the most important thing is that the financial report submitted by Tengfei group to Daewoo Group shows that the whole Tengfei group is almost dragged down by fcnb-2000 civil aircraft.

Since 1990, the total investment of Tengfei group in fcnb-2000 civil aircraft has reached 32 billion yuan, while the income of Tengfei group in the same period is only 10.3 billion yuan.

It's still revenue. If costs are removed, the profit left is only 2.7 billion yuan.

2.7 billion vs 32 billion, and the overspending rate can almost collapse.

Even if the domestic government provides subsidies, it can not fill such a big hole. Otherwise, how can Tengfei group sell all kinds of good things to Daewoo Group.

Based on this, Mou Guangying and others concluded that Tengfei group has no good intention to recruit them. It is very likely that because of its poor financial situation, it will give up the development of civil aircraft and switch to military aircraft, so as to obtain the support of the government and the military.

Their IDF fighter R & D team, as the only third-generation fighter R & D group in Asia, has naturally become a favorite of Tengfei group. They are ready to be included in the team to cultivate their own fighter R & D capabilities. The

routine is as like as two peas.

The problem is that Mou Guangying and others have no choice at all.

For example, Mou Guangying graduated from Shimbun University in an island in his early years, and then went to the United States for further study. He successively obtained bachelor's degree in aviation engineering, master's degree in aerodynamics and doctor's degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University, Massachusetts Institute of technology and Yale University.

After that, he went to NASA to study advanced aerodynamics.

A few years later, it was poached by Lockheed and participated in the R & D and production of F-16 fighter.

Later, he joined the Gruman company and became the director of the aerodynamic research department. He was engaged in the verification of complex aerodynamic shape and the upgrade of f-14b "male cat" carrier based fighter.

In the early 1980s, Mou Guangying, a native of an island, responded to the call of the island authorities to give up the preferential treatment of the United States and led his family back to an island to become the director of IDF fighter R & D department (equivalent to the chief designer).

As a result, the IDF fighter came out, but because of the more advanced F-16, an island immediately gave up the follow-up improvement and upgrading plan of the IDF fighter, and directly put Mou Guangying and others in the cold.

Think about the sweet words of the authorities when they first came back. Comrade Guangying has now become Mr. Mou without any need.

It's strange that Mou Guangying is not cold hearted.

So when the Korean Daewoo Group came to the olive branch, Mou Guangying led his family to leave an island for Korea.

But do not want Daewoo Group is also a slag man, only greedy for his body, do not care about his feelings.

At this time, however, it was too late for Mou Guangying to go back.

Because when he left an island, he signed an agreement with the authorities not to engage in any research and development of aircraft, otherwise he would be punished by the authorities.

As a result, he went to South Korea to engage in light fighter planes after he came out. This is not hitting the face of the authorities on an island. If he goes back, he will go to jail. How can Mou Guangying go back?

As for going back to the United States, it's also unrealistic to go to jail, but it's impossible to find a decent job, because when he left the United States, Mou Guangying signed a dedication agreement, which also said that after leaving the United States, he would not be allowed to participate in aircraft development in any country or region for 20 years.

And then Mou Guangying took this Agreement as fart. If he went back, the aviation industry in the United States would certainly shut him down to doubt his life.

As for Europe and Japan America's engagement agreement is more effective in Europe than Europe's own, and it can't go either.

Mou Guangying doesn't want to go to the rest of India and Indonesia. How many choices are there?

Mou Guangying is not the only one in the same situation. One member of the team counts as one. The situation is almost the same.

To put it bluntly, their jobs are too high-end and narrow; to put it bluntly, they are not high-end but low-end.

It's impossible for IDF to install a 13 in Asia. If it's put in the world, it's a younger brother. Otherwise, try to send a resume to Su-27's chief engineer all over the world? What kind of engagement agreement, all the giants can be treated as waste paper.

So, in a word, Mou Guangying and others still don't have enough coffee seats, so they can only choose between Daewoo and Tengfei.

The reason why Mou Guangying and others are eager to leave Daewoo and go to Tengfei is not for the conditions offered by Tengfei group. Instead, they feel that Tengfei group's bad financial situation will not last for a few years. Relying on Tengfei group to establish an economic entity, they will leave Tengfei group and take root in a highly open area such as Hong Kong Island or Singapore India, Japan, Korea and even Chinese mainland are free to make trouble and make money without making money.But the problem is that Tengfei group is almost finished. They all have to rely on the blood transfusion of Daewoo Group to save their lives. How can they get rid of Daewoo Group?

"This..." Listening to Mou Guangying's question, Zhao Qianyi couldn't help looking bitter: "my contact said that Zhuang Jianye, chairman and CEO of Tengfei group, was directly responsible for our team, so So... "

"So what!" Mou Guangying is worried.

"So he didn't know what Zhuang would do."

After hearing this, Mou Guangying's face full of hope was immediately replaced by disappointment. Seeing this, Zhao Qianyi quickly added: "the man said that they knew a lot. They made Tengfei group look like this with their own strength. Their ability is rare in the world..."

"Ha ha ~ ~" before Zhao Qianyi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mou Guangying's bitter sneer: "it's really rare in the world. It's hard to make a good aviation manufacturing enterprise's life hanging on the line. In my opinion, Zhuang's ability is not big, but too big."

"Well We... " Of course, Zhao Qianyi understands Mou Guangying's meaning. Obviously, Tengfei group is not reliable. In this case, of course, he has to make up his mind to the leader of the team in front of him.

Mou Guangying frowned and her eyes flickered. Just as she was about to say something, the door of the office was knocked. Mou Guangying quickly stopped talking and let the people outside come in.

Soon, a beautiful Korean female staff member in a professional suit pushed the door in and saw Mou Guangying and Zhao Qianyi bowing and saying, "Mr. Mou, Mr. Zhao, just received the instruction from president Jin, inviting you two and their backbones to attend the group's major strategic adjustment conference at Seoul International Airport at 3 p.m.!"

"Major strategic adjustments?" Mou Guangying and Zhao Qianyi both look at each other and see their surprise from each other's eyes.