Chapter 1154

In fact, it's not just the big leaders who are suspicious of this issue. Many leaders and leaders, including the big leaders in the army, are very concerned about this issue.

What does it mean to get off the plane in three days?

It means that the production capacity has reached a surprising level, and the outbreak of production capacity means that the number of aircraft production has greatly increased, which means that a country's war potential is very huge.

How did the Soviets crush the Germans during World War II? It's not only the bravery of the army, but also the explosion of weapons and equipment capacity that killed the Germans.

For example, after the end of the Kursk war, the experience summed up by the Soviets was very simple and crude. As long as one side has 300 more tanks and 200 more combat aircraft than the other side, the more side will win.

Because of this, after the end of World War II, the production capacity of weapons and equipment became the ultimate goal pursued by all countries. Especially in the field of aerospace, due to the high threshold and great technical difficulty, it has always been the short board of weapon equipment production capacity. Especially with the rapid iteration of aircraft and spacecraft, the requirements for technology, personnel and equipment are becoming more and more professional, which makes it very difficult to improve the production capacity in some processes and production.

Besides, which aircraft and spacecraft do not use carbon fiber composites? If there is no automatic wire laying machine, the carbon fiber materials will be stacked by hand layer by layer, just like a mason, to form an aircraft frame.

It will take at least two or three months. This is the level that skilled workers can achieve. It's just that they can't even think fast. But the production and manufacturing of automatic wire laying machine are basically controlled by developed countries such as Europe and the United States. The high-end people don't sell it, and the low-end ones are useless, because they can only be used in small aircraft or light aircraft. When it comes to sensitivity, people will lock up the equipment through the built-in GPS positioning system, so that you can't use it.

This is why, after the end of World War II, the Soviet Union was able to expand its production capacity crazily. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, the production capacity of third-generation aircraft, large civil aircraft and even large transport aircraft, which once dominated the world, gradually fell behind the pace.

Because in the past, the simple and crude production mode of the Soviet Union was no longer suitable for the increasingly sophisticated aviation and aerospace production.

Back at home, the domestic aerospace industry is still adept at learning that set. So in the 1960s and 1970s, when the first generation aircraft such as the J-5 and J-6 were produced with relatively low complexity, they could still use scale to explode their talents. When the second generation aircraft such as the J-7 and J-8 were produced with relatively complex complexity, the marginal scale reached the limit, and there was a bottleneck in their production capacity.

When yun-9 and hong-6 are changed, they are more complex, require more technology, and the production capacity will drop to the bottom. It is often one or even two months before an aircraft can be produced.

Nevertheless, such a low production capacity can keep all supporting manufacturers and assembly plants busy. It's OK in peacetime. If the factories are attacked in wartime, such a poor production capacity is likely to be directly interrupted, which will make China lose the wartime production capacity of transport aircraft and bombers.

This is the problem that big leaders have been worried about. When he heard that Tengfei group could assemble a plane in three days, he was more curious than shocked.

I can't help my inner impulse to see how Tengfei group can do it.

You should know that the one in three days mentioned by Zhuang Jianye is not an ordinary small aircraft or light aircraft. It is a yun-18nb transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 125 tons. It can not help carrying a load of more than 30 tons, realizing all territory transportation, and can become an excellent aerial tanker through rapid modification.

Even after probably, can have certain bomber function.

In terms of technology, capability and performance, it is far more than one or two months to produce one yun-8. In this case, it is conceivable that Tengfei group can produce such a complex aircraft in three days. Strategic assistance to the country will be fundamental.

Among other things, once there is a military struggle along the southeast coast, aviation equipment will suffer huge losses. If there are several assembly lines in China where Tengfei group can produce a large aircraft in three days, wartime replenishment will no longer be a problem.

So as soon as the voice of the big leader came down, the big leader in the army immediately gave up the idea of leaving immediately and faced Zhuang Jianye.

More directly, he said, "let's have a look. This time we come here, to put it bluntly, we want to see your family background. China's take-off is a pilot of our future reform in the aerospace industry. We can't give it to those who have no skills. If we have any good ones, we can take them out. If we are hiding choking and influencing our decision-making and judgment, we will lose more than just, The development of your enterprise is more likely to be the great development of the whole industry. "

"Well." As soon as the big leader of the army's voice dropped, he nodded his approval, and then said more directly: "Xiaozhuang, we are not hiding from you. We are really going to set up a large enterprise production consortium with Chinese prefix, which covers two major fields of aviation and aerospace. However, whether it is China's take-off or China's something depends on the specific situation of the enterprise. If you take-off, you can set up a large enterprise production consortium If the group can work, it will be handed over to you Tengfei group; if any other group has stronger ability, it will be handed over to other enterprises to set up. In a word, how much ability it has, how much responsibility it has.So, you should count these things in your mind! "

Sure, Zhuang Jianye knows it in his mind. The two leaders have all said that. If Zhuang Jianye doesn't have to force him to count, he might as well kill the tofu.

Other Zhuang Jianye dare not say that one of his family members is one. As long as he is in the field of aerospace, he is not afraid of anyone, because many of his friends' products are specially made for them by Tengfei group.

What's more, Tengfei group's unique style in everything can be worse?

Therefore, the occasion is wrong. Otherwise, Zhuang Jianye, who is in full bloom, will follow the big leader's move!

Of course, even without folowme, Zhuang Jianye took the two leaders to workshop zero with the fastest speed and the most respectful way, and then entered the largest aircraft production workshop of Tengfei group from the front door. Then he pointed to the equipment in production on one side and introduced: "old chief, our newly developed nb-8600 five axis CNC skin milling machine of Tengfei group Bed is currently the most advanced large-scale skin processing equipment in China