Chapter 1071

This leader from the engineering army was really surprised. You know, he was one of the builders of this underground ammunition depot.

It's clear what happened to this abandoned underground ammunition depot.

At that time, it was still the honeymoon period between China and the Soviet Union, so the Soviet Union gave a lot of help in preparing for the construction of this ammunition depot. The steel, cement and technical details of the construction all came from the Soviet Union. In the process of construction, the Soviet Union's engineering experts gave full guidance.

Because of this, the protection level of this underground ammunition depot was extremely high. According to the words of Soviet experts at that time, no weapon could break such a solid defense if it was not for the direct hit of a 100000 ton equivalent nuclear bomb.

Therefore, the ammunition depot has become an important logistics node to support the garrison troops and Construction Corps in the inland border areas, and even once served as an important supply base for the two bombs and one satellite project in China.

However, with the deterioration of Sino Soviet relations at the end of the 1960s, even at one point, the underground ammunition depot, which was built by the Soviet Union, was completely controlled by the Soviet Union from the inside to the outside, which naturally became unsafe. In addition, the Soviet Union was always waving nuclear sticks and shouting about the so-called surgical nuclear strike. What should we do if you lose a 100000 ton equivalent nuclear bomb one day?

Based on this factor, even if they were reluctant to give up, the headquarters at that time abandoned the underground ammunition depot and built another underground ammunition depot in a more secret place.

But even so, the defense capability of the new ammunition depot is not much higher than that of the abandoned one. There is no way to say that what the Soviet Union took out at that time was really useless.

Cement is a kind of special cement that can resist heavy bombs, and the steel used is also armor steel that can resist armor piercing bombs.

In addition, the Soviet Union's unique design based on its defense experience in World War II shows that its defense capability is just right. Even today, its defense capability is not outdated at all.

If it had not been for the Sino Soviet feud in the 1960s, and the Soviets had a clear grasp of the exact location, engineering structure, various outlets and weak points of this underground ammunition depot, the troops would have never given up such a good thing.

However, it is such a strong fortress that a leader of the engineering army never forgets, and its defense is still not outdated. How could it be easily penetrated and directly destroyed by a dzb-1500 air launched cruise missile falling from the sky?

That's the top defense fortification that can withstand the attack of small nuclear bombs of less than 100000 tons. How could it be destroyed by a conventional air launched cruise missile?

Yes, there's really no residue left.

As soon as the smoke of gunpowder dispersed, the lens of the picture moved forward quickly, and soon came to the center of the explosion. Immediately, everyone on the scene saw a scene that they would never forget. The ground was like a 10 magnitude earthquake, and the whole collapsed, leaving only a big pit with a diameter of about 50 meters on the ground.

Seeing this scene, not to mention the leader of the engineering force, even the head of the headquarters was stunned, but the next moment he turned to look at a leader of the second artillery, pointed to the collapsed underground ammunition depot on the screen and asked, "can your fixed silo be blocked?"


The leader of the Second Artillery opened his mouth, but he mumbled for a long time. He didn't say a word. The reason was very simple, because he was not sure whether the fixed silo could hold it.

You should know that it is not necessary to put the launching well directly from the well cover, and it is the same to throw the launching well from the side into the ground.

It's just that before the appearance of the earth penetrating bomb, the defense of the underground part was enough. If you really want to encounter a nuclear strike, you can't help it. Who let the nuclear bomb belong to the big killer that destroys the sky, the earth and the air? At that time, if you really fight hard to throw the nuclear bomb on the other party's head, you'll end up with GG. There's no war damage ratio to calculate. Anyway, it's the destruction of the earth, Who cares.

But special ammunition such as dzb-1500 air launched cruise missile, which is specially used to attack underground solid targets, is different.

They all belong to conventional weapons in any way. They do not have the shackles of nuclear weapons. They can really use whatever posture they want. They can never be blind when they can move.

What's more, conventional weapons strike will control the intensity of war in the aspect of conventional war. Even if you hit your underground silo and fix the nuclear bomb depot, it's also a routine operation.

If you can't afford to use nuclear weapons, I'm sorry, you will be greatly reduced morally and legally. If you add the promise of "no first use of nuclear weapons", you will be totally passive.

This is why, after the U.S. deployed the GBU-28 in Europe, the Russians abandoned the so-called principle of not being the first to use nuclear weapons and began to advocate the so-called preemptive nuclear weapons strategy.

Ostensibly, it is aimed at the so-called extremism, but in fact, it is just an unsymmetrical strain made by our own conventional forces, which can not withstand the strong advantages of the Americans.

Otherwise, the Americans will use stealth fighters and electronic warfare planes to secretly send some ground penetrating missiles to your missile silos and knock down several long-range missile positions like ground squirrels.You mean a nuclear strike?

The Americans use conventional weapons.

You said it was a conventional war, but it was your strategic missile.

If you want to use nuclear weapons, you are not bound to use nuclear weapons first; if you want to use conventional weapons, you are not as good as the Americans, and you can't gnaw at each other's underground silos, what can you do? I can only throw away my old face. How can I be shameless.

The problem is that Russia can be shameless, but not at home. After all, the primary task at home is to develop its economy and enhance its comprehensive national strength. To put it bluntly, it is to do business with the whole world and make a small profit. Therefore, a moderate nuclear policy is beneficial to the country's long-term development.

However, a moderate policy does not mean that you have to be submissive when implementing it. If a conventional weapon can threaten the cornerstone of underground fixed silos, even if the policy is not changed, the corresponding equipment configuration, supporting facilities and defense system should also be changed accordingly. You can't put the muzzle of your gun on your head, and you have to act as if nothing happened. It's not stupid Bad.

"Chief, I admit that we underestimate the power of new types of ammunition such as ground penetrating bullets." After a long silence, the leader of the Second Artillery finally mustered up the courage and said in a deep voice, "but we are also confident in ensuring the defense capability of the Great Wall project."

"The promise won't work!" The head of the headquarters is no nonsense: "it's mules and horses that always slip away."

Then he looked at Zhuang Jianye: "you have 1000 missiles, right?"

"Yes Zhuang Jianye nodded quickly.

"Give me four to try the fineness first!" As soon as Zhuang Jianye's voice fell, the head of the headquarters dropped a word and turned to leave. When Zhuang Jianye reflected that other army leaders had already left, Zhuang Jianye quickly grabbed the confidential secretary of the head of the headquarters who was behind: "do you think I have a big event?"

Confidential secretary nodded sincerely: "it's absolutely a big event. I advise you to tell your family that you may not be able to go back in the next month."

"Ah ~ ~"

"don't, please sign this confidentiality agreement quickly and follow me after signing it." The confidential secretary is also very resolute. He took a document to Zhuang Jianye directly. When Zhuang Jianye saw it, he felt a little dizzy. He couldn't help it. The four words "Great Wall Project" on the document really made him dizzy