Chapter 1274

"What the two sheet metal forming production lines are manufacturing is the middle wing body fusion body of the beginner 6max trainer produced by China Tengfei for the Nigerian air force. The material is high-strength aluminum lithium alloy, and the integrated forming technology created by China Tengfei is adopted. The efficiency is five times higher than the traditional manufacturing process, and the cost is three times lower, The collective life span has increased by 2 times... "

Just when balotov and others were surprised to see the production scenes of the two production lines, they didn't know what to say, Zhuang Jianye slowly introduced the products produced by the two production lines.

Elementary 6max, an improved version of elementary 6pro, is the main product of China's take-off in recent years. It is also the top selling product in the military category of take-off.

On the one hand, 6pro is the pioneer of turboprop aircraft simulator, which greatly reduces the user's cost and training time.

On the other hand, it is China's flexible and changeable way of sales. After all, chujiao 6pro is only a single engine turboprop aircraft, and dismantling the weapon system is also a sports aircraft with good performance.

Because of this, China Tengfei can list it as a civil aircraft and sell it in the name of aviation sports equipment.

In the early days, Myanmar imported 36 6-pro from Tengfei group.

After that, Thailand adjusted the training mode of Air Force Trainer and imported 48 upgraded 6max from China.

The three-level teaching system of the Thai Air Force was formed from the original "fan jet" and t-37 junior trainer, T-38 intermediate trainer, and F-5 two seat model, which was formally replaced by the two-level teaching system of 6max and F-5 two seat model.

To this end, the Thai Air Force will save about $160 million annually in maintenance costs.

What's more, the chujiao 6max purchased by Thailand belongs to the enhanced version of this series. It not only has perfect avionics equipment, but also strengthens the ground attack power. The external weight reaches 1.5 tons. In addition to conventional bombs and rockets, it can also cooperate with the ground attack pod to use a series of laser guided bombs such as dzb-250 developed by China Tengfei, So it becomes one of the few attack platforms that can launch precision guided weapons in the world.

Of course, the capability of chujiao 6max is very weak for regional powers. After all, chujiao 6max is just a propeller plane, and its speed and range are limited, so it is difficult to cope with modern air defense system.

Therefore, they are not allowed to enter the eyes of these countries at all.

However, in Southeast Asia, Africa, central and South America and other developing countries and even less developed countries and regions, 6max has a very broad market.

Because the main threat of these countries is not competition among countries, but more to deal with domestic rebellion and anti-government forces. The use of F-16 and Su-25 jets is obviously a big gun to attack mosquitoes. It's not cost-effective. Let alone, these countries can't afford it.

Chujiao 6 series is different. It has low maintenance cost, and it is also strong and durable. It is very suitable for these countries to attack their own anti-government forces.

As for the problem of air defense that regional powers are worried about, these countries are not worried at all. For the anti-government armed forces whose light weapons are AK and heavy weapons are RPG, they do not know what air defense weapons look like and what are the threats?

Therefore, these countries holding the 6 series of primary education are totally abusive.

For this purpose, the Nigerian air force just took off from China last month and ordered 12 primaries 6max.

Of course, in order to obtain recognition and orders from countries such as Nigeria and Myanmar, besides suitable performance, price is also a crucial factor. Otherwise, no matter how good things are, these countries will not touch them because they can't afford to buy them.

In this regard, China's take-off is really the king of cost performance.

The low allocation of primary education 6pro is only 1.88 million US dollars; The high-end 6max is only $2.88 million.

The price is not as cheap as it is, but it's about making the trainer of this level a cabbage price. You should know that the lowest cost of the same level aircraft in other countries is 5 million US dollars, and the high cost of China's take-off is less than 3 million US dollars, which is unthinkable to the aviation manufacturers of other countries.

Among other things, the cost of the high-performance turboprop engine they use is more than $1 million. Combined with other complex manufacturing processes and labor costs, they can't reduce the cost to less than $3 million in any case.

However, China's take-off has made this impossible possible.

So much so that these six series almost swept across Africa and Southeast Asia.

Although the purchase quantity of each country is not much, and even some countries only have single digits, the number of countries that can't afford to buy is much, which virtually increases the total number. So far, China Tengfei's orders for the 6 series of chujiao have reached as high as 80, with a total of 247 delivered and a sales revenue of US $680 million.The amount is not too large, at least the tycoons despise it; But it's not small. At least the third and fourth tier aviation manufacturers are still very envious. However, they can't do China's take-off in terms of strength, they can only do it.

So they have no choice but to point out that the labor cost of a big country in the East is too low. Otherwise, how can they explain that the price of the 6 series of chujiao is so low and at the same time they can get huge profits?

Is it not China's take-off that squeezes the sweat and blood of workers and makes its own industry?

Naturally, Russia has a similar view. We should know that Russia, whose economy is collapsing, is obsessed with money and never picky about food. It has completely achieved the goal that the meat of mosquito legs is also beyond the realm of protein.

It has long been noticed that this kind of propeller aircraft is well sold in the underdeveloped areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Seeing that the Chinese people have made a fortune, how can Lao maozi sit? It's just a propeller plane. Lao Tzu had fun flying when he was in World War II.

As a result, the poor brothers of Asia, Africa and Latin America didn't even look at it and rushed to the 6 series of primary education.

The reason is very simple. The Russian made products, which cost 3.5 million US dollars, are still more expensive than those made in China. In the eyes of the Asian African Latin American poor brothers, it doesn't matter how good they are, but expensive is the original sin of everything.

So Lao maozi's plane was in a mess. He not only didn't make any money, but also lost everything.

Because of this, some Russian manufacturers, together with the aviation enterprises of other countries, often denounce the labor cost of a big country in the East. They always feel that this is the reason why they can't beat China to take off.

Before he came to China to take off, balotov also believed that China's competitiveness in taking off was more due to the demographic dividend of a big country in the east than technology.

However, when he saw the two wing body integrated production lines in the sheet metal forming workshop, he suddenly found out how ridiculous his previous idea was. The profound meaning of China's take-off is the sea of people tactics, which is clearly technology crushing