Chapter 1184

Wahid had to be terrified because the moment Zhuang Jianye showed his Chinese passport, it meant that his many plans and arrangements here had all failed. If you don't say it, it was a complete joke.

Don't you think China's power can't be extended in the past? Unable to influence the situation in East Timor? Can't you just take the money?

But now, they have not only sent large transport planes, but also carried a medium-sized transport helicopter. The most important thing is that they have already begun to carry out the mission in East Timor.

The only thing that gratified Wahid was that the so-called "non-governmental organizations" sent by Tengfei group and Qiongzhou airlines this time proved that they had not really done everything. At least they left face for Indonesia. But on the other hand, they also served as a warning to such Indonesian elites as Wahid. If they continue to struggle, "non-governmental organizations" and "military organizations" are not the same The boundaries of "organization" began to blur.

If civil aviation cargo aircraft and rescue helicopter want to become military transport aircraft and armed helicopter, it is really as simple as changing a coat.

How dare Indonesia play?

The answer is obvious, of course, is not dare to play, otherwise Australia so blatantly in the name of the United Nations peacekeeping forces to maintain a military presence in East Timor, Indonesia how dare not even fart?

Are Australians good?

Of course not. It's in the sea off East Timor, where a big country, together with some European aircraft carriers and amphibious attack ships, cruises unscrupulously to help their little Australian brothers. What can you do if Indonesia doesn't recognize them? Does it really attract a foreign power to intervene?

The loss will only be greater!

After all, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is controlled by a big country outside the region, has made it clear earlier when it provided Indonesia with a rescue loan that it does not care how the money in the loan is used. However, Indonesia must guarantee that it can not invest any money in the national aviation industry group of Indonesia.

This is tantamount to breaking the process of Indonesia's national modernization from the root.

After being cut a wave of leeks, Wahid and many other Indonesian elites didn't talk about it, but they were very frustrated. If not, why did Wahid and others go north to China and try to get some benefits from China by inciting nationalism?

It's not that I've been forced to be helpless and desperate!

Originally, I thought that China's strength is not enough to support long-distance power delivery. I saw that their small tricks can only suffer from dumb losses, but I didn't think that if they only moved two enterprises, they would have done it. If they used national strength

Wahid is afraid to think about it any more, because he can clearly foresee the end of the national aviation industry group of Indonesia. There is no other way but to die.

Because the only country in the world that can give Indonesia access to external funds without any cost does not exist.

Without the national aviation industry group of Indonesia, Indonesia can only sink in the developing countries. When it develops to a certain extent, it is bound by the ceiling that can not be broken through, and then it begins to roll in tragically

Aware of this, Wahid could not care about the mess on the ground. He felt dizzy, so he had to fall over. Fortunately, Suharto's quick eyes and quick hands helped Wahid, which did not let this Indonesian industrial legend encounter an accident.

But Rao is so. Seeing that the future of Indonesia's industry is bleak, Wahid is still sad and tears flow down his eyes unconsciously.

However, when Wahid felt that everything was a foregone conclusion and there was no future to speak of, the words of Zhuang Jianye standing on the release platform in the TV set made Wahid vaguely catch a different wind direction.

"Which media are you?" Zhuang Jianye asked with an eyebrow on the stage.

A white woman reporter quickly stood up and answered with a loud voice: "I'm Haley, a reporter from ABC Radio in China in Australia..." As if it was not enough just to repeat her identity, the female reporter repeated the question: "just now, Mr. Zhuang said that this" peace ferry "operation is a genuine humanitarian rescue operation. In this case, why can only people holding Chinese passports get free services, not people from other countries?

As far as I know, there is a seriously injured Australian pilot in the temporary airport of East Timor who is in urgent need of help from rescue helicopters. However, your company has offered us $10 million for rescue expenses. Shouldn't rescuing the wounded and dying be the industry standard of all kinds of rescue organizations? Why take off rescue is an exception? And is this double standard the so-called humanitarianism that your country insists on? "

Heili, a female journalist, is not so much asking questions as questioning, and the big hats are one after another. There's no way. It's really the double standard made by the take-off rescue in East Timor. It's really cruel.

If you have the exact identification, you can eat, drink and entertain. You can do whatever you want.

No, it's as far as you can go. If you want to use it, you can get the money first.

Z-13 rescue helicopter: 2 million US dollars for ordinary sorties; 1 million US dollars for ventilator; 1 million US dollars for CPR; 2 million US dollars for sedatives and aviation syringes.Plus stretcher use fee, vacancy fee, personnel handling fee, nursing fee, fuel fee, depreciation fee

You can't even use the $18 million that goes down the river. But even so, the rescue team doesn't have to give you priority, because people have to finish their work before they can consider coming to help.

How could the overbearing Australians have received such double standard treatment? At that time, the commander of the Australian peacekeeping force in the United Nations, Col. curt, gave up his job and went straight to the United Nations to make a theory. As a result, the rescue people were very polite. They told Col. curt to add another 10 million dollars and they would do it.

Either take the money or go away, choose one of the two!

To tell you the truth, at that time, Col. curt really wanted to take off with his gun. All the rescuers burst out, but looking at the four tnb-18f cargo planes in the distance, he stifled it.

Suddenly, it's cool. But the military transport plane, the cargo plane, is tossing around Australia. Can they stand it in Australia?

However, it was too difficult to let off steam, so Col. curt simply poked it to the media, hoping to use public opinion to put pressure on it or to denounce it. Anyway, it could not make Tengfei group feel better.

Heili was instructed by the top management of the station to wait for Zhuang Jianye to hold a press conference. When Zhuang Jianye began to ask questions freely, she was the first to grab the microphone and fire a gun. As a result, people didn't understand her at all, so she had to say it again with anger.

What surprised Haley was that her questioning did not embarrass Zhuang Jianye on stage. Instead, she got a very contemptuous smile: "the standards that run through the commercial society are actually recognized as double standards by a fakenews organization.

Well, I'll admit we're double, so what? If you have the ability, you can also send a rescue helicopte